"If Chen mubai doesn't mean it, I don't believe it. There's no such coincidence. We just restarted the promotion of the concert, and he'll do it!"

"This time, a lot of money has been wasted!"

It costs money to hire a water army and buy a hot search. They did it once before, and then they were pushed down by Tao Yaoyao's new song. This time, they just bought it and were pushed down again, wasting a lot of money. How can they not be angry?

Money spent, the goal has not been achieved, twice is the public opinion has not fermented for long, the heat immediately went down, Xingcheng want to cry without tears!

"Perhaps Tao Yaoyao was also instigated by him that time?"

"It's possible, otherwise, how can we just send new songs at that time?"

Some shareholders analyzed it and threw the pot at Chen mubai.

But this time, Chen mubai was really wronged. He gave the song to Tao Yaoyao before Shen Meng's concert. He didn't plan it.

However, Tao Yaoyao knows that Chen mubai is having a holiday with Xingcheng, so he chose to break the news at that time in order to vent his anger for Chen mubai and disgust Xingcheng entertainment.

However, Tao Yaoyao's behavior, Chen mubai back pot is not bad, after all, two people are close, and Tao Yaoyao is also for Chen mubai just do so.

"Chen mubai knew that he could not interfere with Shen Meng's concert, so he disgusted us in this way?"

"As long as we reduce our influence, we can influence the momentum of the concert to a certain extent, and there will be fewer people buying tickets. I have to say, it's really a good way."

"Who would have thought that he is now holding Wang Chan. These two things are very hot, and other things are really hard to surpass. This is also his proud capital..."

"I'll be happy this time. When the movie comes out and the box office explodes, he'll have more trouble!"

The high level of Xingcheng is cursing Chen mubai coldly.

"Infernal Affairs" if the box office is not good, Chen mubai will certainly carry the pot.

Because he wrote the script of the film and made the film. The stars in the film are well-known. Even the star who plays opposite him is an old movie king. He is one of the most famous stars in Xiangjiang at present.

Strong cast and production team, if the box office is not good, it can only be Chen mubai's problem.

No film has such a strong cast, "Infernal Affairs" is the only one, breaking Xiangjiang's film record.

"What should we do now?" Someone asked.

"Just keep on publicizing."

There are two situations. The former is to invest more money in publicity. Even though Infernal Affairs is popular now, if they are willing to spend a lot of money, they can still make the concert exposed, and the media will do things when they receive the money.

It's just that we need to spend more money, and less money will have little effect.

Or do not publicize this matter now, wait for the popularity of Infernal Affairs to pass, and then start the propaganda.

But there are also two disadvantages. One is that the time for publicity is not enough. The date of the concert will start in half a month. The publicity time will be compressed again, and the effect will be worse.

Secondly, they don't know if Chen mubai has any other news or news about Infernal Affairs. Once they wait for the current popularity to go down and start the propaganda, if Chen mubai releases some more news, they can't do it all the time.

It is precisely because of too much uncertainty that starcheng's shareholders are in a dilemma.

"My suggestion is to continue to publicize, but there's no need to compete with Chen mubai for popularity. That movie is full of stars, and it's hard to compete with them for popularity. But after all, we're doing concert promotion, as long as we can keep this audience, as long as we can let people know about Shen Meng's concert."

"After all, we don't know if Chen Mu has any other materials in his hand. It's impossible to wait all the time. But without publicity, the impact is too small. We can only make do with it. Even if the effect is worse, it's better than nothing, don't you think?"

"Let's do it like this. Let the artists of the company help Shen Meng promote it as much as possible. Those who are on the show can mention it by the way." Someone said.

"It's hard..."

There are so many artists in a company. First of all, there are only so many front-line artists. They have to compete for resources. The same is true for second-line and third-line artists. Few of them really have a good relationship with each other. We are all competitors. How can we be willing to promote for our competitors?

Some people even have worse relations, and they are like enemies, so it is impossible to do so.

As for Shen Meng's friends, there really isn't necessarily friendship within the company, and the people who publicize for her must have a certain reputation. It's useless for the new people who don't have a reputation even if they publicize. This scope is basically locked in the stars above the third line.

For these people, they already have a certain strength. Even if the company asks them to do something, if they do not want to, it is difficult for the company to let them do it according to their head.

"Promise them some resources in exchange." Some people say.

"That's the only way." The general manager sighed.

So he went to do it. Shen Meng's concert continued to be publicized and could not be interrupted. This is also a relatively large project of the company at present.

It's not only a big investment, but also a way to keep Shen Meng. Naturally, Starway doesn't want to make mistakes.


"Shen Meng is going to hold a concert. Do you have any ideas?" Lu Fang asked Chen mubai.

If Chen mubai wants to do something, Lu Fang will certainly do it. It doesn't matter if he sacrifices a little money. This is to vent his anger on him. The failure of Shen Meng is equal to the failure of Xing Cheng, and the loss of a concert is still great.

The lineup of Infernal Affairs has been finalized, and a press conference will be held soon. Chen mubai certainly has no time to do anything. Only he can do something.

"There's half a month left." Chen said.


"Don't worry. If we take action now, I'm afraid she'll cancel it at that time, then we'll make a fuss." Chen mubai said with a smile.

"What do you want to do?" Lu Fang said curiously.

Chen mubai is afraid to scare the snake, which means that this action must be very big, and it will cause a huge blow to Shen Meng's concert. Otherwise, it is impossible for Xingcheng to cancel the concert. After all, it has been said, and it is also in the process of publicity. Once it is cancelled, the funds invested in the early stage will become invalid, the fees for the venue reservation will become invalid, and the fans will lose their faith, resulting in huge losses.

If they do, it must be because the loss of cancelling the concert is smaller than that of Chen mubai!

"I'm going to have a concert, too."

Chen mubai leaned back on his chair and said, "my fans have been urging me for a long time. This matter has been dragging on. It's just time to do it. It's also to meet the expectations of fans."


Lu Fang's head is full of questions: "don't you want to shoot Infernal Affairs? How can you hold a concert?"

"Besides, it's too hasty to publicize it in advance."

Chen mubai said with a smile: "the press conference can only be held first. The shooting task of Infernal Affairs has to be delayed for one month. Several leading actors are not on schedule now. This month's time is still for them to squeeze out. They have pushed off a lot of tasks, which is already the fastest speed."

"Mr. Liang Wei's work is less than half a month, while those like Lin Dong need a month, so I have one month to hold several concerts, even if I'm tired."

"After half a month, I can have half a month to rest and prepare for Shen Meng's concert. I will hold several concerts in the remaining half a month to satisfy my fans."

Lu Fang said, "you are in a hurry. Are you too tired?"

After the concert is finished, immediately put into filming, this workload is really a little big.

Moreover, the first half of the month seems like a lot of time, but in fact, it's not much. The rest is not long. We need to train all the time, including line dance and vocal music practice, to ensure the best performance on the stage.

"It's OK. I'm full of strength when I can hit Xingcheng. Only when I hit them unprepared, they will receive the loss." Chen mubai said.

"In the last few days, I've exposed my concert, and I've given you the publicity and venue, brother Lu."

Although the last few days of exposure out of the concert, and then start singing, publicity time is very small, the concert will certainly have an impact.

However, according to Chen mubai's popularity, once the news that he is going to hold a concert spreads, he is afraid that the tickets will be snatched away in an instant. As Tao Yaoyao did at the beginning, Chen mubai will not be bad either.

Therefore, although there is not much time for publicity, it is actually enough. After all, if this matter is exposed, the whole network will be hot. Chen mubai's popularity is very different from Shen Meng's.

Although Shen Meng is a first-line star, her popularity and popularity are only at the bottom of the line, while Chen mubai is a super first-line star. She is the most popular star in China at present. It's hard for anyone to get out of her!

Chen mubai just wants to be caught off guard at the last time, so they don't have enough time to deal with it, let alone cancel the concert.

After all, after so long publicity, fans all know that they suddenly cancel the concert a few days before the concert. If this happens, I'm afraid Shen Meng won't want to mix in the music world in the future, and her fans will scold her.

"OK, I'll make a reservation ahead of time." Lu Fang nodded and said, "the location of Shen Meng's first concert is in mordu. You should choose here too, but her location has already been set. You can only change to a more biased gymnasium."

The location of Shen Meng's concert has been decided long ago. Since Chen mubai wants to attack her, he will definitely choose the same place. Only in this way can the audience's coincidence be the same. We can only choose one person's concert to watch.

If some people are far away from each other in different places, they will definitely not go there. If they choose to watch a concert nearby, the blow to Shen Meng will be limited. After all, there are not many people who go to see a star concert.

In terms of their influence and fame, it is inevitable that most of them choose Chen mubai. In this way, Shen Meng's concert attendance will be greatly affected, and there will be a lot of losses!

If Xingcheng entertainment knew in advance that Chen mubai chose to hold a concert in the same place on the same day, they would definitely choose to cancel the concert. However, it was too late to know about it a few days before the concert. Even if they knew that Chen mubai would lose money, they would have to stick to it.

Chen mubai's move is to roast them on the fire.