"Tut, a rare pure soul, no wonder it makes the girl of the secret guest excited and difficult to control herself..."

When Mephisto saw Luke pushing the door in, his dark eyes turned slightly and shone with surprise.

He did not expect that Stephen strange, the most insignificant of all the participants in the war, had a rare pure soul - the "purity" here does not mean Luke's kind-hearted, warm-hearted and shining light of the right way all over his body.

Instead, he did not find any "bank" to borrow a loan. He is a rare high-quality customer.

This year, mages who have not signed a deed of betrayal with the dimension demon God are definitely rare species.

"I see."

Luke showed a flash in his eyes and a smile on his mouth.

Therefore, secret guests throw themselves into their arms and embrace, which can be regarded as a special purpose.

When he learned to meditate in Kamata Taj, he once attracted the coveted eyes of many dimensional demons.

Even, the nether God Sison is willing to hand over the chaotic power of the three ancient forces into his own hands.

The only condition is to sign a contract with him and become the spokesman of 1024 universe.

This has fully proved that the extraordinary talent possessed by magic Superman is very exciting for those dimensional demons.

It's not surprising to attract secret guests.

She's not greedy for my body.

But greedy for my soul!

"Visitors from hell like us are always irresistible to attractive and pure souls."

Mephisto looked at Luke in a very different way. He smiled and said, "this young mage who doesn't know his name is interested in signing a personal safety accident insurance?"

"I assure you that the service of Mephisto insurance company is absolutely considerate and satisfactory."

"After buying this insurance, you will be the VIP customer of hell world."

"Whether you are physically disabled, seriously ill, or your life is hanging on the line, you are dying."

"As long as you call my name, you will be answered immediately to ensure your personal safety! Until the last moment of your life!"

Mephisto is like a stockbroker on Wall Street, full of sincerity and confidence.

But he only mentioned the benefits he could get and completely ignored the risks he had to take.

"Oh, Lord Mephisto, what's the price? Everything has to be paid in order to gain, doesn't it?"

Lux was not afraid. Facing the famous hell Lord, she didn't panic. She said faintly, "I'm afraid that when I die, my soul will fall into your hands and will never get peace, right?"

"Moreover, there are many famous traps for the devil's contract. Maybe when I sign my name, I will die on the spot, and then my soul will belong to you."

This series of questions discouraged Mephisto, whose face was full of smiles.

"Business is really hard to do. Damn movies, damn novels, damn Internet! Now, everyone knows the devil's routine. Those politicians, elites and celebrities in business can even cheat more than the devil."

The hell Lord cursed and sat back in his original position.

Luke smiled. He would not be deceived by Mephisto's depressed appearance and then relax his vigilance.

This old devil, who is notoriously insidious and cunning, how can he be so impolite because of a failed business.

But then again, given Superman's long standby, it would be nice for Luke to sign a contract with Mephisto.

When the old devil finds out that he may never be able to wait for the performance of the contract, his expression will be very wonderful.

Like Constantine on the set next door, the unruly guy sold his soul to the devil, the angel and other weird guys.

Then none of the gang was willing to give in, but continued to let Constantine go free.

"Let's get to the point, Lord Mephisto."

Luke sat in the single sofa next to him. The Lord of hell wanted to make a big news when he looked for the participants in the battle for hegemony of the supreme mage.

He didn't mind to break into the interior, then backhand a wave of back stabs and sold Mephisto to Guyi.

"In fact, there's nothing else. Since you signed a contract with Stephen strange, you must know that my favorite son, the witch heart demon, participated in the battle for supremacy of the supreme mage."

Mephisto said slowly.

"The second game is about to begin. If I guess correctly, it will be more cruel this time."

"Of the 14 people who passed the test, only two belong to Kama Taj, modu and strange."

"Dr. voodoo, the secret guest and the princess Asgard promised to form an alliance with the witches and Demons and take the lead in eliminating the two mages of Kamata Taj."

Luke raised his eyebrows, and Mephisto was worthy of Lao Yinbi.

No matter who the final winner is, it will be over after adding a block to Gu.

That's why every supreme mage has to beat up the old devil.

Mephisto likes to make some small moves. It may not pose a threat, but it can disgust people.

"You should know that I signed a contract with Stephen strange."

Luke reached out his finger and knocked on the table.

"The contract of the participants has no strong effect that cannot be violated."

Mephisto smiled and squeezed out a few wrinkles on his sinister face.

"You're not strange's beloved family, siblings and friends. There's no need to risk life and death for him."

"What's more, I can add money! Definitely give you a satisfactory price!"

Luke hesitated and remained silent for a long time.

It's not surprising that those at the top of the list will promise Mephisto.

Like Dr. voodoo, he has a close brother.

The soul of the other party falls into the hands of the old devil. Taking this as a chip, it is easy to change to the other party's submission.

Like a secret guest, she is the ruler of the border of hell.

It is unwise to compete for the position of supreme Mage at the high risk of offending a hell Lord.

As for, rocky

Who knows what's in her little head!

"What should I do? What kind of reward can you pay?"

Luke's eyes twinkled and played twelve points.

"I can teach you how to terminate the contract. When the second game reaches the critical moment, you betray strange and give him a fatal blow!"

Mephisto blinked, with a hint of coldness and insidiousness in his tone.

"Pay? You can mention wealth, status and strength... There's nothing I can't give you!"

The old devil bewitched people one after another. His dark eyes stared at Luke. His words were very infectious and shook people's mind.


Luke looked surprised.

"Well, I want to be the supreme mage."

The smile on the corner of Mephisto's mouth solidified in an instant.

"It's not funny. Playing with a devil and a hell Lord costs a lot."

The old devil's face was as heavy as water, and his eyes showed anger.

The air in the room, like glue, became sticky and suffocated.

The strong smell of sulfur suddenly erupted and turned the surroundings into hell.

The hot magma and the terrible smell can frighten people to death.

"It seems that your excellency Mephisto, you can't give me any chips to impress me."

Luke curled his lips, as if with some regret.

He stood up and clapped his hands.

The space is broken like a mirror, reflecting a kaleidoscope of overlapping scenes.

"Do you know what will happen if you plan a heavenly Father and a supreme mage?"

Luke's mouth made a slight arc, and the magic spark jumped in his hand to form a transmission channel.

Gu Yi, holding a head exploding wand, walked out of it. He was ruddy and energetic. He didn't look hurt at all.

"Hahaha, Mephisto, long time no see."

The supreme mage shouted angrily. It was made of refined steel in his right hand. The extremely hard head exploding wand reflected cold light.

"You, don't come here!"

Mephisto was stunned and subconsciously retreated to the corner.

"Let's talk about the past slowly. I have something else to do. Goodbye."

Luke glanced at the trembling old devil with compassionate eyes and whispered, "by the way, master Gu Yi, remember to focus on it. Don't be kind because he is old."