Chapter 2818

The knife cut into the body, first cut the skin, then cut the muscle, let the blood flow out, sprinkle it in the void, and then fall down, crushing the mountains and rivers.

Every drop of blood is too terrible, just like stars crashing on the earth, causing the earth to sink, one big pit after another.

The immortal in the wine looked ferocious. A large piece of skin fell off his neck, and his blood vessels were separated. His eyes were full of madness.


The magic knife was more terrible and powerful. Lin Fan was robbed and had a layer of scalp removed. He could see the white skull, but he was fearless. He held the knife relentlessly. Even his eyes didn't change. He didn't set off half a ripple. It was as cold as ice and as silent as the abyss.

"Well, go back to the West together and fight on the huangquan road."

The immortal roared in the wine. He put his hands forward to clamp Lin fan, twist the posture of his head, and let the magic knife cut Lin Fan's head more conveniently and accurately.

Lin Fan's face showed ridicule, but he let the immortal in the wine do it. However, the power of the palm knife increased again, and the golden sky fire was burning and burning, twisting the void.

"God... What are they doing? Do they want to die together?"

A bystander exclaimed and looked unbelievably at the two men in the battle.

"Protoss... Worthy of being a Protoss, dare to fight, dare to kill, dare to fight, you have to learn."

There were children in the family who were admonished by their ancestors, and their eyes were full of sigh and appreciation.

He said faintly, "where is the end of death together? In fact, the immortal in the wine forced Muyi to step back. Moreover, both of them have a beautiful and bright future. How can they be willing to die here?"

"Lord immortal in wine, are you so sure that Muyi will step back? What if Muyi has one tendon?"

"One tendon?" the ancestor's eyes moved: "even if you are one tendon, you will survive under the great fear of life and death. This is a biological instinct."

A group of people were silent. The ancestor continued: "look, it must be Muyi who took a step back first. He didn't dare to gamble. It was not easy for him to be close to the high branch of Shanghai's family. He had a stable and beautiful future. He didn't give up and didn't dare."

A group of people nodded, indeed.

The most important thing is that the immortal in the wine is famous for his fear of death. He is famous for his madness. He has begged the world more than once that someone can give him a death.


The startling roar burst into the sky. It was the fairy in the wine roaring. The magic knife was in full bloom. All the killing planes were in full bloom. One gray flower after another was in full bloom.

He just wants to force Muyi to stop!

This kind of competition is not easy, not just a simple competition of courage and fear of death.

Further, this is the disintegration of the fighting intention of the other party and the killing of the great enemy from the root.

If anyone withdraws first this time, the invincible will be shaken, which will have a great impact on the road of seeking in the future, and even affect the Taoist foundation and retreat in cultivation.


But who knows, Lin fan is more crazy than him. The clamped head doesn't care to move at all, but the whole arm is like a real immortal cutting knife, and continues to cut the immortal head in the wine with an indomitable crazy bully.

"Are you really not afraid of death?"

The fairy roared in the wine.

"You don't know what I've been through, how I got here, and you're far behind me."

Lin Fan's words are calm.

In fact, it's a long story, but it's just an electro-optic flint.

"Then die together!" roared the fairy in the wine.

The sound of the blade stabbing on the bone is too harsh and penetrating, and the cloud of death is even more terrible.


The immortal roared in the wine, the magic knife moved horizontally, wiped Lin Fan's cervical spine, and even brought out clusters of flowers and fires.

He removed the magic knife, and let the magic knife cut down vertically. He swung away Lin Fan's hand knife. With a bang, there was a big explosion in place.

Just now, both of them tried their best and didn't keep their hands. At this time, the two compartments collided. It was terrible, but fortunately, Lin Fan's flesh was invincible and pressed horizontally in the mirror, otherwise he would be cut off.

The hand knife was swung open, but Lin Fan clenched his left hand and killed the immortal in the retreating wine.

With a bang, the immortal in the wine was robbed, and half of his chest exploded into a hole.

The first ancestor of the royal family was slightly cold, and the faces of other first ancestor level figures were slightly different.

The famous madman, an immortal in wine, was forced back?

"I... unexpectedly withdrew." the immortal in the wine was incredible. He stared at the missing piece of the body and added: "I unexpectedly withdrew?"

Hysterical, laughing and crying.

Lin Fan was indifferent. When he grasped his right hand, a thunder jumped out, turned into a thunder sword, lifted it obliquely, and pointed to the immortal's eyebrows in the wine: "you have lost. Now I'll send you to the West."

"Did I lose?" whispered the fairy in the wine, "yes... I lost."

His invincible desire for Tao was disintegrated, and the Tao foundation was damaged.

It can be seen that the moment he admitted his defeat, his face became gray and his breath decreased sharply; This is the retreat of cultivation.

Lin Fan sighed, and Ben took back his thunder sword.

"What are you doing? Do you look down on me? Think I don't deserve to die in your hands?" who knows that the immortal in the wine should roar like this.

Lin Fan frowned, the knife turned into an electric wire and disappeared. He turned his head and walked back.


A magic knife was cut from the sky.

It was still the seven color magic knife, but its power was not as powerful as before. Lin Fan just calmly stretched out two fingers and clamped him. With a slight shock, the magic knife turned gray.

He did not disdain, nor did he dislike and so on.

But unwilling.

The immortal in the wine is one of the few main characters that hailimitless has told him.

The wind review is very good. He plays in the world, but he has never bullied the weak. Moreover, he is fair and honest. He has done a lot of good deeds. At the beginning, the immortal in the wine will say to kill him. It really angered him and made him kill.

But after a fight, most of the his anger was vented. There was no need.


The immortal roared in the wine. He rushed and came with strange steps and a strange magic.

"What are you going to do? Forget the responsibility you shoulder?" the first ancestor of the royal family suddenly got up and roared and drank. This is the royal family's heroic dance, which only sent those who must die.

Fairy in wine, are you seeing yourself off?

"Responsibility?" the immortal in the wine laughed wildly: "this responsibility is not easy for me... My brother, you think his lowliness will humiliate my name and flatten his ten families. The woman I love, you think she is not worthy of me and poison her dumb and disfigured... Forced me to marry a woman who is completely strange to me, but let me owe a debt that I can't repay in this life... Responsibility? I'll take special responsibility!"

The first ancestor of the royal family took a staggering step back.

All he did was for his grandson, for his better control of the family, and for his smooth and bumpless journey.

Is he really wrong?

"Muyi! Fight and take me on the road." the immortal in the wine roared. He rushed to Lin Fan wildly. The body blasted by Lin Fan quickly recovered when he rushed.

"Poor man." Lin Fan sighed, "well, I'll take you on the road."