He only showed up once at the beginning, and then he always lived in the memory of the captain of the United States, or Bucky in Luke's words.

His luck seemed much worse than those two friends who were also from Brooklyn.

He set foot on the battlefield with patriotic enthusiasm, but soon he became a captive of Hydra in a failed encounter.

According to the original plot, Ba should be tortured, tested, and finally saved by the hero of the American captain.

They looked at each other affectionately in the sea of fire and said lines similar to Titanic——

"Bucky, you go! Don't worry about me!"

"No! I'll never leave you, Steve!"

So, so, so.

In the follow-up, there was a love play in which Bucky fell off the cliff and Rogers regretted.

We'll see you in 70 years.

However, it may be because of the butterfly effect that a guy who wanders into the set affects the normal development of the world line.

Not only did the axis of evil create Aryan Superman, but also changed Bucky's fate.

He didn't wait for a good friend, so he was transferred to other places by Hydra.

After several twists and turns, it fell into Baron Strack's hand and became a killing machine with no emotion.

If it ends here, then baki is nothing more than a little ahead of the rough fate of the "winter warrior".

But who would have thought that Baron Strack took the saint general and cooperated with him.

Bucky, who was chosen as the experimenter, successfully survived the twenty-four fold mutation.

The hydra's "Aryan Superman" was born.

Genetic modification is obviously more powerful than the strength increase brought by the manipulator.

The status of baki, who has been strengthened, has also been changed.

From the original ace killer, he was promoted to Baron Strack's personal bodyguard and hydra's number one thug.

What's the difference between the two?

The former is consumable cannon fodder, and its rarity is different when it is dead.

The latter is a close confidant. As long as he doesn't reach the end of the mountain and water, he won't be sacrificed by Baron Strack.

In short, personal safety is more guaranteed.

"What are you talking about?"

The captain of the United States suddenly stood up with a look of anger on his face.

As a moral model and Spiritual Banner, Steve Rogers is very gentle most of the time and rarely takes the initiative to lose his temper with people.

After hearing Luke explain Bucky's situation, his eyes burst into wisps of hot electricity.

If the violent energy erupts, the whole room will turn into ruins.

"Take it easy, Steve."

Luke didn't think that the captain of the United States would have such a strong reaction and quickly made a voice to appease him.

Sure enough, it was hard for Rogers to keep his head as long as Bucky was involved.

This is probably some kind of special fetter.

"Damn hydras! I must send them all to hell!"

Take a few deep breaths, and your boastful chest muscles fluctuate.

The captain of the United States finally calmed down and the white electric light lingering on the body surface dissipated slowly.

He tightened his face and said cruel words without changing his face.

It seems that this time it is a complete tie up with Hydra.

"In a good place, Bucky is at least alive and there is no danger."

Luke patted each other on the shoulder. After in-depth communication with the two female agents in the red house, he vaguely inquired about some information about Bucky.

As we all know, under the brainwashing of the moustache head of state.

From top to bottom, many people are superstitious about blood.

It is believed that only pure Aryans are qualified to rule the world.

After Bucky successfully survived the 24 fold mutation, Hydra began to consider replication.

If you can have an "Aryan Superman" legion, who can stop them.

The saint general was buried underground in Berlin with "Walden's blood" and research materials.

It takes a lot of time and energy to reverse restore the biotechnology of the brude Zerg, and it may not pay off.

The biggest headache is that there is no clue and no breakthrough.

So Baron Strack came up with a clumsy way.

He regarded Bucky as a stallion and had sex with the adult women he recruited - blonde hair and blue eyes are required to ensure the purity of blood.

First of all, as a warship, Bucky is energetic and genetically excellent. He is a qualified stallion.

If sown successfully, according to genetics, babies will probably be stronger.

When they were 15 or 16 years old, they were injected with the defective serum copied from Bucky.

Although it takes a long time, it is feasible.

As far as we know, the progress of this plan has only developed to the first stage for the time being.

That is, the step of "breeding".

This is also the reason why the captain of the United States is so impolite.

Rogers was bitter at the thought that Bucky had to have sex with different blondes on time every day.

What a painful life!

His best friend, like an indefatigable stallion, hovers among those flirtatious bitches, driving piles in turn.

Monotonous and boring, boring and suffering!

Where you see, lust!

It's terrible!

Rogers trembled with anger and felt sorry for Bucky.

"This is a trample on Bucky's dignity and an insult to his personality!"

Captain America is grieving.

He wanted to rescue his good friend immediately and let him escape from the evil hell of blonde, snowy and yingyanyan!

"I don't know how many men want to be trampled and insulted."

Luke thought silently.

It's no shame to be a stallion for Hydra.

Those extremist racists have a high threshold for choosing mating women.

Blonde hair and blue eyes, beautiful and smooth.

Moreover, in order to prevent Bucky's body from being squeezed dry and hollowed out.

Baron Strack also arranged a team of nutritionists to customize the menu.

When he didn't have to perform the task, Bucky ate and drank well every day, and then prepared to output.

Speaking of, the only thing that made Luke think Hydra had a brain problem.

As racists, a group of people who emphasize the theory of Aryan descent actually find an American to breed.

It can be seen that what lineage is supreme, that is, talk about it.

"Next, we will catch the Hydra and Leviathan and eradicate them completely."

Luke cleared his throat and said positively.

"But first of all, you should keep calm and not be impulsive."

The angry captain of the United States was silent for a moment and nodded in agreement.

He can't come up with a better plan for the time being. He can only obey Superman's orders.

"What do I need to do?"

Rogers thought for a moment and thought that he still had to take some responsibility and couldn't leave everything to Luke.

"Don't worry, I've assigned you the task."

Luke opened the curtains and looked at the scenery of Moscow.

"Steve, you're a bait for fishing"

A few days later, Superman arrives in Moscow and there will be a welcome ceremony.

The appearance of the American captain will inevitably arouse the vigilance of Hydra and Leviathan.

Maybe it's already the Bucky of the winter warrior.

I can spare time from my busy schedule to solve my old friend.