Captain America's wedding will be held on Long Island, Manhattan.

According to Steve's original intention, he didn't intend to make a big fuss and make it too grand.

He prefers thrift to extravagance.

Whether rich or not, the style of life has always been very simple.

Just, Brooklyn born Captain America.

I have no idea how important a beautiful wedding is for the bride.

"What do you think of old Joseph's bar?"

Steve asked Luke before going to Las Vegas.

It's like making a blank filling question into a free proposition!

Fortunately, Luke stopped the bad behavior that might make the bride escape in time, and arranged the venue at Howard's Long Island manor for vacation.

"You know what? If Margaret sees that the venue you have set is a dilapidated bar with a history of at least 20 years, she will jump into a car and leave!"

Luke walked in the manor on Long Island.

He is an important member of the best man group today.

By the way, I'd also like to guest play the marriage witness of Captain America.

"I just don't think it's necessary to mobilize people for marriage. Please invite a bunch of unfamiliar guests..."

Even though he was already an army colonel and a senior level of s.h.i.e.l.d., Steve still maintained a simple concept.

"Then, the respected captain of the United States, can your great principles work for your fiancee?"

Luke asked with interest.


Steve scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

He remembered the time when he quarreled with Marguerite. He didn't even have to eat a hot meal when he came home, and he had to wash his own dirty clothes.

Even have to sleep on the sofa and completely lose the right to mate.

The reason is that they just discuss which band should be invited at the wedding.

Margaret likes country ballads, but Steve prefers jazz.

After that, the captain of the United States who did not understand women's heart and wanted to force reason was put in the cold.

"Howard and I agree that we should try to avoid reasoning with women. They are emotional creatures and prefer romance and surprise. Rigid reasoning will only cause quarrels."

Luke patted Steve on the shoulder and said in earnest.

"I don't want you to be driven out of your house and live in the streets one day, calling me to take you in."

The captain of the United States showed a bitter face. His relationship with Marguerite was generally stable and should not be that far.

Malina and Peggy, who accompanied Luke to the wedding, have gone to pick up the bride.

There were only the best men in the manor, such as Howard, Bucky, Luke, and Colonel Phillips.

"Where's Howard?"

Steve looked around and saw only the staff responsible for arranging the site. Howard, who used to be an activist, was not seen.

This is a little abnormal.

You know, he started shouting as early as a month ago and wanted to hook up with the bridesmaid group to complete the achievement of "wedding Pa Pa Pa".

"His body hasn't recovered yet?"

Steve only knew that Howard was suddenly seriously ill and returned to New York to rest for a few days. He didn't know the specific inside story.

"The doctor said that he was malnourished and had excessive libido. He needed to recuperate slowly. At this time, he was probably sleeping in his room."

Luke said with a suppressed smile.

"Howard specially asked me to bring a message that he would show up later and would not attend the party after the celebration."

Steve said he understood that it was because Howard encountered problems in scientific research, thought too much and lost his vitality.

The reason why genius can achieve success is not only great talent, but also hard work.

With this in mind, the captain of the United States has also changed his outlook on Howard.

Unexpectedly, under the other party's improper surface, there is a heart of learning to study science.

"Do I need to do something now?"

Steve looked at the direction of the manor gate with a trace of tension and uneasiness in his eyes.

Today is his wedding!

This is the most important day in his short and wonderful life!

"Relax. It's not time yet. Go and try on the bridegroom's dress first."

Luke put his hand around Steve's broad shoulder and walked into the manor together.



Dusk fell and the sunset spread all over long island.

In the manor, in the hall.

The bright brilliance of the crystal chandelier fills every inch of space. The folk band in one corner of the stage plays heartily, and the melodious and relaxed melody flows in the air.

Hundreds of people have been crammed into the wide reception hall, and a steady stream of guests have poured into it.

The entrance of the manor is full of cars, suits and expensive dresses, and guests flock in groups, as if they were attending a celebrity party.

"Colonel Rogers, happy wedding."

The man who entered the hall held Steve's palm with a blessing smile on his face.

A few greetings. When the other party left, the American captain asked in a low voice, "who is he?"

"The name of the Pentagon's Army Department is Michael or Jackson... Forget."

Luke, who was in charge of receiving the guests, curled his mouth and said with a smile, "he's just a small person, but his father is very famous and has deep contacts in the Senate."

"Then why did he come to my wedding?"

Sending invitations and determining the number of people at the party is what Luke and Howard need to do.

If screened according to the conditions of relatives, friends and neighbors, the wedding of Captain America may appear very cold.

His parents died, and there were no other relatives except baki.

Even if you add the neighbors upstairs and downstairs, it's not enough to make up two figures.

"The wedding should be big, so that Marguerite will be satisfied. This is the best moment of her life."

Luke said in a voice from the past.

"By the way, the president and his wife will come too. I left them ten minutes to speak."

"I also invited two important figures from the Pentagon, the Navy and the army, and about more than 30 generals attended."

"This is politics. In business, Howard sent invitations to Boeing, North American Airlines and general electric."

"I was going to invite some Hollywood stars. Malena asked your fiancee. She likes Catherine Hepburn very much. Unfortunately, she is making a film with Elizabeth Taylor. The notice is too late to come immediately."

Steve was dizzy. He didn't know the big people at the top of the pyramid, let alone the so-called business tycoons and movie stars.

"None of that matters. The wedding scene is lively and grand enough. It will be on the front page of the news newspaper tomorrow morning. That's the key."

Luke smiled and said faintly, "your wife will still remember today after decades. Steve, only when she is satisfied can you... Enjoy the wonderful tonight."

The captain of the United States without a driver's license thought for a long time and didn't react.



During the wedding, the atmosphere became more and more lively, with guests drinking and preparing, talking and laughing.

As the protagonist, the couple took vows, exchanged rings and concluded a sacred marriage contract under the witness of the priest.


The invited winter soldier looked awkward and sat in a corner seat.

Accustomed to the battle suit, he felt all kinds of discomfort in his suit.

Especially the warm eyes of those female guests made baki eager to escape from this place.

But the Hydra gave him the task.

Is to obey Superman and obey all orders of the Divine Shield Bureau.

Therefore, he could only resist discomfort, turn anger into appetite, and deal with the Boston lobster.

The long table was filled with top food of various countries. Howard probably hollowed out the wine cellar of the manor, and a faint smell of alcohol lingered in the hall.

Tons, tons! Tons!

Bucky chewed the fresh lobster meat and drank the cocktail.

Every time the waiter passes by with a tray, he must be swept away.

Seeing this man gnashing his teeth and taking advantage of wine to relieve his worries, those who don't know may think he is here to rob marriage.

"You don't look very happy."

Luke, who finished his wedding speech, leaned over with a glass of champagne.

Holding his arm was the amorous Malena.


As the second in command of the s.h.i.e.l.l.d., it's natural to undertake communication work on such occasions.

"How could it be! It's just a married bastard I don't know. It's not worth my mood fluctuations."

Bucky watched the newly married couple standing on the stage with a sweet smile, and his tone unconsciously became complicated.

In the depths of his mind, it seems that some memory fragments emerge and put together a complete picture.

"My best friend is married, but I'm not as happy as I thought."

Somehow, a crack appeared in the closed heart, and then such a sentence came out.

Tons, tons! Tons!

Bucky finished the cocktail on the table, looked at Luke and asked expressionless, "is there vodka here?"