Chapter 489

Looking at the confusion on the wasted face, Zhitong smiled jokingly, with a touch of complexity in his eyes.

The voice also seemed to be full of helplessness: "since your two martial uncles and I helped the Buddha carry forward the Buddhist dharma, the Buddha is no matter how stingy, he will always give us some wishes."

Speaking of this, he continued in a slightly self deprecating tone: "Hey, since ancient times, emperors have not sent hungry soldiers, not to mention the Buddha?"

I understand that the collection of vows by both my master and martial uncle is the banner of the Buddha, so the collection of vows should naturally be distributed to the Buddha.

As the first believer of the Buddha, he is also the person who publicizes the merits and virtues of the Buddha. Therefore, the Buddha will not starve them. Naturally, there will be a Buddha's wish to moisten them.

Only such profit sharing, after layers of stripping and deduction, in the end, there is little left in the hands of Zhitong and others.

This is also the reason for Zhitong's self mockery.

Therefore, when he heard that he wanted to collect Buddhist vows in vain, he couldn't help but remind him: "in vain, it's good for you to collect Buddhist vows for yourself, but remember, you must not take this as the focus of your practice."

In the end, his words gradually became severe and had the meaning of warning.

However, it is his severity that makes waste feel the warmth.

Because from what he said just now, idleness already knows one thing, that is, if it is to publicize the Dharma for the Buddha to collect vows, it will be subject to the Buddha and it will be difficult to choose other ways of practice throughout his life.

Just because you have been deeply impressed by the Buddha since you helped the Buddha carry forward the Buddha Dharma and collected vows as the way to practice the ascent.

It can also be said that you have been collecting vows in the name of Buddha. If there is no Buddha, you are nothing.

Therefore, once you don't use the name of Buddha, it's hard to improve your accomplishments.

Zhitong found this, so he resolutely abandoned the practice of Buddhism's wish and devoted himself to cultivating his happy heart demon Zen skill.

This incident also dealt a great blow to him, making his beliefs waver and emotional problems. Therefore, Zhitong finally came to this point.

Therefore, with wisdom and arrogance, how can he let waste step on his old path again?

That's why he reminded waste so severely.

Idleness naturally understood master's meaning. Looking at master's appearance, he was warm in his heart: "master, don't worry, I will never give priority to Buddhist vows. I just feel that since this vow exists, don't blame it. Anyway, it's for nothing."

His mouth was relaxed, but his heart was secretly sorry: Master, it's not an apprentice who wants to deceive you. It's really weird for me. Moreover, the vows I collected are not obtained by carrying forward the Buddha Dharma, but by saving people and suffering, and by killing and looting.

But this kind of thing is really too strange. It's a little inexplicable to waste yourself. I can only attribute it to my own body, that weird wooden fish hammer relic.

I think it's because the relic was originally a thing to rejoice in the Buddha, and now I happened to turn on the phagocytosis function. Therefore, although I didn't carry forward the Buddha Dharma, the relic was too strong, so I would collect the vows of gratitude and resentment with myself.

In particular, their own dragon ring has a great possibility of evolving into an independent world. Once that happens, if they can't collect willpower, they can't die?

Therefore, he had to collect his vows to waste, but master's words also made him a little alert.

In your own body, will this strange Buddha wooden fish mallet have any future trouble?

But he felt it carefully, but there was nothing wrong, but it was strange. He was glad that since the Buddha had become a Buddha, his magic weapon should be taken away, but why

He couldn't figure it out, but he knew that he couldn't control it at present. After all, the wooden fish mallet had been integrated with him and could not be separated at all.

In that case, you don't have to think too much. If there's anything wrong, hey hey, Buddha, I'm not a vegetarian!

Moreover, the Buddha relies not only on the joyful heart demon Zen skill, but also on the Buddhist vow, that is, the Buddhist vow can also be controlled by the wooden fish hammer. There are also Dantian and Taoist skills in his own body. Now, there is more black energy composed of resentment and hostility.

Half to half relative, but also own the upper hand.

"Since you know the weight."

Zhitong certainly doesn't know what he thinks, but seeing his determination, he knows that his apprentice has always had his own opinion, and he has clearly said the pros and cons of this matter. I think he won't go astray and waste his pains.

However, Zhitong was afraid that he was too confident and didn't know how powerful he was, so he pretended not to care and snorted: "waste, in fact, don't you have Taoist Qi in your body? The collection of Taoist vows is no less than that of Buddhism. It's only because the gods worshipped by Taoism are too complex, and they pay too much attention to their own cultivation and don't pay too much attention to vows. Therefore, if you want to collect vows, you can try the skills of Taoism. "

When I heard master's words, I slapped him on the forehead and scolded in my heart: Why did I forget this!

In fact, when it comes to the collection of vows, Taoism is the first.

After all, Taoism is much earlier than Buddhism. Even compared with the preaching of God, it is too many years earlier.

Moreover, in wasting that world, Taoism prevails, and the means of collecting vows in this Taoism are also emerging one after another.

However, as Zhitong said, the collection of vows by Taoism is only for those whose cultivation is too slow to enter the country, or for some sects to practice faster for their ancestors after flying up. Fortunately, some ox forks in the fairy world are engaged in the collection of vows.

Ordinary sects don't do this.

However, because of this, the gods worshipped by each school are different. Therefore, although Taoism first said to collect vows, it is because it is too scattered and runs its own affairs. Therefore, the vows of Taoism are far less famous than Buddhism.

But looking at Buddhism, it is different. Almost all Buddhist disciples only believe in the Buddha. In this way, the Buddhist will power is quite concentrated. Therefore, the Buddhist magic power given by this will power is naturally incomparable, and can support those talented Buddhist virtues. They can directly fly and achieve invincible golden bodies.

This separation and gathering is the reason why Buddhism is popular in the future and Taoism is declining.

Thinking of this, the wasted eyes suddenly lit up and hurriedly thanked the teacher and father: "thank you, master. I have some enlightenment. I have to close the pass and think about it!"

While talking, before Zhitong could react, he had rushed out.

Zhitong was immediately depressed. He waved his big hand and roared at the waste: "smelly boy, I told you so many things, don't you have any filial piety?"


Before his voice fell, a dark shadow suddenly threw in from the door.

How quick is Zhitong's response?

So he stretched out his hand and held the ball in his hand.

Then he saw that it was more than a dozen bottles of the best elixir. The depression on his face had long disappeared, but he smiled obscene and then gently hummed: "you still have a little conscience, this smelly boy!"