Superman's return, like a heavy bomb, crashed into the calm lake and set off huge waves.

The turbulent world pattern of undercurrent seems to become subtle with the emergence of that man.

Of course, Luke himself did not have any intuitive feelings.

He only said one word at the press conference, and then handed the scene to Peggy.

The reporters just pressed the shutter and didn't even have time to ask serious questions.

The spread of news in modern society can be called rapid.

Ten minutes later, the White House and the Pentagon took turns calling.

Whether the president or the general.

They are polite and sincere.

Most of the conversation was about inviting Superman to Washington, D.C., or attending a party.

This kind of political chat usually has no nutrition.

Luke exchanged a few casual greetings and handed over the itinerary of the next few days to Natasha, director of the Secretariat of the Divine Shield Bureau.

"The mayor of New York wants to invite you to give a speech in Brooklyn. What do you think, Mr. director?"

This beautiful girl with wine red hair looked much more mature than when she stayed in the Soviet Union and Leviathan.

The high-level core of the s.h.i.e.l.l.d. has basically been injected with reinforcing agents of infinite formula to delay cell aging and maintain young vitality.

Even though Luke has left the world for a long time, Peggy and Natasha can't see much change.

But the precipitation of years can always give women more beautiful charm.

"No time, no interest."

Superman, who returned to the headquarters building of s.h.i.e.l.d., shook his head and refused.

Now he just wants to have a good rest and take a long vacation.

In the past, the cause was still in its infancy. It could not be separated from the circle of politics and power, and could only participate in it.

But now, unlike in the past, the Divine Shield bureau is on the right track and has a good momentum of development.

The power image created by Superman has also become the common cognition of the group of people at the top of the pyramid of the human world.

Luke doesn't need to deal with any dignitaries, let alone fill his schedule and deal with all kinds of high-end cocktail parties and interpersonal relationships.

He can turn from the stage to the background and watch where the world changed beyond recognition will go.

"In the future, you can push this kind of invitation directly. Don't ask me again."

Luke knocked on the table and said softly.

Confirming that Natasha had no other job, he closed his eyes without scruples and magnified the single cosmic sense.

The black widow sitting opposite felt a real strong wave sweeping through her, like a radar sound wave.

Because she is too close, through naked eye observation, we can find that the air is distorted, as if it is constantly shaking, rendering strange colors.

Seeing this scene, Natasha subconsciously held her breath and dared not make any action.

"Don't be nervous. It won't hurt you."

Luke comforted.

He is gradually covering the planet under his feet with his senses.

No matter what those skurus would choose to do, it is an indisputable fact that they secretly kidnapped and kidnapped Howard stark and Nick Frey with the intention of attacking the s.h.i.e.l.d.

For the purpose of making an example, Luke must show a stern attitude.

As for the consequences of offending the skuru Empire?

i 'm sorry.

That's not in his consideration.

Superman's senses expanded rapidly, and the whole person seemed to rise to a very high place to open the perspective of God.

The earth is like a blue glass marble in the palm of your hand.



Mutant college, Westchester County.

The young Charles stood on the podium and gave a history class to the fifth graders in a kind and gentle tone.

He had a different choice from his good friend Eric and did not enter the s.h.i.e.l.d.

But stay in this school that is of great significance to mutants and be a teacher.

Because long before they went on stage, white queen Emma and Superman worked together.

The mutant Registration Act was introduced, and the public's view of mutants was greatly reversed.

The public opinion environment at this time is much better than before.

Even William Stryker, the "mutant butcher" in the original plot, sent his son to school.

As someone said, the story of the world was messed up by him and could no longer see its original appearance.

So, Professor Charles and magneto, who should have loved each other and killed each other.

Instead of going their separate ways, they became the young leaders of their compatriots.

"The original mutants go back to..."

Charles put his hands on the table and his endless words stopped suddenly.

He looked up with a look of shock in his eyes.

Look through the window in the direction of Washington, D.C.

As an alpha mutant, Charles has the most powerful spiritual ability in the world.

If he wants, he can even use the brain wave amplification instrument developed by the beast hank to enter the human consciousness all over the world.

When Luke sat in the headquarters building on the Potomac River, opened his senses and searched every skuru on earth.

Charles, who was in Westchester County in northern New York, naturally noticed.

He habitually tried to capture the spiritual traces, trying to find out who that person was.

But the powerful wave of mind ruthlessly excluded Charles.

Next second!

He screamed!

Cover your eyes with your hands, as if your retina was burned by the sun.

That's far more than you think!

More powerful than the legendary Omega mutant!

"Class is over!"

Charles said in a hurry, turned and rushed out of the door to explain the situation to the headmaster.



Skuru liaison officer disguised as Nick Frey sent messages to his compatriots infiltrating the Divine Shield.

He has learned the horror of Superman from the leader's mouth.

If those seemingly exaggerated news are all true.

Let alone an advance force, even if the Empire invested all its strength, it might not be able to cause any harm to him.

After all, it's a man who can easily defeat the sword fighting man, and the universe elders should be respectful to him.

In the Milky way, Superman's reputation.

It has surpassed Odin, the former communist Lord of the nine realms, and has a hidden tendency to catch up with the crazy Titan.

"Using stealth technology, spacecraft docked in outer space are ready to jump at any time."

After contact, the skuru returned to his original appearance.

He doesn't like to dress up as a dark, serious guy.

"What about those humans we control?"

Asked the liaison officer.

In the dark room, only he and the leader of the advance force of skuru were left.

"Throw it in the 'warehouse'. Anyway, they will wake up sooner or later. Just find a way by themselves."

The leader did not kill those people, not even extort confessions by torture.

The reason is simple.

Not out of cosmic humanitarianism or anything else.

The skurus don't need to do that at all. They usually find a goal.

Then control it and copy it together with the appearance and memory.

"Will Superman already know our existence?"

The liaison officer is a little nervous.

The law of existence of the vast Milky way has always been similar to the law of the jungle in nature.

Civilization is a coat, take off that cover, there is only red fruit barbarism.

The crazy Titan and his dark order have become a major problem for the three empires.

Now Superman, who is equally powerful, is about to rise with this blue planet.

Once the other side knows that the skuru Empire has made the idea of the earth, will it lead to the outbreak of a war?

"What if I know?"

The leader seems to have regained his composure.

Skuru's deformation ability is not only superficial, but genetic imitation.

Unless Superman can see the distribution and movement of each atom, go deep into the micro world and see the changes.

Otherwise, how can we tell who is human and who is skuru?

So in the view of the leader, the best situation is that everyone takes a step back.

Forced by the power of Superman, they consciously withdrew from the earth.

And the other party can also turn a blind eye as if nothing had happened.

The idea of the skuru leader is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.


The dark room seemed to be lifted off the roof by an invisible hand.

The light shines in!

This is a deep underground air defense base.

The skuru leader used Howard Stark's power and funds to build a stronghold privately.

But that invisible force, like the palm of God!

Thick soil, hard steel and cement, all crushed!

"I found you."

The huge and spiritual sound directly blasted into the consciousness of the leader of the skuru people.

His frightened expression suddenly solidified.

As if the soul had been evacuated, he trembled and fell to his knees.

At the same time, the scattered skurus were struck by lightning.

They hold their heads tightly and stubbornly resist the invisible wave of mind.

But no one can persist for more than one second and lose consciousness.

"Mr. Director..."

In the office of the headquarters building, Natasha gave a careful cry.

Luke leaned back into his chair and closed his eyes as if he were resting.

She had sat still and stiff for five minutes.

It was a little unbearable, and it made a noise.

"Well, let the security guard throw the skurus under the building into prison and wait for Peggy to come back for a good interrogation."

Luke opened his eyes and gently snapped his fingers.

Outside the headquarters building, magic sparks flickered and opened many transmission channels.

The scurus who lost resistance and passed out in a coma smashed on the green lawn like dumplings.


Natasha, unsure, went to the French window and looked.

"Mr. director, how did you find them..."

Leviathan graduated and the female secretary who won the title of "black widow" covered her mouth.

She had just learned from Peggy that the scurus were very cunning and difficult to distinguish.

But Luke was just sitting in the office, and these guys came to the door by themselves, which was ridiculous.

"When you can put a planet in the palm of your hand and play at will, it's easy to do anything and find anyone."

Luke smiled faintly and leaned back slightly.

Solve the Secret Invasion of the skurus, and then vacation life.