If you want to choose the most unlucky superhero in the elimination of tyrants.

Probably a generation of ant man hank PIM.

He himself, plus his newly found wife and his dear daughter.

With a snap of fingers, it directly becomes a family bucket luxury package and turns into flying ash.

Scott, the cheap son-in-law's second-generation ant man, narrowly escaped. By the way, his daughter was fine.

This weird random probability and luck problem!

"You mean, an alien named mieba came to the earth and robbed... What infinite gemstones, then put them on his gloves and snap his fingers, and then the population of the earth was reduced by half?"

Scott was emotionally unstable. He kept pacing back and forth on the roof like an anxiety disorder.

In fact, it's hard for anyone to calm down when they hear such bad news.

As soon as I opened and closed my eyes, I found that the female ticket was gone, and my father-in-law and mother-in-law also hung up.

Who can stand it!

"Correctly speaking, it is the population of the whole universe."

Luke straightened up.

"This is unscientific! Why do you have to snap your fingers? Can't you stamp your feet and wave your hands? Also, why do you have to eliminate the population? For the alien civilization entering the interstellar era, the Malthusian trap should not exist by reason! And I heard that there is a control method called 'family planning' in the East, which can be effective..."

Scott began to enter the crazy mode of chatter. His mouth was like a firecracker, constantly spitting out all kinds of words.

This is some kind of stress response.

This kind of performance will occur when the psychology or physiology is greatly stimulated.

Of course, for ordinary people, they tend to be more direct.

For example, fainted.

"Mr. Lang, you have so many questions that I don't know which one to answer first."

Luke interrupted helplessly.

He can understand the mood of the second generation of ants.

But the other party is about to be incoherent.

It seems that the destruction of the female ticket family has dealt a great blow to Scott.

"Besides, you can't expect to destroy a Titan, be familiar with the population theory of earth civilization, and know what Malthusian traps and family planning are."

Luke pressed the second generation ant man's shoulder to stop him from jumping left and right.

In fact, the so-called "Malthus trap" refers to the classical theory that "population growth increases in geometric progression, while living resources only increase in arithmetic progression, the more increased population will always be eliminated in some way, and the population can not exceed the corresponding level of agricultural development".

It was originally proposed by an English priest named Malthus.

He believes that excessive population expansion will lead to competition for resources, leading to war and destruction.

This coincides with the idea that mieba adheres to. That purple potato essence also believes that the rapid increase of the cosmic population will produce all kinds of contradictions and problems.

So, using the infinite gloves of six gemstones to wipe out half of life at random has become the best way to avoid disaster - of course, this is only in his opinion.

If you want to solve problems in a rough way once and for all, you can only taste the bitter fruit.

And do not evaluate whether the random extinction of half the population of the universe violates the humanitarian spirit.

You know, when Malthus put forward his population theory, the industrial revolution had not yet come.

Therefore, his view has the limitations of the times.

He did not know that the subsequent technological explosion made mankind turn from an agricultural society to an industrial civilization with roaring machines.

Malthus's prediction did not come true, or even the opposite.

According to statistics, the phenomenon of low fertility in developed areas is often more serious.

The amount of living resources is no longer a shackle restricting population growth.

If mieba had a deeper understanding of earth civilization, he would probably understand that simply erasing life can not end the Malthusian trap.

Because the population will always grow. When it approaches the critical point, do you have to snap your fingers again?

Compared with the brutal way of eliminating hegemony, family planning and real estate economy are the real way to regulate the population.

"Kathy! By the way, Kathy, is she okay?"

After talking to himself for a long time, Scott suddenly thought of his daughter.

If hank PIM's family is gone, it will be erased by mieba's fingers.

Isn't it possible that his lovely daughter, naughty Kathy

"I've confirmed before I came. Your little princess is lucky not to be the one who disappeared."

Luke let out a voice to appease.

"Mr. Lang, we'll let you meet your daughter later, but before that, we need your help - no, the earth needs your help."

Scott took a deep breath when he saw the stranger's serious tone, as did the captain of the United States standing next to him and other Avengers.

He tried to adjust his mood and asked curiously, "I'm just a small person. What can I do for you..."

"Mr. Lang, how long have you been in the quantum field?"

Luke asked directly.

"A few, just a few minutes. About a minute and a half."

Scott, a second-generation ant, scratched his head and replied uncertainly.

At first he thought it was hope and Hank's prank, trying to scare himself.

I didn't expect that when he came back, there were no people.

It's like another world!

"In fact, more than nine hours have passed since mieba snapped his fingers."

Luke's mouth tilted slightly, bringing the second generation of ant people and Avengers into his rhythm.

"In other words, the micro universe in the quantum field is actually different from the time flow rate of the real world."

"If we can find a way to collect the infinite gemstones before mieba rings his fingers, then return to the current point in time and ring his fingers again, maybe we can bring everyone back! Completely rewrite the ending!"

Scott frowned slightly and listened carefully.

He has a master's degree in electrical engineering and follows hank PIM to learn how to be an excellent ant man.

So I quickly understood what Luke wanted to say.


After thinking for a long time, Scott thumbed up and choked out the word.

"It's really feasible. It's the only way to save the situation. But we need top talents and a time shuttle machine. It can't be done with a few blows of a hammer!"

Luke heard the speech and waved back.

Wearing a sweater and a sweater, Bruce Banner came over with a strong sense of scholar.

"We already have one of the best talents in the world. The next thing to do is to pick up another genius."

Luke's confidence in Bruce Banner is a little more than the latter's confidence in himself.

The only pity for him is that he probably didn't see banner turn into a hulk.

I've beaten Thor once. If you add Huck who is not angry enough, this time-space trip is perfect.

When Luke introduced banner, the captain of the United States also came over.

Before he said anything, Scott, a fan brother, grabbed each other's palm.

"Captain Rogers, meet you again! You know, since the last time I broke up at the airport in Germany, I often saw it on TV..."

During the civil war of the avenger alliance, the second generation ant people were in the same camp as the captain of the United States. They could be regarded as acquaintances.

I have to sigh that the fans of Captain America are everywhere.

There were former s.h.i.e.l.d. agent Colson and later the second generation ant Scott.

In addition, Falcon and spider man can form a football team.

"Scott, please this time! Dr. PIM has been... Erased. No one knows the complete formula of PIM particles except him."

The captain of the United States showed perfect leadership, which is his greatest strength.

"The PIM particle on you is our only and last hope!"

"No problem, it's on me!"

Scott patted his chest and said.

Get away from Luke, shake his head and laugh.

It's fantastic to compete with Captain America for the position of leader in the universe where Superman never existed.

Each other's personality charm and leader aura are enough to crush any superhero.

Even the same old iron man, it is difficult to compare with it.

"Fortunately, the American captain of any universe is always willing to listen to others."

Luke thought silently.

This needs to be replaced by Batman on the set next door. Let alone take advice, there may not be even a bit of trust.

That's a guy who takes everyone as a suspect and never takes off his guard.

"So, is the next step to save Tony?"

Captain America looked at Luke with his arms around his chest and asked softly.

"That's right. But before that, you have to welcome a new member."

Luke raised his chin. His super vision caught a small black spot breaking into the atmosphere.

That's captain surprise!

Carol Danvers!