
Barry felt each other's crazy eyes and shuddered.

It seems that he has become a mouse waiting for anatomy on the operating table.

"Ha, we are also old friends, flash."

Senesto collected his excitement and resumed his expressionless indifference.

The more success is within reach, the more you should keep calm.

"What do you want to do? Senisto, it's against the regulations of the green light corps to hurt the intelligent life in the sector for no reason!"

Barry quickly warned.

He and the Green Lantern Hal Jordan are good friends and have a certain understanding of the Green Lantern Corps.

The little blue man on OUA star calls himself the "guardian of the universe".

They set up the green light corps to maintain the order of the sector - generally understood as the cosmic version of America, interfering in the development of civilizations on other planets in the name of bringing advancement and emancipating the mind.

"Do you expect me to abide by the rules of the green light corps and let you go?"

Senesto seemed to hear some funny joke. He grinned and said sarcastically, "Why are you superheroes always so naive? Rules never become a chain to restrain the strong."

Barry felt cold and tried to mobilize the strength in his body, trying to break free from the restraint belt on the seat through high-speed vibration.

Reversible lightning didn't know what method to use, so he fell into a weak state and couldn't connect to divine speed force at all.

"Don't struggle, flash."

Standing next to the counter lightning, hit in time.

As Barry Allen's old opponent, his study of divine speed is much more thorough in some aspects.

In fact, half of the flash's achievements today are thanks to all kinds of training against lightning.

"If you break your throat, no one will save you!"

With standard villain laughter against lightning, he's got Batman.

Coupled with the military's secret weapons, it is no problem to suppress Superman.

Flash without help is not a threat at all.

Facing senisto and counter lightning, the alliance of the two villains, what else can he do except escape?

"I have teammates!"

Barry blurted out in a hurry.

At this critical moment, he immediately thought of his krypton cousin who was in Australia to hook up with the wonder woman.

Flash knows what he's going to face - being drained of his divine speed and reduced to a human flesh generator.

Through abin Su's message and Luke's analysis, Barry understood senisto's evil plan.

The other party intends to use divine speed to rewrite the timeline again, so as to shape a new time and space.

This is a feasible plan.

Barry is different from other speeders.

He is the producer of divine speed, not a simple user.

Every step he takes when he runs creates divine speed.

So, with the help of instruments and equipment, such as the cosmic treadmill.

Let Barry run like a hamster on wheels.

Then he can become a human flesh generator, constantly generating divine speed force, so as to provide energy to senesto.

Similar things have not happened.

For example, flash once faced the extreme speed from Earth 2.

The other party used this plan to drain the divine speed in Barry Allen.

"You mean, another Kryptonian?"

Ernesto sneered and pierced Barry's inner fantasy.

"He has been away from Midtown for some time, which is why I waited until now to carry out the plan."

Kryptonians are really powerful, but just finish the plan first and delete each other from the timeline.

No matter how powerful Superman's fist is, even if it can break the planet.

But what about that?

Still can't change the fate destined to happen.

"Barry Allen, you don't have to struggle anymore. Obey my orders."

Senesto's patience gradually ran out.

"Reshaping the multiverse, what a great plan, you should be happy to participate in it."

He waved his hand to start the installed cosmic treadmill against the lightning.

Barry was almost angry and swearing. For him, it was the way to express his anger to the greatest extent.

The Justice League knows that flash is always the one with the best temper.

"This ending is actually good for you."

Counter lightning joked at Barry while debugging the machine.

"Be a generator for your mother."

Senesto untied the restraint belt on the seat, and the weak flash could not escape.

He can do nothing but be tied to a treadmill to generate electricity and energy for himself.



The light ring makes a sound.

"Someone close?"

Just as Luke can find the target position of senesto with a light ring, he will also notice it.

"There are green light soldiers on earth?"

Before senesto could figure it out, a tall figure fell from the sky and fell to the ground, splashing a circle of smoke and dust.

"You have taken away my friend... And the only key to the Lord's cosmic time and space."

In the second half of the sentence, Luke didn't say it, but thought silently.

He looked at the audience coldly, as if the cold current in Siberia had hit, which made senisto and counter lightning feel cold at the bottom of their hearts.

This is a strong momentum, resulting in mental fluctuations.


As soon as senesto's face changed, his attention focused on Luke's lamp ring.

"How could you have abin su..."

Abin Su's lamp ring has not been recalled by the guardian of the universe. Unexpectedly, it finally fell into the hands of a krypton.


Luke raised his light ring and aimed it at senesto.

"I'm more curious, senesto. Why did you find all this?"

The flash point event finally led to the restart of the multiverse.

The guardians of the universe of OUA, as well as those higher-level cosmic concepts, such as the endless family, should be aware of them.

But that kind of existence won't care. After all, this is not the first restart of the multiverse.

There have been many times before the flash point.

For example, the well-known "infinite earth crisis".

The struggle between watchers and anti watchers eventually spread to the multiverse.

In that crisis, flash Barry Allen sacrificed himself to destroy the antimatter cannon and save the last main universe.

It seems that since then, every major event, flash sacrifice to heaven has become a good tradition.

"Someone gave me a prophecy and revelation."

Senesto closed his lips and replied.



All this starts with abin Su coming to the earth and looking for the spirit of white light.

As we all know, the spirit of existence is not only the light of white lamp, but also the light of creation.

For a long time, the guardians of the universe have claimed that OUA is the center of the stars and the starting point of all intelligent life.

But why is the light of creation placed on the earth, a backward and remote sector?

From here on, senisto doubted everything the guardian of the universe said.

Behind a lie, there must be a superposition of countless lies!

Senisto found the imprisoned atohitas and asked for the answer.

Speaking of this person, the timeline will move back centuries.

A long time ago, those universe guardians who were full and had nothing to do had not established a green light Corps.

The film police responsible for maintaining sector security and public security is a force called machine hunters.

However, because of a major system failure - in fact, it is a carefully planned conspiracy.

Cause the machine hunter to get the wrong command and take sector 666 as the attack target.

These machines without compassion and thinking ability will only obey orders coldly.

Without questioning or hesitation, they slaughtered all the residents of the sector.

This is the truth of the famous "666 sector Massacre".

Afterwards, the guardian of the universe covered it up and did not publicize it.

They just learned their lesson, refrigerated the machine hunters and formed the green light Corps instead.

A more reliable cosmic police force composed entirely of intelligent life.

But they did not expect that there were survivors of the massacre that razed many planets to the ground.

That man is atohitus.

He was originally a psychologist living in sector 666, rutstar.

Because I saw a wife and children killed by machine hunters, and the whole planet was stained with blood.

As the only surviving life on the planet lute, all the meaning of the rest of atohitus's life is revenge.

There's nothing else!

He and four other survivors of sector 666 formed the "anti enemy gang of five".

They oppose the order set by the guardian of the universe and constantly oppose it.

Through plundering and fighting, the anti enemy gang of five established power and ruled a huge star territory.

However, compared with the guardians of the universe who have been rooted in the stars for billions of years, they are still too young and weak.

The little blue people defeated the anti enemy gang of five and took the imperial capital, ISMOT, they established as a prison.

Sentenced, atohitas and others to life imprisonment!

In order to show his kindness, the guardian of the universe allowed the rebel gang of five to live.

But we can never get out of the planet that has become barren and has nothing.

On ISMOT, atohitus killed four other companions and became the last survivor in sector 666.

When he reached extreme anger and had no other emotions, the red light representing anger came.

This is the origin story of the leader of the red light army and the first red light demon in the universe.

It was this person who foresaw the great event of "the darkest night" already recorded in the book of Europe and Afghanistan.

Atohitas wanted to kill the key figure in advance, and William hand, the "black hand", organized the end of the day.

As a result, Hal Jordan, who was in charge of chasing him at that time, and senisto were caught on the spot and sent to the space prison on the planet OA.

Of course, the former did not become the green lantern in flash time and space.

So it became senisto's task alone.

He caught atohitus and learned of the flash point through the other party's blood prophecy.

The so-called blood prophecy is a dialogue with the future by sacrificing the blood of fresh life.

Judging from the results of several predictions made by atohitus, the accuracy is quite high.

"I told abin Su, but he didn't believe me and couldn't understand me."

Ernesto maintained a cold expression and whispered, "if he could see what I saw, maybe he would be on my side."

"The consequences of flash point are not only the collapse of time and space! Darkness, more darkness will come!"

Luke tilted his lips. What the other party called "darkness" was probably after Dr. Manhattan came and the doomsday bell rang.

And the outbreak of the metal event, the laughing bats from the dark multiuniverse, led to babatos.

Finally, the wall of origin is broken, the four gods of Omega, and the eyes outside the wall

If all this really happens, it's really dark enough.

"To tell you the truth, I'm a little tired of this. In order to save more people, I decided to sacrifice the theory of a few people."

Luke shook his head, looked directly at Ernesto and said in a deep voice, "if you are determined to be a villain, don't find so many reasons."

"What's more, you're in my way!"


The dark red cloak lifted high and pulled out a fast shadow.