With two thors and a rocky, Luke embarked on a journey to the atrium world.

"The supreme mage, shouldn't everyone... Draw a circle and then reach the destination?"

When they take a powered spaceship and look for space cracks along the underground river.

With a cold face and sullen, rocky suddenly remembered.

The supreme mage who personally smashed the greatest myth of Asgard and knocked Odin down the dust seems to be able to transmit spells.

"That's right."

Luke nodded and opened the door. For him, it was just a matter of hand.

"Then why do we have to walk hard?"

A series of question marks popped out of Rocky's head.

The underground river is deep and dark.

In addition, it is not a good way to go when there are giant animals and dangers.

Rocky doesn't want to take an adventure trip unless it's necessary.

"Because I forgot about it."

Luke shrugged and replied.


Rocky doesn't know how to answer.

Judging from his appearance, the supreme mage should not have Alzheimer's disease... Right?

Seeing the people's speechless expression, Luke smiled and continued, "you're kidding, don't take it seriously.

"Because our purpose is not just to return to the atrium world and stop the invasion of the big snake Kur."

"He has Nibelungen's legion of the dead and eight heavenly hammer masters."

"Coupled with the power of fear all the time, it will soon return to its heyday."

"Relying on the earth and Asgard is far from enough to deal with this war."

"Unite the nine circles and resist together. This is the only way out."

Luke said what he thought.

He's going to build a huge stage for sol.

According to the prophecy, Raytheon, the God of heaven, beheaded the snake with his own hands.

Then he took seven steps and died of poisoning.

God King Odin, he is the heavenly father.

But he believed in the prophecy and even feared it.

If you want to stop it, you don't hesitate to destroy the earth.

And Kur the serpent, Asgard's former heavenly father.

The attitude towards prophecy is also skeptical.

It can be seen that Asgard's "prophecy" may be the trajectory of some kind of destiny.

Once it becomes an inevitable "fact", it is difficult to change it.

Luke didn't have a fancy plan. Instead of wasting time breaking the shackles of prophecy, he might as well play for Solga.

"Rocky, you can go to Jotunheim and convince the frost giant to go to war."

"And Saul, you can go to musbelheim, the kingdom of fire, and make an alliance with Sirte."

"As for you, Thor plus, you have the experience of dealing with Avengers. First go back to the atrium world and let them prepare for a long-term battle."


Luke is like a competent NPC grandfather, actively assigning tasks to everyone.

On his first day in the world, he had a fight with Asgard's almighty father.

By the way, he saved the earth from each other.

What if he ran to Antarctica and fought with another heavenly father for hundreds of rounds?

It's impossible unless Viking is willing to pay the price.

Luke thought clearly that he was just a firefighter and temporary worker.

How much you charge and how much you do.

Since Asgard had predicted, help sol set up the stage.

Odin loves his son, but he doesn't.

Besides, how to break the limit of "fate".

This also requires careful observation and information collection.

"The profession of Savior is really not suitable for me."

Luke thought silently.

"Rolfe, the king of the frost giant, and sulter, the flame giant... They are all enemies of Asgard. How can they agree to an alliance."

Sol asked suspiciously.

When it comes to fighting, he's good at it.

But reasoning with others, conducting negotiations and reaching an alliance of interests with each other is nothing.

"Learn from your sister, rocky, who is an expert in this field."

Luke shook his head helplessly.

He felt that the attribution of Asgard's throne in the world was not so complicated.

Remember, many people said before.

Saul has no experience and ability to govern the country, while rocky is keen on power and conspiracy.

In addition, the latter has the blood of the Frost Giant and is the descendant of Laurie.

If the gender changes, let rocky marry sol directly.

The throne is Sol's and the power is rocky's. This is the best of both worlds.

The original joke came true in this universe.

It's just that new problems come one after another. Rocky, she now has two brothers.

Which one should I choose?

"If Laurie, sirtel, they all refuse you, give me my name."

Luke with a kind smile, his battle with Odin broke through the nine layers of the world.

It's estimated that Laurie and sirtel are watching.

I believe they should all understand what will happen if they don't appreciate it.

"Is this a threat?"

Sol asked bluntly.

"No, it's a friendly way to convince others."

Luke answered.



New York, Manhattan.

A pillar of light crashed down, attracting everyone to see it one after another.

Only three strange guys came out.

"It's Hulk! It's Hawk!"

Someone recognized one of the elders of the Avengers.

"Who are those two freaks?"

Someone noticed something wrong, took out his mobile phone, was afraid of video, and gradually retreated to a safe place.

This is the keen sense of smell of New Yorkers.

In case of abnormal conditions, it is suggested to run in advance. Maybe there will be a fierce war between superheroes and villains later.

"I like this place. There are many people. The cry of fear will be loud later."

Said Cynthia, the daughter of the red skeleton holding Scotty's hammer.

The terrible head swept around, and did not mind those strange eyes.

"I, think, smash! Crush! All this!"

The Hulk holding the broken hammer said word by word.

"Turn them all into stone statues! Let them scream, fear and despair!"

The third heavenly hammer master is the master of the absorbing and destroyer hammer.

He worked as a boxer and was recruited into Hydra.

The more famous story is that he killed the father of the night devil in the challenge arena.

At its peak, it can be 50-50 with Hulk.

In the villain camp, they belong to the third and fourth line.

"Let's start! Attract the avenger first!"

Three heavenly hammer worshippers who came to New York through the transmission of the snake Kur.

They all raised their Warhammer and hit the hard ground.


The violent current and air wave burst out suddenly!

The cars on both sides of the cement road are directly squeezed by the substantial pressure.

The glass window was broken and splashed, and a large crack opened on the ground.

Hulk took the lead, stepped on the car and roared up.

Sound waves tear the air and turn into circles of ripples.

The crowd who were still watching the excitement immediately panicked and fled in all directions.

Of course, they didn't forget to raise their mobile phones and give a close-up to the Hulk who exudes a strong sense of oppression.