Chapter 1563

Today, the city is very quiet. The noise of the past seems to disappear on this day. The atmosphere is low and solidified.

"It seems that the Wangs are really coming to an end!"

"Yes, Zhan family and Teng family, these are two of the six families. Now, the Wang family is really going to have bad luck!"

"Isn't it? Either of the Zhan family and the Teng family can eat a pot for the Wang family. Now the two families work together..."

"Even the Xingchen sect can't save the Wang family?"

"What a pity. The Wang family, in fact, is still good..."

In the city, people are talking! The appearance of Zhan family and Teng family made them feel thousands of emotions.

Everyone knows that the Wang family has a feud with the Zhan family. However, in recent years, I don't know why this hatred has been shelved for the time being. Finally, years ago, this hatred broke out. Not only the war family launched an action against the Wang family, but also the rattan family participated in it.

The Wang family's industry has been hit one after another. The atmosphere in the Wang family was solemn. If it weren't for xingchenzong and the Zhu family to help the Wang family here. If it weren't for fact that Zhan family and Teng family didn't really fight, Wang family would be finished now.

But now it seems that this storm, which has been brewing for a long time, is finally about to begin to fall.

Zhan family and Teng family, the experts of these two families have been killed outside the city. More importantly, it is said that the warfighters and the Teng family appeared here, but there were three Shenwu people, and there were many Shengwu people and Emperor Wu people. These people appear here. What room does the Wang family have to resist?

Even if the Zhu family wants to help the Wang family, it's very difficult, isn't it?

For a time, the atmosphere in the city was also serious! All the pedestrians on the street returned to their homes.

Has such a confrontation between several powerful families, a confrontation between divine warriors, and such a battle ever happened on the Tianxuan continent for hundreds of years? At least, the scale is not so large! Such a battle can no longer be attended and watched by ordinary people. In order to avoid being hurt by innocent people, these people all hid in their homes.

In the city, the silence was so quiet that the gentle caress of authority could be heard.

Dong Dong Dong

There was a sudden sound of footsteps. Then, a team of hundreds of people appeared in the silent street.

Starting from the Wang family, the team went straight outside the city.

"It's the Wang family. They appear!"

"It seems that there is really a final resistance &..."

Sigh, sigh, at this time it is connected into a piece.

Countless people were filled with emotion when they watched the team of the Wang family rushing out of the city. These people are very strong, but they are too weak against the war family and the Teng family of the six families in.

The six families, with thousands of years of accumulation, can the Wang family compete?


Outside the city, the atmosphere seems frozen and suffocating.

At the moment, on the open space outside the city gate, the two sides were deadlocked here.

"Ha ha... It seems that the Wangs are coming!"

In the crowd, a figure saw the footsteps faintly coming from the city, looked at the team faintly appearing in the line of sight, and showed a sneer at the corners of his mouth. This is a middle-aged man, slightly thin, but the smell from his body is prohibitive.

He is one of the martial arts sent by the Teng family.

At this time, his face looked very relaxed. He looked at the group of people coming from the city so quietly.

"Just in time! Hey hey... Bring it to the door yourself so that we won't go in and look for it one by one!"

Looking at this group of people, they finally rushed out of the city gate and came to this open space. The corners of the man's mouth showed a sneer and murmured!

"Teng family, Zhan family, what do you mean!"

With all the members of the Wang family, Xiang qiankan came to the open space. After nodding to the Zhu family and xingchenzong experts present, he looked at the people of the Teng family and the Zhan family in front and shouted in a deep voice.

His face looked cold at the moment.

"Xiang qiankan?! ha ha, good, you're here!"

Hearing Xiang qiankan's words, the thin man flashed a light in his eyes: "today, the Wang family, perish!"

He snorted coldly. Six words, murderous.

"Don't deceive people too much, Teng family! My king's family has no enemies with you. Why are you so against my king's family!"

Listening to the man's words, Xiang qiankan looked cold. He looked at the thin man led by the rattan family and shouted in a deep voice.

The Teng family made a move against the Wang family, which made Xiang Qian puzzled. Xiang Qian was even more surprised. It seems that there is no hatred between them.

"Hey, hey... No injustice, no revenge? I'll ask your Master Wang Chen!"

Hearing Xiang qiankan's words, the man flashed a cold light in his eyes and hummed coldly.

Said Wang Chen, the man's eyes flashed a murderous opportunity! He and Wang Chen have a bitter hatred.

If it weren't for Wang Chen, how could he escape from Tiancheng to Tianxuan? This made him lose the great opportunity to look for opportunities in Tiancheng.

Not only that, Wang Chen lost his face and seriously injured his body! The injury made him recover almost years ago. The pain on his body was still fresh in his memory.

Also, the appearance of Wang Chen broke too many plans of the Teng family. Not only that, but also the Teng family suffered heavy losses in all aspects.

In Tiancheng, in order to be able to kill Wang Chen, rattan Li won over several powerful people at any cost. However, it failed in the end

All this is not hatred? It's just hatred. It's just that these Wangs don't know!

At the moment, the man standing here is tengbiao who escaped from Tiancheng?

Yes, he is Teng Biao. At the beginning, Teng Biao fled from Tiancheng with the help of Jinfu, which made Teng Biao like a lost dog.

As one of the great ancestors of the Teng family, why was he so embarrassed? For this reason, he even had to change his face by using Kung Fu during this period of time. In order to avoid the pursuit of the holy mountain

Thinking of all this, Teng Biao's killing machine became more prosperous!

Tengbiao's words made Xiang qiankan sink in his heart.

i see! It was because of Wang Chen that the Teng family made a move. It seems that this matter involves things in purgatory! This ruined Xiang qiankan's last hope.

He took a deep breath and looked at the people of the Teng family and the war family with a dignified face. In this way, the war could only be fought to the end! He is ready to fight!

"Zhu family, Xingchen sect, do you really want to help the Wang family here to the end?"

For Xiang qiankan, tengbiao only thinks he is a tiny mole ant. He turned to look at Xiang qiankan again and asked several people around him in a deep voice.

These people are masters of Zhu family and Xingchen sect. Among them, there is even a martial artist of the Zhu family.

Looking at these people, tengbiao's face looked ferocious!

The Zhu family, the damn Zhu family, should they be enemies for the Wang family and the Teng family? A warrior? Hum! Do they think a divine warrior can block the steps of Teng family and Zhan family?

"If you want to fight, fight. I Zhu family will never shrink back!"

Hearing Teng Biao's words, the martial artist of the Zhu family took a deep breath and shouted in a deep voice.

His face looked very serious! How could he not know the current situation? But he had no choice.

Wang Chen, real blood! This is what the martial artist naturally knows. The top leaders of the Zhu family also know. Therefore, Wang Chen must be the object of their Zhu family's full support. The Wang family is the opponent they need to guard with all their strength! If the Teng family and the Zhan family make up their minds to deal with the Wang family, the Zhu family can only accompany them to the end.

"Wang Chen is a member of my Xingchen sect. Wang family, my Xingchen sect will not give up!"

The old star master also hummed in a deep voice.

His face sank like water. Even if he knew what the outcome of the battle would be, he had no choice to flinch.

If he retreats, what will be the face of his star sect? Wang Chen is the elder of Xingchen sect. The Wang family is with the Xingchen sect. The star sect will never die, and the Wang family will not fall!

"Hahaha... Good! Good. In that case, don't blame us for being rude!"

Hearing the statements of the Zhu family and xingchenzong, tengbiao sneered loudly.

However, he didn't hurry to start, but looked at Xiang qiankan and others in front: "people of the Wang family, Hei hei..."

Speaking of this, Teng Biao's mouth suddenly showed a sneer. He paced back and forth calmly: "Don't worry, don't worry! Hey... Let you live longer. Wang family, your staff are scattered. Don't you think I won't know? Don't worry, I'll give you a big surprise soon! I'll make you despair. Die in despair!"

Teng Biao muttered to himself, with a crazy killing in his eyes.


Time passed. Seeing that the Teng family and the Zhan family didn't mean to start immediately, Xiang Qian frowned. A moment later, his face changed greatly and he cried out in surprise!


Xiang qiankan's face became pale and terrible after this exclamation.

He stared at Teng Biao in front of him. The next moment, his strength seemed to be evacuated, and his face was as gray as death.

"Zilan, Ke'er and sun Yifan... It's over!"

Xiang qiankan's body trembled fiercely. He staggered a few steps and went backward.

Xiang qiankan also noticed something wrong at this moment!

There is something wrong with the attitude of the Teng family and the Zhan family! Since everyone is here now, how can they not hurry to start? Don't they want to eradicate the Wang family every minute?

Even with the help of Zhu family and xingchenzong family, so what? The strength of their rattan family and war family has the absolute upper hand. If you start now, they will win.

But they seem to be waiting. Waiting for something.

This makes Xiang Qian confused! Soon, Xiang qiankan thought of something wrong.

That's Zilan, sun Yifan and Ke'er!

Xiang qiankan still missed it. How can the rattan family and the war family give the Wang family a chance?

They must have arranged an ambush on other channels, right? Otherwise, they can't be so calm!

"Hahaha... Xiang qiankan? Yes, he is indeed the first think tank and the first manager of the Wang family! Hahaha, unfortunately, you found it too late.

Don't worry, soon! Soon, the bodies of your companions will be in front of you. Do you think they can escape? Do you think I will give them a chance? "

Seeing Xiang qiankan's reaction, tengbiao sneered.

Yes, the actions of the Wang family are under his control. On the other way, the Wang family ready to escape. If there is no accident now, it should have been ambushed? Waiting for them, only the fate of death!