
When Chen Hao found the aura of time and space attribute on the ghost mother-in-law, he immediately felt that the situation was not good.

Because the ghost mother-in-law's evil spirit flashed a palpitating breath after it was connected to a certain space. Chen Hao had felt an invisible pressure when the ghost mother-in-law offered sacrifices before, which was definitely the first time for him to receive this kind of pressure.

So he immediately frowned and did not dare to take it easy.

"Stop her, she's a bone eating beast! Don't let her summon her body! "

Xiaoyu suddenly yelled, no matter how many people at the scene can understand her tips, in short, directly called the key to today's.

Dead bones eat the empty beast!

When Chen Hao heard Xiao Yu's cry, he felt nervous immediately.

After the red spark mark was opened, he once again obtained the inheritance of the congenital environment represented by the third star mark in the Dragon inheritance, in which there has been a lot of information about supernatural creatures, which are commonly known as demons and ghosts in the ordinary population.

One of them is this kind of bone eating beast!

This is a kind of monster with innate strength. It is the origin of the most insidious evil spirit in the void cracks. It is naturally very corrosive and can be attached to all creatures with flesh and blood aura. At last, it will pile up all the bones it devours into its body. Theoretically, it can grow infinitely.

Its most terrifying feature is that it can move freely in the cracks of space, and divide its body into countless parts, large and small. When it invades, it is silent and hard to be found by flesh and blood creatures.

"That's right!"

Chen Hao had seen Bayan Abu sacrifice the head of the ghost mother-in-law before, and even got the blessing of the so-called Holy Spirit of the Tibetan priest. He also got a lot of unexpected benefits in the process.

However, it is under his and Bayan Abu's eyes that the ghost mother-in-law successfully invades Bayan Abu's body and completely evades their self-defense.

So this alone is chilling!

Chen Hao can't imagine what will happen if he is attacked by the ghost mother-in-law. Will Longzhu protect him from the original evil spirit of the ghost mother-in-law? Or, like Bayan Abu, he will be invaded by the ghost mother-in-law secretly and finally be squeezed out of his head

"Shit! Be careful, be careful again

Chen Hao took the initiative to activate the three star tracks, and immediately shot the Dragon whisker needle of both hands at several important joints of the ghost mother-in-law, even faster than Xiaoyu's first wave of flying sword attack.

Poof, poof!

After Chen Hao started, he had an induction. After the Dragon whisker needle, which was condensed by the Dragon Ball's spirit power, hit the ghost mother-in-law's body, he immediately had an induction of the impact and collision of spirit and evil spirit.

It's just that there's something wrong with the feedback.

Obviously, he didn't feel the spiritual power infiltrating into the other person's body and the circulation of evil Qi. On the contrary, he seemed to be blocked in the outer layer by something

At this time, Xiaoyu's Lingqi flying sword comes immediately.

Chen Haoli was looking forward to the trouble that Lingqi flying sword could kill the ghost mother-in-law. However, with a huge dull sound without warning, he immediately rushed to a powerful evil spirit and suddenly came into play. A dark shadow suddenly expanded in the center where the ghost mother-in-law was located, and suddenly crushed a large area of ground and rolled up the dust.

Chen Haoli squints his eyes and tries his best to see through the dust.

As a result, before he could see through the growing shadow inside, he felt a ten times stronger evil spirit burst out.


The shadow in the dust gave a roar, and immediately flew all the dust out of the air. The originally fine dust was stained with a layer of evil spirit, and immediately turned into a sharp weapon far more terrible than bullets.

At the same time, Xiaoyu's spirit flying sword all stabbed, and then collided with the evil spirit.


Aura and evil spirit are mutually exclusive. In fact, they are a special energy of "one touch". After the collision and friction at this moment, they immediately attack each other with tit for tat and produce a very strong explosion without accident.

"Damn it

Seeing this, Chen Hao could not help but burst out a rude remark in his heart, because he was only ten meters away from the explosion of the evil spirit, and he was just face-to-face, just like suicide. The explosion caused by the collision between the spirit weapon flying sword and it did not give him a chance to react, and he was pulled into the explosion center that absolutely covered hundreds of square meters.

"Little landlord!"

After Li Hong found the explosion, she only had time to shout in her heart and instinctively fell to the ground.

However, she was only tens of meters away from the explosion center than Chen Hao, so she didn't use the body protecting Qi to resist. Instead, she let herself fly quickly along the wave of the explosion. She was not stupid enough to use her body to resist.

But even so, Li Hong was thrown tens of meters away. After landing, she only felt seven halos and eight elements. Her body was obviously hit by some physical impact. One arm was too sour to use flexibly.

When she got up, she immediately looked at the center of the explosion in horror.

There was an incredible pit that looked at least tens of meters deep, extending hundreds of square meters in the opposite direction.

In the deep pit, a monster giant insect with six giant insect heads, dark and shiny crustaceans, like a multi legged centipede, is entangled in it. A ferocious insect head alone has a height of 20 meters or 30 meters. Therefore, it can be imagined that its insect body is more than 100 meters or even 200 meters long.


Even the tough nerves of the female killer could not help shivering.

Because if the explosion and fall caused by the monster and giant insect directly wiped out everything in the area of hundreds of square meters, countless unfortunate warriors who had no time to escape would become pieces.

Li Hong knows that if the main direction of the explosion is her side, she is absolutely unable to resist the explosion which is so powerful as to kill the flesh and blood.

And this explosion at least reduced the number of soldiers who came to 137 secret place by one third!

"What about the landlady?"

In a hurry, Li Hong immediately glanced at the ground that had been bombed by the terrible six headed monster. She found that only some of the fighters who were far away from the explosion center survived, while those who were struggling to get up didn't have Chen Hao

"He won't die..."

Li Hong's heart suddenly rose a complex emotion.


All of a sudden, a cold air with bloody breath suddenly blows, and Li Hong is immediately interrupted.

As soon as she looked up, she saw a huge insect head turning to her side. In the opening mouth of the insect, the bloody head of the ghost mother-in-law was strangely contained inside, and she was looking down at the ground from a high altitude with a grim smile.

A chill suddenly exploded from Li Hong.