Chapter 3066

At first.

The three envoys scoffed and sneered. They sat on the golden saber and looked down with their eyes, waiting to see a joke.

Whether Lin fan is really the Taoist companion of King Luocha or not.

It doesn't matter.

What they care about is not, but the name Lin fan carries.

If they succeed in making Lin Fan bow down in front of them, it will bring supreme glory and honor, and their king will definitely not hesitate to reward them.

This is more than just a threat to Lin fan?

It is also a contempt for the royal power of King Luocha.

As a result, Lin Fan was so rude and direct.

Now, the three messengers have a gloomy face, iron blue and ugly, and heavy noses.

"In fact, I really don't want to." Lin Fan sighed: "but now... I have to. After all, that's the iron rule set by the emperor. Who dares to violate it?"

The faces of the three messengers were even more ugly, and they all showed cannibal eyes.

"So..." Lin Fan's eyes suddenly cooled down and shouted, "why don't you kowtow?"

The three envoys clenched their teeth and made their cheeks creak.

"How? To challenge the majesty set by the emperor?" Lin Fan narrowed his eyes dangerously.

The faces of the three messengers changed.

"Don't you kowtow?" another light drink.

"King Shura sat down and the right envoy paid homage to the Lord."

Shura right envoy bowed down, touched the bottom with one knee and clasped fists with both hands, but his head tilted to the other side.

"You seem very dissatisfied. Are you questioning the correctness of the rules set by the emperor? I always think I need to go forward and give feedback." Lin Fan sneered.

Since we have come to the senro world, how can we not clarify and understand the basic laws followed by the world?

Besides, don't the three people opposite want to use the so-called rules to suppress him?

He paid him back in his own way.

"Muyi... Don't go too far!"

Shura right envoy shouted angrily.


He would have knelt on one knee in front of Lin fan. As a result, Lin Fan slapped him on the face, and his teeth flew away.


Shura's right envoy roars angrily. He will get up and cut off Lin Fan and kill him.

"What are you going to do? Provoke the imperial power? Or despise Wang Wei?" Lin Fan's eyes were burning and burst into a cold and fierce light: "notice, I'll slap you in the face, but I'll save your life. Otherwise, if someone pokes it to the top, you can't eat it and walk away."

Everyone is under control.

A slap in the face!

He dared to slap an emissary in the face. Lin fan is really holding a chicken feather as an arrow.

"Hoo... Hoo..."

Shura right makes him pant like a dragon.

"It seems..." Lin Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Jie Jie... Thank you, sir."

Who knows, just when Lin Fan was ready to kill the Shura right envoy, which was also a big opponent for the king's war in advance, the Shura right envoy smiled grimly, and he landed on his knees and kowtowed.

The other two messengers also knelt down.

Lin Fan sneered. He led the little girl to the highest banquet. He looked down from top to bottom and looked at the wolves.

The whole Qingfeng mountain was silent at this time and was awed by his majesty.

At the same time, everyone was frightened.

I know this wood is easy to mess with.

But it's not easy to provoke to this extent. It's really frightening.

Raise your hand and slap the messenger in the face, frightening people to death.

But in this way, it also represents that there is no chance of reconciliation between the two kings. Lin Fan's slap blocked the road.

This is not good.

Because the king's war is coming.

"By the way, let me come to the banquet. Is there something to say?"

Lin Fan took chopsticks and delicacies for the little girl, looked at her greasy mouth and smiled.

Three messengers, still kneeling on the ground.

Only because Lin Fan even moved out the imperial power and imperial power, they were at an absolute disadvantage.

Without Lin Fan's command, they dare not get up.

no way out.

Even they can be regarded as below one person and above ten thousand people.

But because of this, we can better understand that the so-called crushing people at the first level of official university is not an empty statement.

If they dare to offend, this Muyi can indeed hold high the great righteousness and kill them here.

If they dare to resist, all the families that depend on them will be destroyed. Even the king behind them can't come forward for them.

It's really something, otherwise how can Lin Fan go to the party?

But now, who dares to say more?

In fact, before the banquet officially started, the three envoys arranged at least dozens of means and methods, which could make Lin Fan uncomfortable and humiliated.

But now, it's not necessary.

Lin Fan stands in an absolute high position. No matter what means and methods they use, they will eventually be ruthlessly crushed by Lin Fan and humiliate themselves.

"Hehe... Well, thank you for your hospitality."

Lin Fan sneered and sneered. He looked at the little girl and said, "girl, eat whatever you want and play whatever you want. Don't be shy and don't be afraid."

The little girl tilted her head.

But obviously, the little girl is too simple and simple to cooperate with Lin fan to humiliate the three messengers.

It made Lin Fan smile bitterly.

The little girl had enough to eat and drink. Lin Fan looked coldly at the three people who were still kneeling on the ground and said, "are you sure it's okay? If it's okay, I can go."

"Tut tut... Your honor, please walk slowly. I'll see you at King Zhan." Shura's right envoy smiled grimly.

Lin Fan's eyes narrowed slightly: "OK, see you at Wang Zhan."

Lin Fan left, led the little girl, swaggered past the three messengers kneeling on the ground, boarded Jiulong, and then Jiulong roared and left in an instant.

"Muyi! This envoy will never die with you!"

Jiulong drove away, and the right envoy of Shura shouted so loudly that even Lin fan, who was 100000 miles away, could hear it clearly.

But Lin Fan just smiled.

Not to mention, in the king's war, according to reason, these envoys are not qualified to challenge him.

Even if he is really qualified to challenge him, so what?

Will he be afraid?

During this time, he fell into a state of depression for a long time, or he could not bear the murderous spirit in his heart, or he suddenly became so angry that he wanted to kill the world.

This proves that he should not be far from the broken mirror.

As long as he gets through this disaster and becomes an ancestor level creature, he dares to go to war for fear of the emperor. How can he be afraid of the messenger at the peak level of the ancestor?


At this time, there was a sob, which just wrapped the whole Kowloon in this sad song.

Lin Fan's eyes changed slightly.

This is a puppet sound.

An expert plays an instrument that drives the puppet thousands of miles away to control the puppet to kill him.

Sure enough, a puppet appeared.

Just now, there are three demon level killer puppets. The people behind them are really big.

"Prince, go quickly. This is killing heaven!"

The Luocha palace driver drank anxiously.