With VisANT as the messenger, Luke threw this perfunctory message to Stephen strange of another universe.

If the other party is still reluctant, continue to harass yourself.

He was ready to reply——

"I'm dead. I have something to burn paper."

Stephen strange should not be so mad as to disturb the peace of a dead man.

Luke was so relaxed because if there was a huge crisis that Kama Taj could not deal with, Emperor Victoria would have dragged himself away.

These dimensional demons can take it lightly, which proves that things are not urgent to the point where the earth explodes and the universe restarts.

"Burglary doesn't belong to the FBI, and domestic violence doesn't need to use the s.h.i.e.l.d.... Similarly, it's just a small matter, and Superman shouldn't be disturbed."

Luke turned his seat and looked out the window at the Potomac River.

"If strange wants to become a qualified supreme mage, he should learn to face and solve problems."

His mind diverged for a while, and he continued to be busy with his work.

As a powerful being gradually becoming the third pole of the world, Luke is really busy and needs to deal with many things.

Otherwise, go on a business trip.

It's not impossible to meet the superheroes of other universes.



Marvel Universe No. 91 - this is Superman's private certification, not official information.

Kamata Taj, central hall.

Strange's soul leaped out of the tripod of all things. He was puzzled by the message conveyed by Emperor weishandi.

"The supreme mage is busy? Contact later?"

What does the supreme Superman have to do?

Is it more important than saving the world?

Strange was puzzled and hesitated for a moment.

The soul returns to the tripod of all things again and sends a message for help.

A moment later, I got a reply.

"I'm dead. I have something to burn paper."


I was busy just now. I'll hang up now?

Is it a little too fast to die?

Did the supreme mage imply that his soul accidentally fell into hell and was waiting for rescue?

Strange's soul returned to his body, slowly opened his eyes and ended his meditation.

Puzzled, he saw a touch of worry in his eyes, and then looked at the eye of agomoto, which was enshrined at the top.

This is a keepsake held by the supreme mage. Luke didn't take it away before he left the universe.

Because infinite gems can only work in this universe, he left them to Stephen strange and allowed them to be used by each other.

In this way, strange, who has the eye of agomoto, can deal with all kinds of problems of camataj alone without disturbing himself again.

The abacus is very good.

But everything has an accident.

It was through the eyes of agomoto that strange spied into the terrible events that would happen in the future that he sent a trans cosmic message to Luke for help.

"Superman didn't respond. What should we do next?"

The young mage in the magic floating cloak was confused for a moment.

He scratched his shiny forehead - since he embarked on the road of melee mage, strange's hair has become thinner and thinner, and it's useless to search for all kinds of secret recipes for hair growth and maintenance.

Later, because he couldn't stand the trouble of hair loss every day, he shaved his head in a rage and joined the strong.

"This is just the illusion of time and space I see. Even if I tell it to the Avengers, they won't believe it."

Trange was very worried. He practiced magic with the eye of agomoto yesterday, but it was like getting an apocalypse and peeping into the fragments of the future.

The earth fell and the Avengers died one after another.

The fairy palace collapsed, Odin fell, and Asgard's blood flowed into a river.

Like the legendary gods, dusk suddenly comes!

"But how can I stop the crisis by myself?"

When strange walked out of the central hall, Luke, who took over as the supreme mage, was not in the universe. He and his eldest martial brother modu were responsible for everything about Kamata Taj.

The latter mainly manages the three holy places, that is, the business of maintaining the human world and eliminating hell creatures.

The former deals with the internal work of Kamata Taj, which is relatively relaxed on the whole.

"I'd better talk to Lao Wang..."

When strange came to the master's residence, his nose twitched and smelled the aroma of hot pot.

He opened the door and saw Lao Wang drinking with a one eyed man.

On the table, the bottles of Red Star Erguotou are crooked.

Lao Wang spoke vaguely, like a big tongue. He would fall down at any time.

Look at this situation. It's obviously coming to an end.


"Keep filling up!"

The one eyed man drank it up and motioned Lao Wang to pour another cup.

"Sol, why are you here again?"

Strange was speechless. He recognized Thor, who had been visiting with Superman before.

"Rocky has returned to the fairy palace. You should go to Asgard to find her."

Sol was very happy to see strange enter the house and warmly invited him to sit down and drink.

Just caught off guard, I heard the name of "Rocky".

The burly, muscular, powerful one eyed man's smile solidified, as if he remembered something sad.

A few minutes later, strange, sitting next to sol, looked helpless.

He had to endure each other like a complaining woman, crying about how his sister rocky abandoned herself and threw herself into the arms of another brother.

"I was so kind to rocky that I even gave up the chance to return to the universe and left the people of Asgard to take care of her."

Sol shrugged and drank the Red Star Erguotou, spitting out a strong smell of wine.

"But what? I got nothing! She left me without saying a word and said she had only one brother, the king of Asgard in the future, the one in the fairy palace!"

"Strange, you say, that bastard is better than me except for one more eye!"

He probably has a father, a mother and a sister more than you

Strange thought silently.

Considering that this answer may further stimulate Sol's emotional collapse, he wisely chose to remain silent.

"You are Saul, and he is also Saul. Why do you eat your own vinegar, get angry with yourself, and envy another self?"

Strange comforted.

"I envy him?"

Sol thumped on the table and shook the dishes.

"I'm much better than that reckless, selfish and ridiculous bastard! I'm so mature, wise and wise... I need to be jealous of him?"

Realizing that he had said something wrong, strange quickly explained, "yes, sol, you don't have to."

After speaking without conscience, he subconsciously glanced at the swimming circles on the inner and outer layers of Sol's stomach.

I thought, Thor of the universe is also a handsome man with eight abdominal muscles.

Unless rocky is blind, how can he see a fat house.

"Sol, why don't you go to the fairy palace and talk to rocky?"

Strange asked softly as he rinsed some slices of beef.

"I tried, but... Heimdal shut me out."

Sol was particularly frustrated, turned grief and anger into appetite, and buried himself in eating.

"He said that Odin closed the passage of the ninth world and did not allow any outsiders to enter Asgard!"

"This is an unprecedented precedent. Even if the war with the dark elves and the Frost Giant breaks out, Asgard always keeps the nine realms unblocked."

Strange, who was eating instant boiled beef, was stunned. He suddenly remembered that in the illusion of time and space he saw, the first step of the crisis was to close the gate of the fairy palace!