Not long after Casillas left the no door bar, the supreme mage chose his successor. The news spread all over the magic world like wings.

This is equivalent to the CEO of the world's top enterprises preparing to retire. He does not intend to find the right person from the management, but openly recruit from the outside world.

For a moment, it was a sensation.

Whether true or false for the time being, its temptation alone is enough to make people crazy.

All the mages who have a little knowledge of the magic world and have heard of the three sanctuaries and Kama Taj are eager to try, as if they see an unprecedented precious opportunity.

Whether competent or unqualified.

Anyway, you won't lose if you try. Therefore, most people are looking forward to the beginning of the battle for hegemony of the supreme mage with the fluke of "what if they are elected".

It's like buying a lottery. Before the lottery, no one can be completely sure that they won or didn't win.

For outsiders who don't know the inside story and have no power to manipulate.

The final result is like the poor cat in Schrodinger's box, always in an unknown state.

So when the message is detonated.

Even those third rate mages who are at the bottom, have only learned some Gypsy divination tricks and rely on playing tricks to make a living.

They are also gearing up. It seems that they can't wait to show their skills, get the recognition of emperor Weishan, become the supreme mage and climb to the peak of life

Recently, the best-selling public magic books are no longer the best-selling books with the color of success or the nature of stories, such as master's Study Guide: three years of introduction and five years of success, how the Dharma Master was refined, master, devil and dog.

Instead, it became the calling ceremony: the story that Mephisto and I had to tell, the self-study of witchcraft, and dealing with the devil, a hundred precautions.

These names look very frightening, and most of the content is not nutritious books.

What they have in common is that they all have a gimmick of "quick success" and "shortcut".

It seems that as long as you read it, you can hang the dimension demon God in less than a week.

Unfortunately, as Luke said, there is no quick shortcut to the road of mages - hanging ratio is not in the discussion.

Those guys who always want to ascend the sky step by step often end up being cheap. Those professional swindlers who harvest souls - the devil.

Of course, there are very few European emperors who step on dog shit.

For example, domam in the dark dimension.

This guy used to be an unknown wizard and accidentally found the dark dimension.

By chance, he became the ruler.

After this past spread, a large group of mages were keen to adventure in strange dimensional worlds, and greatly enriched the recipes and appetites of creatures in different dimensions.

In a word, the battle for hegemony of the supreme mage is about to begin.

As soon as this amazing news was released, it firmly attracted a lot of attention and heat.

Many planets outside the earth have received messages, opening, betting, waiting, analyzing the final winner

All kinds of good people came out to join the fun and participated in the event in different ways.

As the focus of attention, Kara Taj remained silent, neither made a statement nor made any action.

"Lao Wang, do you have any tips for growing your hair? I feel that my hair has fallen off so fast recently."

Strange grabbed the back of his head, with thin strands of hair between his fingers.

As a doctor, he thinks he has a healthy work and rest, a reasonable diet and never stays up late.

Sleep for eight hours every day and actively exercise. The family has no genetic history of baldness and bald head.

It's impossible to lose hair!

Have you been under too much pressure recently?

"If I had, would it be like this?"

Lao Wang felt offended and said dully.

His shiny bald head was very obvious in the sun.

"I just think you easterners may have some unusual but effective tricks in everything."

Strange smiled.

He is a little worried about himself. When he is middle-aged, he will be extremely smart, or the place is surrounded by the center - the Mediterranean hairstyle.

Isn't that very damaging to the image.

Before he came to Kama Taj, strange was at least a low profile version of Tony Stark, an unruly prodigal son in love.

If you become bald, you really can only become a monk in this life.

"I suggest you ask that... Superman. He always knows everything. He is a big man who can talk and laugh with master Gu Yi."

Lao Wang looked at the fast-moving strange in heavy armor and lamented the magic of Luke.

After nearly a week of hard training, strange, who was originally a little thin, became more burly, and his arms bulged with strong muscles like hills.

In appearance, it looks like a crazy soldier of Asgard.

Just two days ago, in the daily training class of Kamata Taj, trange beat a middle-level mage with his bare hands and fell to the ground.

The other party's several spells did not penetrate the defense of the special heavy armor.

Such achievements undoubtedly gave trange great confidence and prompted him to continue running on the road of "melee mage" with unknown future.

It also shows that Superman's training is indeed effective.

"What? Hair loss?"

A few minutes later, Luke, who stayed in the room and played online games with sol, was a little surprised.

He glanced at strange in front of him and thought to himself: could it be that the other party really wants to become a fist mage?

"Cough, well, Steven, have you read the Old Testament?"

Luke cleared his throat when he felt strange's hot eyes.

"Er, No. I'm not a religious person and I don't know much about relevant knowledge."

Strange shook his head. He used to believe in Franklin, that is, money, but now believes in the trinity of VisANT.

None of them has anything to do with God.

"Well, there's a story in the Old Testament, Eliza - he's a Hebrew prophet."

"One day, when he was walking on the road, a group of naughty children laughed at his baldness."

"So Eliza secretly cursed the children in the name of the Lord. Suddenly, two female bears ran out of the forest and killed the children."

"Tell me, Steven, what have you learned from this story?"

When he heard the question, strange looked confused and puzzled.

Then, thinking carefully, it seems to suddenly realize.

"Do you mean to say that maliciously slandering others is actually a sin and will be punished?"

He replied.

"Wrong. I mean, Eliza was ridiculed by children because of her baldness, but the LORD did not solve his problem, but the ridiculer."

Luke looked positive and read it carefully.

"This proves that even the omniscient and Almighty Lord cannot save baldness."


Strange was speechless.

"I'm not bald yet."

He murmured.

Luke glanced at the thinning hair and said in a sympathetic tone, "strange, it's sooner or later."

"What should I do?"

Strange was a little flustered.

In middle age, increasing age and reducing hair are two inevitable pains.

"Well, if you can't refuse, try to accept."

Luke shrugged and encouraged, "bald head is a symbol of strength. I ask you, strange, does Master Gu Yi have hair?"

The latter shook his head.

"Does the first Supreme mage agomoto have hair?"

The latter continued to shake his head.

"That's right. Anyone who wants to become a supreme mage must pay a painful price. Maybe hair is one of them."

Seeing Luke's promise, strange was half convinced.

On the one hand, reason told him that being a supreme mage might have nothing to do with whether he was bald or not.

But on the other hand, when I think of the previous two generations and consider my hair loss, I vaguely look forward to it.

What if this is some kind of enlightenment?

Master Gu Yi once said that he was destined.

Is it true that I am suffering from the path of the supreme mage?

"Steven, put aside your concerns about baldness. It's time for us to go to New York."

Luke patted each other on the shoulder and ignored the tangled psychology of the guy who abandoned the medical law.

"Two days later, the first introductory game will begin."

"We should go to the battlefield and get ready."

Strange was stunned and asked, "New York?"

"That's right."

Luke picked up a curve in the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Steven, back to the original starting point."