Cold gusts of cold wind blew through the cold empty streets, bringing up the waste garbage and fragments of paper on the ground.

They flutter in the wind, spin a few times, and roll into the smelly ditch, or trample under the feet of hurried pedestrians.

A harsh blue light flashed, and Luke appeared in a dark alley.

He looked up at the night sky and looked through the clouds to the darkness of nothingness.

The feeling of crossing the universe is not wonderful. It's like passing through a dark tunnel.

When you see the light, you have left the original world and arrived at your destination.

"It seems that I'm going to put Dr. Manhattan first in my little book."

Luke pulled a curve from the corner of his mouth and thought silently.

Frankly speaking, he rarely encountered any solid obstacles on his way forward.

Dr. Manhattan, it's a lesson and a goal.

Perhaps the other side is in the watcher universe, is "God", is "God", is "invincible great existence".

But, leave pond of the single universe and come to ocean of the multiverse.

Everything will change!

"It's too simple to hold my feet with a single universe..."

Luke's eyes twinkled and several ideas flashed through his head.

Start a world war, open the waste soil of nuclear explosion, and let this time and space collapse

Or upgrade the template many times to fight through the universe

Not really. Call the outside force.

Anyway, taking advantage of the restart of the flash point, the catcher universe is directly incorporated into the new 52, and then drag in the Marvel Universe - wait, isn't this the real purpose of those Pluralistic Concepts?

Luke doubted.

The five creation gods have vaguely revealed some information.

They call it "the great game that determines the new era".

Considering that the two did have a dream linkage, not only the justice alliance and the avenger, but also dakside and mieba, the ghost and the life court

Of course, their final victory or defeat does not depend on their own strength, but... Popular voting.

So, the battle that runs through the two multiuniverses.

Finally, Batman and Captain America, two popular characters, have to clean up the mess.

Thinking diverged for a moment, Luke shook his head and smiled.

No matter how big the game and gamble of multiple concepts are, it has nothing to do with him for the time being.

"Give me all my valuable things! I'd better not let me do it myself!"

A gangster in a leather jacket put a dagger behind Luke and threatened fiercely.

He had been watching each other for a while, standing in the alley in a daze dressed in high-end men - perfect for a prey.

In the eyes of this street gangster, it may be that a rich drunkard has lost his way and can just take the opportunity to make a horizontal payment.


Luke was a little surprised and then turned into a chuckle.

Not to mention being Superman, even when he was in Brooklyn, no gang member dared to make his idea.

After all, that's death.

"I admire your courage, man."

The corner of Luke's mouth reminded him that the street gangster did something that Hydra, conqueror Kang, Odin, mieba... They didn't do.

Stop Superman with a dagger and rob.

"Less nonsense! Be sharp! Don't try some dangerous moves, or you will die miserably!"

Street gangsters don't know what earth shaking events they have done. If the gangster boss in the next studio knows, he will give him a thumbs up.

"Sorry, I'm not in the habit of taking my wallet with me."

Luke turned slowly and said kindly, "but I can write an IOU, Mephisto of hell, Odin of Asgard, and the supreme mage of Kama Taj... They are all very generous people and will certainly pay a huge reward."

The street gangster looked puzzled when he heard about robbery. Can he still pay off with an IOU?

And who are those messy names?

"You're kidding me!"

Street gangsters have no good temper. If they disagree, They stab them with their knives.


The tip of the knife pierced Luke's chest.

The sound of collision is like the clash of gold and iron.

It was like hitting an iron plate. The dagger was bent and deformed directly.

The anti shock force made the street gangsters' arms numb and painful.

"It seems that the quality of your 'weapons' is not good enough."

Luke shrugged. He didn't have time to waste time on a guy at the bottom of society.

You know, at the last moment, you are facing the most powerful man in the world.

The next second, he was robbed by a street gangster.

The other party didn't even have a pistol, only a dagger.

It's so cheap!

Luke turned his mouth and looked at the guy who didn't know whether he was unlucky or lucky.

The dull brain of street gangsters finally reacted.

The "drunkard" in front of him is not afraid of daggers. He is likely to be a cross dressing hero.

So he resolutely ran away without looking back.


A red light flashed through the dark alley.

The fleeing figure was hit, and the blood and flesh evaporated at high temperature, smashing together with the skeleton.

The scorched black dust was scattered by the cold wind.

Ignoring this little episode, Luke slowly flew into the air.

Standing in the clouds, overlooking the earth.

His senses were maximized, first controlling the whole of New York, then the East, West, and the whole North American continent.

The immeasurable complexity of information poured into his mind, but it did not disturb Luke's thinking.

"This is the BBC..."

"This is CNN..."

"Welcome to UBS news..."

"This is a tragic day in American history..."

A bunch of electric waves, like winged envelopes, convey the latest changes in the world, and then fall into Luke's ears.

"Less than two weeks after the disintegration of the EU, Russia has assembled troops in Belarus and threatened to invade Poland..."

"The heads of state of the world said that if bloody conflict breaks out, they will never stand idly by..."

"The global search for the man who claims to be the 'smartest man in the world' continues..."

"It is reported that the White House has personally issued a wanted warrant for the arrest and trial of Adrian Witt, and will clarify the absurd allegations that the government conspired to plan the massacre in New York City..."

"Some experts believe that it is necessary to quell the political unrest in the whole country and even the whole world through this arrest..."

"I'm William F. Buckley Jr., speaking to you on behalf of the president of the United States of America..."

"I regret to report to you that Russia has invaded Poland, and the evil in the world forced us to fight..."

"If the Russian military cannot withdraw within four hours, the president will have no choice but to mobilize the whole country..."

Luke raised his mouth and smiled a little.

It seems that the great lie of the Pharaoh has been exposed, the contents of Rorschach's diary have been leaked, and the whole world has come to the brink of destruction again.

However, this time the United States no longer has Dr. Manhattan, and the situation has become dangerous.

World War is imminent.

"As a famous cross dressing hero, Adrian Witt took off his mask in 1975 and became a successful businessman and philanthropist..."

"He took the position of CEO in the joint venture he established, leading the world financial market to a new height..."

"Adrian Witt is also an extremely dangerous person. He is accused of murdering 3 million people, and tens of thousands of others need to be sent to hospital for treatment due to permanent mental trauma..."

"This man also killed Edward Morgan Black, code named 'comedian'..."

"Disguised heroes, militia members disappeared one after another, or died..."

"Hollis Mason, a former militia member, was killed at home by a mob..."

"The whereabouts of Daniel drenberg, the second generation of night owl, and his wife, the second generation of silk soul, laurel Jane juspik Zeke, are unknown..."

"Rorschach's diary was published in the New York bulletin, and the world is facing chaos again..."

Luke restrained his senses as if he were lost in thought.

He has no interest in world politics. Even if the war starts, it has nothing to do with himself.

"The pharaoh is still at large..."

Luke caught the point that the self proclaimed "the smartest man in the world" did not sit on the throne for too long after designing a shocking plot to let Dr. Manhattan leave the universe.

The leakage of Rorschach's diary destroyed the Utopia he established, and the scale of the doomsday clock moved again.

"So the question is, where is the Pharaoh?"

Luke's eyebrows wrinkled slightly and soon stretched out.

"Maybe someone will know."