General Zod's high-profile speech immediately set off a wave of public opinion all over the world.

The tough attitude, coupled with the significance of their own existence, has alarmed the heads of state.

The giant spaceship stopped at the door of the earth's home. The military tried many means, but there was no response.

The United Nations held an emergency meeting for this purpose, mainly in the hope that the five hooligans... No, the five permanent members will meet to discuss a solution.

"Carl al... Do we know the whereabouts of this man? We must find it quickly and try to avoid a war."

This is the opinion of the British representative.

"There's still half of the 24 hours given by the other party. Why don't you just try to shoot them and throw some nuclear bombs!"

This is the opinion of the representative of Russia.

"What's the strength of those aliens? According to the current observation, the other side can carry out interstellar transmission and develop space weapons. If general Zod takes the lead in invading France, how should we resist? Or seek stability and make peace first..."

That was the opinion of the representative of France.

It was brave of them not to raise the white flag directly.

"We are actively contacting Superman and looking for clues about Carl Al, but... It takes time."

This is the opinion of the representative of the United States.


After a meeting, no effective plan could be discussed.

For general Zod and his party, countries have too little information to infer anything.

As for Superman in Kansas, his phone is about to burst.

As the only known alien on earth, Clark is not surprised to be suspected by some people.

Whenever and wherever, conspiracy theory always has a market.

To sum up, several statements circulated on the Internet are probably "Superman LED general Zod".

Officials from the Pentagon and the White House, ignoring the wanton spread of public opinion rumors, urged Superman to rush to Washington, D.C. as soon as possible.

Conventional means can't get close to the giant ship.

The nearby force field was disordered, and the detection spacecraft and fighter could not get close. They could only rely on communication radio waves to transmit information, but the other party did not pay attention to their plans.

Except for the ultimatum to the world, general Zod remained silent.

Such silent contempt made the heads of state feel humiliated, offended and greatly annoyed.

The Pentagon believes that Superman should be sent to negotiate with him, and his identity can be confirmed by the way.

But unfortunately, no one can contact each other.

"... we know very little about the alien incident not long ago."

"The leader who claimed to be general Zod gave the world a twenty-four hour ultimatum."

"The White House has just held a press conference, saying that although these alien visitors are not friendly, please keep calm and don't panic."

"At this moment, I believe everyone has the same problem in mind. Who is this Carl al? Does he really exist? How did he hide among us for so long?"

Clark, who turned off his cell phone and got rid of government agents, returned to Kent farm alone.

He heard the news on TV, opened the door and went outside.

Paparazzi and reporters squatting in their hometown have gone to pursue new hot spots, and the life of the adoptive parents' family has been restored to peace.

Another alien?

Can't you be your own Saiyan compatriots?

Clark looked up at the vast starry sky. With his eyesight, he could easily see the giant spacecraft floating in the near moon orbit.

Somehow, the young Superman's mind is haunted by a layer of shadow, like a bad hunch.

Who is general Zod's "Carl Al"?

My eldest cousin sent a message to ignore the call of the White House and the Pentagon.

So Clark hid back at his home Kent farm and waited for Luke's further instructions.

"I don't know what's going on with my big cousin?"

Krypton's little cousin muttered.



The North Pole.

Krypton spacecraft.

Luke's dialogue with Joe al finally entered the topic of "general Zod's arrival on earth".

"Zod? Why is he here? He was not exiled to the phantom area..."

Joe Al was surprised to learn the news.

Although he is only an intelligent consciousness, a piece of cold data.

But to some extent, he has all Joe al's memories, almost equal to himself.

"He escaped from the phantom area. You should know that Zod has the ability to do that."

Luke said with a smile.

The phantom area actually refers to the dimensional space discovered by krypton. It is used as a prison to hold and imprison those dangerous criminals.

Zod bonus and his men were deprived of their liberty and thrown into the dark place because they committed many crimes such as rebellion and disobedience.

There, time is meaningless and its own strength will be greatly weakened.

Day after day, year after year, endless darkness will destroy the spirit of criminals and let them finally die.

"Zod, he's dangerous! He must be stopped!"

Joe al frowned. He had a delicate relationship with Zod, both enemy and friend.

The latter is krypton's best general and the most powerful soldier.

The reason he wanted to find Carl al must be for krypton's fertility code.

"Don't be nervous. Zod can't make much noise. He will only send your son to the throne of superhero."

Luke waved his hand to show that everything was under control.

With a few words of comfort, he pulled out the master key inserted on the spacecraft console, and Joe al's image disappeared.


Luke stepped out of the krypton spacecraft and looked through the thick clouds to see the behemoth in near lunar orbit.

If it is a face-to-face duel, my little cousin may find it difficult to defeat general Zod.

The strength of the 17-year-old Superman is limited. It is impossible to compete with the krypton compatriots who first arrived on earth as in the original plot.

General Zod's men are kryptonians with a warrior gene template.

Just pick one out and you can rub Clark on the ground.


Luke suddenly narrowed his eyes. He saw a giant spacecraft suspended in near lunar orbit and released an aircraft.

"Zod is very efficient. He knows who Clark is so soon."

Superman has previously announced his identity, videos about him and news all over the Internet.

As long as general Zod noticed, he could understand at the first time that Clark Kent was Carl al.

"The goal is Kansas... The first act has begun."

Luke smiled. Through his super vision, he didn't see Zod. He was led by a female commander and followed by two other kryptonians.