"... only by truly giving equality and giving everyone the freedom to express their opinions can this country be great again!"

After completing a wave of classic singing through "I have a dream", Luke tried to curb his strong impulse to play the accordion.

No way, whenever he said this famous line, he subconsciously wanted to imitate Mr. Chuan.

The reputation value on the character panel reached a peak again after this grand debut.

At the right time, on the right occasion.

Superman instantly became the light of the right path and the Lighthouse of the world.

Stop a runaway ethnic riot and punish Nathaniel Essex, who represents the elite and is a capitalist.

Then, use impassioned and powerful speeches to arouse the enthusiasm of the masses and calm their anger.

In this way, it not only won the reputation, but also announced to the world the amazing news of Superman's return.

In any way, it is a win-win result - not that both sides win, but that Luke won twice unilaterally.

To be able to make such an important contribution, Mr. bad omen must show a satisfied smile under the nine springs and die without regret.

Luke thought so.

"Go back! Go back to your family, go back to your friends... All the problems will be solved in the end."

Superman returned to the top office of the Essex building while saying plausible scenes with multiple interpretations.

The valuable dark carpet was covered with a pool of thick flesh and blood.

Limbs and organs, like being put into a full-power mixer, are mixed into colorful and visually strong pigments.

Only the strange Ruby remains intact.


The biological force field suddenly put pressure.

The ruby fell apart and broke in an instant.

Luke, who is already the supreme mage, raised his hand and grasped an illusory soul.

"Say hello to Mephisto for me."

With a kind smile on his face, he opened a transmission portal with one hand.

Just throw Mr. omen's soul in like garbage.

Presumably, the old devil of hell will like your "high-quality assets".

In the end, the poor Mr. omen didn't even have time to ask for mercy, so he took the Bento directly and fell into the hands of the devil.

"Come and wash the floor."

Luke picked up the phone on his desk and called Howard.

"What are you going to do next?"

The long prepared scientific consultant touched his beard, which is far from over.

The racial problems and class contradictions caused by the representative "Bob" will not disappear because of a speech.

"Essex biological company is not enough to be the vent of public anger. Taking an operation on it can only temporarily calm the anger."

Luke said slowly with a smile.

"Just bring the president out later and leave the problem to the federal government. It's all their fault anyway - I just need to deal with conquistador Kang."

Howard couldn't help but raise his thumb. He remembered the subtle relationship between Luke's Irish gangster and the Kennedy family.

Plus, the day of the general election is coming.

"Have you talked to Kennedy?"

Howard asked curiously.

"How possible."

Luke lost his smile.

"If you want to talk, he came to me instead of me."

With Superman's popularity, if he stands for any party, there is no suspense about the election.

Even according to the historical track, before Kennedy came to power, he was separated by Dwight Eisenhower.

But in Luke's eyes, the election is just a script that can be made at hand.

"I think after this storm, many party politicians who have ideas about the White House will find me."

Luke smiled. He was not interested in these. Only those who didn't go to the gambling table could become the real winners.

If Superman is too involved in politics, he will be bound by more and more rules.

"Nathaniel Essex has gone to hell and there is only one left."

Mr. omen died under Superman's iron fist.

Last time, Luke only broke half of each other's body.

This guy with tenacious vitality can continue to engage in wind and rain in the future.

This time, he learned a lesson.

Not only break the body, but also throw the soul to hell.

Funeral, funeral, from life to death, one-stop service.

One of the culprits who caused the s.h.i.e.l.l.d. to fall into a passive situation and arrested the mutant has been dealt with.

There's another one, waiting for Luke to solve it.

"Can you find Kang the conqueror and determine his position?"

Howard was a little surprised that Superman came back a few days and could master such important news.

"You haven't found conqueror Kang for so long. How can I know?"

Luke shook his head and said, "it's just that Mr. bad omen called the white house before."

"I heard their conversation. According to the content, it is probably speculated that Kang the conqueror may be somewhere in Washington, D.C."

Howard was silent when he heard the speech.

He was very smart. He didn't ask Superman how he heard the conversation on the phone and how to search 178 square kilometers of Washington, D.C.

Refuse to give the other party the chance to force!

"Well, I wish you success."

Howard held it for a long time and said such a sentence.

"By the way, I arranged a press conference. Remember to make up a complete story to explain your disappearance and return."

Luke nodded and hung up.



A figure rises into the sky!



Before long, Luke appeared over Washington, D.C.

Super vision closes the city to the bottom of the eye, and super hearing captures those tiny sound waves.

Superman's senses, let go of restrictions and expand as much as possible.

Like a humanoid monitoring device, it searches for the required information.

"I knew I had no idea to set up a secret stronghold under the White House."

Luke make complaints about the old thinking of conqueror Kang.

Even without powerful senses, he may be able to find the location by searching on the spot.

After determining the location, Superman did not directly hit the white house like a shell, pierced the ground and pulled out the conqueror Kang.

This will make him look like a powerful villain or a dangerous element.

Luke prefers to solve problems in a low-key and stable way unless he has special needs.

Move with your hand and the magic spark jumps to form a transmission portal cutting space.

The only advantage of becoming a magician is that you don't have to take a bus to buy tickets wherever you go.

"So many clones."

Luke came to the underground base of Conquest Kang, and the nutrition tanks leaning against the walls on both sides were all opened.

Clone warriors with the same face stood in front of him.

Like a neat army, it forms a strong defense line.

"I smell your fear, conquest."

Luke smiled deeply, like the ultimate villain who was sure to win, releasing a strong pressure.

"If you weren't extremely afraid, how could you think of sending out such cannon fodder and consumables."

"In addition to the large number of people, they seem to have more visual impact. What else can they do?"

"Wait a few more seconds for you to write your last words?"

Wanton ridicule angered Kang, the conqueror who had only one brain.

The monotonous mechanical sound was mixed with a trace of anger——

"How can I be afraid of you! I exist in many timelines. Even the supreme mage can't kill me. What can you do?"

An almost angry roar amused Luke.

He likes to look at his opponent and show this gaffe.

"Kang, why deceive yourself and others."

"Anyway, you are expelled from this timeline."

"Those other 'you', they are not your separate and cloned copies."

"So if you die, you're dead."

Luke's eyes moved and the biological force field suddenly opened.

The terrible pressure takes shape in an instant.

Like a bomb detonated, those clone soldiers who had not yet taken action turned into rotten flesh and blood.

At the heavenly Father level, such a fragile human sea tactic is meaningless.

Luke, with his feet slightly off the ground, walked up to the conqueror Kang without stepping on the scarlet and pungent carpet of flesh and blood.

"Are you still struggling?"

He looked at the crippled brain soaked in nutrient solution and joked.

"Do you think it's over? I can't beat you, but someone can!"

After a few minutes of silence, the conqueror Kang put out cruel words.

Luke turned his mouth and evaporated the brain with his hot eyes.

"Who else can be my opponent on this planet?"

Superman thought so.

Who knows, when he took a step and was ready to leave, the space was suddenly disordered.

Phase shift launch!

Almost in an instant, Luke was from Washington, D.C., in a closed space full of moldy smell.

"Here is..."

He glanced and got the answer.

Ancient Egyptian pyramids.