Just as Clark hesitated to finish the Saiyan tradition by dyeing his hair green at the risk of being considered a hippie.

Luke restrained his evil taste and took his little cousin up into the air.

"I can fly... That's the feeling!"

Clark's originally depressed mood seems to be much more comfortable as he flies higher and higher.

"You can, too. You just need to learn."

The biological force field resists the gravity of the earth and takes them through the dark clouds to the upper atmosphere.

The harsh environment of low temperature and hypoxia did not have any impact on them.

Looking down from here, not to mention the town, even Kansas has become an invisible black spot, like a miniature model.

"The world is big, Clark."

Luke finally returned to his big cousin's serious state, switched to a serious tone, and said with a gesture: "when you stay in that town, you can only see a small piece. Only when you go out of Kent farm and Kansas can you find a wider space."

Clark is a little confused. He is still a high school student addicted to cheerleading women.

It is also normal to be difficult to understand too profound truth.

"I know Jonathan probably told you to hide yourself and not be found by humans, otherwise it will cause unexpected panic and riots."

The dark red cloak rolled, Luke looked up slightly, and his eyes seemed to penetrate the boundless deep void.

"But sometimes you need to connect with the world and try to integrate into it."

After hearing this, Clark, who was easy to be fooled, raised a touch of respect in his eyes, and the image of his eldest cousin became tall in an instant.

"I see!"

The young Superman nodded hard, as if he had some feeling.

"When I get back to school, I'll join the football team immediately!"

Luke: "

This little cousin's brain won't burn out, will it?

"What does this have to do with the football team?"

Luke pulled at the corners of his mouth. He meant that Clark should go out of Kent farm, out of town, out of Kansas... Travel around the world like Batman and increase his knowledge.

Of course, the main purpose of saying so is to bring Superman everywhere and promote the establishment of the justice alliance as soon as possible.

"I like Lana. She is a cheerleader and her boyfriend is the main force of the football team. In order to deepen the connection with the world and integrate into the surrounding environment, I also want to join the football team!"

Clark thought he had fully understood his big cousin's meaning. With a proud look on his face, he forked his waist and said.

Luke took a deep breath and squeezed out a smile.

He now seriously doubts whether his little cousin's brain was broken when the krypton spacecraft crashed.

Otherwise, how can the other party think about digging the foot of the wall and prying away other people's girlfriends.

"Clark, you may not understand it now. You will understand it later. Women will only affect the speed of your fist!"

Luke wanted to be an emotional master and told Clark that first love is always bitter and will not have results.

In this life, his appointed girlfriend and wife is only Louise Ryan, a reporter of metropolis.

But spoilers were not a good habit. He restrained himself

"But I can't fight, big cousin."

Clark has a simple face. His father taught him not to fight with others since childhood.

Because if you don't control your strength and kill the other party, it's bad.

So, up to now, Clark has never had a fight with anyone and has always maintained a good personality of elegance and easygoing.


Luke Xin said, you deserve to be hanged by Batman to use domestic violence.

"Saiya are a fighting nation, Clark. They can't even fight. How can they become a qualified Saiya! They don't have any masculinity!"

He gave Clark a Saiya identity, not just to satisfy bad taste.

The greater the difference in everything on this timeline, the more intense the collision with the space-time observed by Dr. Manhattan.

In particular, Superman, as the core of building the multiverse, is the most critical person.

"But my father..."

Clark is a little tangled. He is deeply influenced by his adoptive father Jonathan.

"Clark, why do school girls regard the quarterback of the football team as the perfect date?"

Luke, who was proficient in the magic skill of talking about conditions, moved his eyes and decided to persuade his little cousin from other aspects.

"Because they are tall? Strong? Popular?"

"Not all. Sports is a kind of confrontation, a kind of competition, which can greatly show their masculinity and increase their attraction."

Clark thought it over. It seems so.

In school, "nerd" is more like a derogatory nickname.

Everyone doesn't like walking with such people because it's not cool enough!

For young people, "cool" is everything!

"Cousin, what should I do?"

Clark turned to think of Luke standing in front of him, but he left such famous figures as "hearty arsonist" in the Hollywood circle.

"Just joining the football team can't solve the problem. Lana's boyfriend is already the main force. If you go in as a newcomer, you'll be on the bench at most."

Luke began to take his little cousin and said seriously, "I think you should start with exercise, cultivate a strong physique and improve your control of strength, so as to perfectly integrate into campus life."

"As for how to attract the attention of your crush, it's useless to take too much initiative. You have to wait for the opportunity, Clark."

He found that his little cousin didn't even form the most basic biological force field and didn't know how to exercise his ability at all.

That won't work!

Since the name "kakarot" is used, it is necessary to give full play to the combat effectiveness as a subordinate soldier of the Saiya people.

In this way, general Zod will no longer ridicule him as a farm boy.

Seriously, when Clark can play Wing Chun, who else can stop him?

Even general Zod, dakside.

Master Ke, cut him in the middle.jpg

"From tomorrow on, come to my house every day for special training."

Luke is ready to teach his little cousin and develop his potential.



Master cosmic space-time.


Keeping his movements unchanged, Dr. Manhattan, like a statue, opened his eyes.

Just now, he noticed a slight fluctuation in the infinite space-time of the multiverse.

Like a stone thrown into the calm lake, it stirs up circles of ripples.

"What happened?"

Dr. Manhattan's consciousness began to shuttle between the past and the future.

But he found nothing and found nothing unusual.

The 52 earth is calm, and the newborn universe has steadily entered the stage of development.

Although many historical tracks have been erased and rewritten, no one except a few people has found it wrong.

"The occasional shock of time and space?"

In Dr. Manhattan's eyes, a touch of humanized doubt appeared, but it soon disappeared.

He closed his eyes again and entered the state of observation.

As usual, just wait for the result.



Bat cave.

Flash suddenly appeared in front of Batman. The dark knight was not moved and was not surprised.

Bruce Wayne is used to Barry coming to the door without saying hello. Flash always moves faster than his head.

"I brought you a present... Bruce."

Barry took out a letter and handed it to the other party.