But we still need to make a detailed plan. It's better to do things in a planned way than to do things without thinking. At least we need to have a clear idea of how to do it. We can't do everything with a hammer in the East and a foot in the West. In this way, we can't do anything well.

Chen mubai repeatedly cleared his mind. First of all, the contract will expire in half a month. After the contract is terminated with the company, he can choose to go to another company and try again.

Of course, this road will be very difficult to go, and it is almost blocked by Zhang Yaohui. Although not all companies give Zhang Yaohui face, at least the top seven will not pay attention to him.

But if he wants to work as an intern in those big companies, the competition there will be more fierce. Moreover, he has been banned for so many years, and his age is not dominant. Compared with young people, he is obviously at a disadvantage, and the company will also prefer the younger choice,

As for idols, the younger they are, the more popular they are. The younger they are, the longer their life cycle will be. Therefore, we all prefer younger groups.

Of course, even if this road is not blocked, Chen mubai will not choose this road.

This road is a shortcut. It looks good at present, but it is not conducive to long-term development.

Trainees generally follow the idol route when they become idols. Once they become idols, they are inevitably packaged by the company to make money, making money, and then making money from some bad movies. This is also the most mainstream way to cultivate idols.

But these behaviors are based on the destruction of word-of-mouth, which is not conducive to long-term development.

For the company, as long as it can make fast money, this kind of star can quickly launch a batch to seize the market every few years, as long as it has some basic skills, plus good looks and young age, this is the so-called traffic star.

The advantage of traffic stars is that they have enough exposure and can make a lot of money in a few years.

But most of them are not supported by works. Even if they have works, most of them are rotten films. They can't dive to learn. Most of the time, they can't help themselves and can only be squeezed by the company. When they are almost squeezed, they will be abandoned by the company.

If you're lucky, films and TV programs with good reputation and good ratings will be popular for several years, but if they don't transform, they won't be popular for long.

Few traffic stars can transform, but they are extremely difficult. People's subjective impression is difficult to change. Once they are labeled as idols, it's hard to tear them down.

Liu Dehua is famous in his previous life. He was very handsome when he was young, and his idol appeared. Many people think that he is handsome. No matter how hard he tries, others only pay attention to his appearance.

Even after the transformation of the film and television industry, there are many excellent works, and his acting skills are also very good, but people's impression of him still stays in the appearance.

In the film and television, many of the details of the performance are considered to be Shuai. The judges of the film festival evaluated Liu Dehua. His appearance sometimes overshadowed his acting skills, and everyone's attention was attracted by his face.

Fortunately, he won the first trophy with "secret war", but he spent the rest of his life on the road of tearing off the idol label, so it is difficult for the excellent Liu Dehua to change people's inherent impression, let alone other people?

Therefore, Chen mubai is not willing to take the idol road. In the long run, he is not very friendly to the future development.

There's no need for him to take the road of trainee. The cultural industry here is in a period of rapid development. Various talent shows emerge in an endless stream. It's also in the golden age of the development of we media. He just has to wait for the contract to expire and find talent shows to participate in. He can't do it any more, even if he works slowly from we media!

Although the cultural level is low, the technology is advanced, which is more convenient than the previous life. The artists and fans exchange platform here is called wechat, which is equivalent to the previous life's Micro blog. The short video platform is called micro TV, which is the product of the same company, so the social accounts are all bound to each other.

There is also a copyright platform called Huaxia copyright agency, which is an official platform for copyright protection and trading.

Whether it's songs or poems or movie scripts, they are all registered here together, and there is no need to register separately. The procedures are simple and fast.

What Chen mubai is doing now is waiting. As long as the contract is expired, he can let the birds fly and the sea leap!

In the past half a month, Chen mubai practiced his voice and muscles every day. These skills still need to be maintained and can be used for a long time.


Half a month later, two people came to find Chen mubai. One was a lawyer, the other was an agent in charge of taking trainees. When the contract ended, Chen mubai could no longer live in the dormitory of the company.

There is no drama like that in TV series. Zhang Yaohui specially came to see Chen mubai's lost dog. There is a big difference between their status. For Zhang Yaohui, dealing with Chen mubai is as simple as killing an ant. Who cares about the death of an ant?

"You can't take anything from the company!" "Today is the last day of your contract. You have to move out in the evening. You can't take away the things that belong to the company. Hurry to pack them up," the lawyer said

The lawyer is responsible for terminating the contract, and the broker is responsible for supervising it. Both of them want to see what Chen mubai will do. This is the owner who is blocked by the above. Even in the same company, they don't feel for him, because the people who sympathize with him have been sent away for a long time.

"All right." Chen mubai picked up a backpack, turned around and left. He had nothing here, so he brought some clothes and toiletries that he could buy in the future.

The agent looked at Chen mubai's calm appearance, he said: "Chen mubai, you don't know, a few days ago, Zhang and other entertainment companies have said hello, no entertainment companies will accept you."

Both the agent and the lawyer looked at Chen mubai's face and wanted to see his expression after he knew the truth. However, they found that Chen mubai's expression had not changed at all. They thought that he had not heard it. When they were about to say it again, they heard Chen mubai's response.

"I see." Chen mubai turned around and left the place where he had lived for seven years, without the slightest nostalgia. It brought him more harm than beauty.

"Do you know what that means? On behalf of you can not enter the entertainment industry, will not become a star Cried the agent.

Chen mubai's body did not stop at all and left steadily, leaving the lawyer and the agent looking at each other.

"He should know what that means. Why is he so calm?" The agent was puzzled.

"Maybe he still has a fluke mentality. I don't know how much energy Mr. Zhang has. He won't know the seriousness of the matter until he goes out and finds that he has run into a wall everywhere." The lawyer didn't understand what Chen mubai thought, so he could only make a rational analysis.

"This may be the last time we see him in the entertainment circle. After practicing for so many years, this road is blocked if it is blocked. It's a poor man too!" The broker can't help feeling.

Brokers know these trainees better. Many of them have been learning singing and dancing since they were young. When they enter the company, they have to work hard to compete with others.

Hard for so many years in order to realize the dream of becoming a star, when you work hard for a long time but find that the road ahead is blocked, this kind of blow is not everyone can accept, also equal to deny the efforts of the first half of life!

Many people may not recover from this kind of attack. Zhang Yaohui is killing people. He can destroy a person's life with his own preferences!

"Well, don't think about him. If you let Mr. Zhang know, you'll be finished." The lawyer sees the agent a pair in the heart cannot bear appearance, open mouth persuades a way.

They have been working together for many years and have a good relationship. After all, they are responsible for the contract and life of the trainee. They often have to deal with each other and become friends as soon as they come and go.

"Well, going to drink at night The agent thinks of Zhang Zong's method, and his back is a little chilly. He has no other meaning except to sigh. He also wants to live.
