Dream dimension is a strange world.

It exists in people's subconscious mind. Only those who know how to get the soul out of the body and throw out the spiritual body can enter.

Most dimensional worlds have masters.

It seems that the ruler of the dark dimension is domam and the ruler of the crimson universe is satorak.

The dream dimension, whose owner is called nightmares, is also a powerful demon God.

Its ability is probably the infinitely enlarged version of Freddy, who can create things out of thin air and create reality in the dream dimension.

Usually there is no sense of existence, just like small transparency.

The venue of this introductory competition is set here. Presumably, the test is also related to dreams.

"This is people's subconscious, and that flickering light spot is a nightmare."

Strange walked in a glorious passage, surrounded by dense, firefly like light spots.

Those are nightmare entities embodied by human beings in the material world.

As long as you know how to meditate, the out of body soul can easily sneak into other people's dreams and do whatever it wants - not.

Because this business is managed by dimension demon nightmare.

The negative emotions and spiritual power brought by nightmares are the food for its survival.

Snatching food from the mouth of a dimension demon God is tantamount to playing a fraud with Mephisto and not paying back the loan from the supreme mage.

Any normal person who has passed the IQ and knows how to think can't do this.

"It's almost there."

Strange raised his right hand as if holding a torch.

The pure white light radiates out to disperse those malicious dream creatures.

As the entrance ticket, the circular road sign is slightly hot, guiding him in the direction.

There are only eight candidates. The introduction is to screen out redundant and unqualified participants.

In other words, there are now 42 powerful mages in the dream dimension.

Most of them will be eliminated.

"In this way, there is a lot of competitive pressure."

Strange was a little nervous. According to the rules, he had to reach a designated position first.

Then, put the road sign into a magic furnace.

This is only the first step, and there are more difficult challenges ahead.

"I don't know how many people are paying attention to this hegemony war..."

Strange walked slowly, and the glorious passage could not see the end.

The dream dimension has no concept of time, and the soul has no heartbeat and pulse. It is impossible to judge how long it has passed.

Anyway, when strange came out of the passage, he saw a huge furnace more than three people high, which was his goal.

"Here we are."

The devil's cloak fluttered slightly and lifted strange up.

He put the hot ring road sign in his hand, and the long extinguished magic furnace was like a little spark falling into the oil pan, which erupted into a violent reaction.

The magic flame burns brightly, as if a dazzling light column rises, radiating a circle of substantial ripples.

"What is this?"

The sudden accident surprised strange.

The rekindled magic furnace turned into a bright lighthouse.

The gorgeous light it emits seems to bring some great temptation, and it seems to send a signal to gradually attract those dream creatures.

"Is this a test of strength or courage?"

Sensing the danger, strange held the head blaster's staff in his right hand and raised a small magic shield in his left hand - this is the ring of raggadol.

Kama Taj entry level magic, which is a required content.

When he was ready to fight, a red tide swept over.

The hills rose and spread over the endless horizon, with a harsh sound of "squeaking".

"This is -- Thought maggot!"

Strange exclaimed.

That surging and vast red wave is composed of endless insects.

They are only the size of palms and look like huge eyeballs.

The big cracked mouth with piranha like sharp teeth looks very terrible.

Thousands of such insects can make people with dense phobia die suddenly on the spot.

"It seems that this game is a test of endurance."

Strange has no other specialty. The only thing is good memory. After all, if you want to graduate from medical school with excellent results, you can't do without some strength.

He instantly remembered the records he had seen in the Encyclopedia of the magical world——

Thought maggots, which feed on spiritual power, can eat people's thoughts, melt and erode the mage's firm will.

"The signs will burn for six hours. Make sure they don't go out."

The old voice fell from the top of his head, like thunder, shaking strange's eardrums.

"This is the first test you want to meet!"



"Thought maggot!"

Luke and rocket raccoon are staying in the no door bar. The current game is playing on the big screen in the center.

Among the guests present, some recognized those chirping and terrible insects.

"Hahaha, this level is not easy! The stronger the spirit and the stronger the will, the easier it is to attract thought maggots!"

The guest gloated.

It is always a matter of high risk and low return to participate in the battle for hegemony of supreme mages.

The test set by Emperor Weishan will not guarantee everyone's life safety.

If you can survive, you often have great ability.

As for becoming the final winner, it depends on luck and strength.

"Monak, can you adjust the picture? I want to see that beautiful girl with big legs!"

Someone said.

At present, the protagonist in the picture is Dr. voodoo, a strong man with dark skin and thick braids.

Compared with looking at a big black man, people want to see a hot girl with enchanting figure.

"Then tell Gao Tianzun that I didn't do it."

The old wine, Paul monak, sipped slowly with a glass of whisky.

It is impossible for Kamata Taj to openly fight for hegemony of the supreme mage, let alone broadcast it externally.

This is not in line with its style.

The reason why we can see the live broadcast of the game is that there is a cosmic elder who loves game competition and gambling among the stars outside the earth.

His original name is "en - duvi - Gast", and more people call him "Gao Tianzun".

"Do you know how many credit points I spent to buy the right to live broadcast from the star forum?"

Monek snorted coldly.

"Love to see, don't see roll."

The old magic Prince showed a tough side.

"Watch the game, watch the game."

Someone said.

"I didn't expect Gao Tianzun to play so well. He even broadcast the battle of supreme mage live."

Luke sighed.

Only Gao Tianzun, who is a cosmic elder and has no deficiency in strength, can do such a thing.

For others, I'm afraid I have to consider whether my head is hard enough to withstand the head shot by the supreme mage with a magic wand.

A few minutes later, stop at the picture of Dr. voodoo and switch to rocky.

There was a burst of cheers and tons of drinking in the bar.

Facts have proved that no matter what the situation, beautiful women are always popular.

"Wait, that big fool next to rocky, is that sol?"

Luke was watching the live broadcast when he suddenly found a familiar figure.

"Besides him, who else would wear such an exaggerated cloak and armor?"

The rocket raccoon drinks juice and make complaints about it.

Sol in the picture is surrounded by dense thought maggots. His soul flashes thunder and lightning, which can sweep away a large number of insects every time.