Twenty minutes later, Luke flew to Boston and walked into a seafood restaurant.

He saw namo who met again after many days.

The other party sat in the corner near the window with distant eyes, staring at the port outside the window, as if indulging in memories.

The former king of Atlantis took care of his bad appearance a little before he went ashore.

Wash away the rotten smell and put on new clothes.

The dry hair like weeds and the greasy beard wrapped in a ball were also shaved.

In a word, he no longer looks like a sloppy tramp.

Just between the eyebrows, there is still a decadent breath.

"Namo Mackenzie."

Luke sat in the opposite position, snapped his fingers and motioned the waiter to bring a glass of fine beer.

In addition to delicious dishes, this seafood restaurant is also a paradise for beer lovers.

There are more than 60 kinds of fine wines in the store, which attracts nearby sailors and sailors.


Namo said the name with a hint of bitterness.

He remembered that when they first met, each other was just a general of the land kingdom.

And you are the master of the seven seas and the king of Atlantis.

The identities of the two sides are different, but they are not equal.

Now, he is an escaped prisoner of Atlantis.

Superman has become the third pole of the world, fighting against the powerful existence of superpowers alone.

The fate of life is full of setbacks.

Namo was in a complicated mood and felt a lot.

"I'm glad you made such a decision."

Luke picked up his beer and gulped it down.

This seafood restaurant has long been wrapped up by agents of the Divine Shield Bureau. The front desk waiter and the welcome at the door are all their own.

The real boss and staff are shivering in the back kitchen.

They thought it was a gang negotiation and prayed silently not to fight and break too many tables and chairs.

"Do you mean to say that you are happy to see me become a coward who informs and a coward who betrays my allies?"

Namo laughed at himself and filled his head with beer.

He is good at reading and understanding all the time.

"First of all, whistleblowing is not shameful, but depends on the situation."

Luke shook his head, stretched out his finger and knocked on the table.

"According to the information you have provided, the black queen Selene is planning a mass and extinct massacre against the citizens of London."

"Then there is no doubt that she is a lunatic, a dehumanizing butcher."

"And you, namo Mackenzie, choose to report!"

"You saved eight million innocent lives. You are a praiseworthy hero!"

Namo was slightly stunned. He didn't seem to expect that his behavior could be affirmed by Superman.

As a former enemy, he was ready to be ridiculed.

"As for allies? I think you and Selene have not yet reached a deep and profound revolutionary friendship?"

Luke smiled and looked at namo.

Although it is said that the sea king in the cartoon lives up to his name and often seduces women.

And specially pry the corner of superheroes and mention the glorious nickname of "wife man".

However, his intuition told him that namo and the black queen should not have rolled onto a sheet.

The former king of Atlantis didn't look like a white whoring master who didn't recognize people when he lifted his pants.

If it did happen, he couldn't have reported Selene.

Besides, the juicing ability of the black queen may not be inferior to that of the demon.

Even with a strong physique like namo, once you experience the feeling of deep inhalation, you have to soften your legs and turn white.

"Are you comforting me?"

Namo smiled bitterly.

When he was in prison, he imagined countless times how he would meet superman when he returned to the land world.

give tit for tat? look down from a height? Or another fiasco?

But I didn't think so!

The sworn enemy of hatred comforts himself with good words and asks him not to have psychological burden.

No ridicule, no irony, no repression

All this made namo doubt.

Is he too dark and narrow-minded.

That's why I speculate about Superman.

In fact, the other party is as open and aboveboard as the outside world sees?

"Don't get me wrong, namo."

Luke chuckled. He didn't know the fatal brain tonic of the former king. He drank the large glass of beer and said faintly, "we have no personal grudges. We just have different positions before."

"I'm glad that you learned enough experience from your failure and began to think independently and understand what you can and can't do."

"I left the world to those who abide by the rules. If you learn this lesson, you won't cause any trouble in the future."

Although namo is infamous in the group of superheroes, he has nothing to find trouble and severe moderate and secondary diseases, which makes the avenger alliance and the Divine Shield dislike him.

In particular, most men stay away from their wives and send green hats.

But that's the future timeline. Namo may appear.

Luke had no prejudice against the young king who had suffered a failure.

The most is to use the iron fist of justice to influence each other and correct their personality.

"Well, that's all for chatting."

Luke waved his hand. Now namo is a complete loser and poses no threat to himself.

"Tell me where the black queen is. I can ask the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. to negotiate with Atlantis and no longer investigate your prison break."



Boston, luxury hotel.

The black queen held her chest in her hands and squeezed out a deep gully.

Her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she had an inexplicable foreboding.

"Namo, why can't you feel his presence?"

Selene was a little anxious and paced back and forth.

She believes that she has a soul contract in hand. Namo should not betray the alliance.

Superman is his mortal enemy. No matter what kind of mentality, he can only stand by himself.

"Hum, when I become a dimension demon, I will tear up the soul contract and get a strong soul for nothing."

The black queen made up her mind that she was not a philanthropist and would send out fragments of the power of the Phoenix for nothing.

To rescue namo and reach an alliance is just to get useful tools.

"Give me enough time, and I may not be able to exist like Sison and domam in the future."

The day was still bright, but it did not prevent Selene from looking forward to it.

The ceremony of becoming a God was an amazing secret she accidentally got from the book of the dark god a long time ago.

But considering the personal ability and the danger, the black queen has not implemented it.

The long life made her tired of locking her soul in the mortal body.

Become a God and become the only goal of the black queen.

"Sublimation, metamorphosis, and immortality."

Selene took a deep breath, as if he saw the moment of his success and no longer needed to yield to anyone.

Enough to sit in peace with the supreme mage, the nether God Sison, and domam, the Lord of the dark dimension.

Dong Dong!

The knock on the door interrupted the black queen's beautiful fantasy.

"Where have you been?"

When he opened the door and found that it was namo, Selene couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief.

"I have repeatedly reminded you not to run around. You are now a wanted man in Atlantis, and the Divine Shield Bureau of the land world may launch a large-scale search."

"Everything is based on caution. Don't provoke Superman in advance!"

The black queen was like a firecracker, spitting out a series of words of blame.

Namo was silent. He stood at the door and didn't go in.

"What's the matter with you?"

Selene realized something was wrong and took two steps back.

"Black queen, your incident happened. Come with us."

A hand appeared on namo's shoulder and then showed a tall and straight figure.

"Someone reported that you planned a large-scale, genocidal massacre! It violated many charges such as crimes against humanity and genocide."

"I hope you can actively cooperate with the investigation. We will not wrong a good man or let a bad man go!"

Selene looked at the tall man who appeared at the door and bit his lips.


She squeezed the name out of her throat.