After a pause, Zhou Wen explained the reason with the method of observing, listening, asking and feeling in traditional Chinese medicine.

Chinese character face man is very interested in this, and Zhou Wen discussed the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

Of course, it was mainly his questions, which Zhou Wen answered.

Zhou Wen from the biological point of view, to the Chinese character face man explained.

As for those too profound things, he did not go to speak, and the other side could not understand them.

The Chinese face man finally asked his own question.

Zhou Wen's ear came the systematic sound of the system.

Naturally, he would not refuse and took over everything.

If it was yesterday, the Chinese character face man would certainly not believe Zhou Wen's words. There are many reasons for inducing arteriosclerosis, and the national medicine master of ZNH dare not say that it is an all inclusive treatment.

But today, it is different. Even IPSID can be cured. Arteriosclerosis is a "minor disease", which is not easy to catch.

"Then doctor Zhou will be in trouble."

"You're welcome..."

Two people chatted again, got up and left the side hall.

After that, the Chinese character face man took a step first, while Zhou Wen stayed here for the time being to speak with Wu Fen.

Wu Fen now does not believe any doctor's words, only believes Zhou Wen.

has the final say of how much to eat, what time to sleep, etc.

Zhou Wen did his best.

Two days later, Wu Fen was able to walk freely.

During this period, all the detection indexes were completely normal, and the glasses were startled.

The people who lived on the front line before are now alive and kicking around. It's really against the weather.

A week later, with Zhou Wen's approval, Wu Fen practiced health exercises with a master Baduanjin.

The experts, doctors and nurses who participated in the treatment were all stunned.

At the same time, the arteriosclerosis of Chinese character face man, under Zhou Wen's treatment of "sparing no cost", has completely returned to normal.

These things can't be hidden from those who have a heart.

As soon as the news spreads, it will spread ten to one hundred.

Soon, senior leaders of the whole province knew.

Zhou Wenwen plans to go back to Jiangzhou. As a result, all the big men have come and asked him to go for diagnosis and treatment.

Of course, Zhou Wen couldn't have refused The main reason is that the system has given the task and asked him to brush the points.

Diagnosis of a 5000 empirical value, 3000 points.

These officials and their families, in addition to some minor hair diseases, are basically well maintained.

And those little problems, they don't need his help, those health care doctors can fix it.

But also because of this, Zhou Wen's reputation is more and more famous, many people regard him as "miracle doctor".

Even if the hospital examination shows that everything is normal, but only after his nod, can he really rest assured.


It's July 14.

Zhou Wen has been in Jinling for half a month unconsciously.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, he came to a family home of a bureau to make a door-to-door diagnosis for a big man and his close relatives.

Can't help, this big guy is more special, even if all other big men don't diagnose, this big guy also must make a good diagnosis.

Because the other party is Yan Zhang, head of the food and Drug Administration of eastern Jiangsu Province, and according to Wu Fen's information, the other party will soon be transferred to Guojia food and drug administration as the director of drug safety, in charge of drug safety, health food and cosmetics.

Supervisors: drug registration, drug production supervision, health food and cosmetics registration and supervision, pharmaceutical material reserve, drug certification management, drug review, adverse drug reaction monitoring, health care products and cosmetics technical review, etc.

Seeing Zhou Wen coming, Yan Zhang is also very polite.

After all, Zhou Wen is now a red man in front of the top leaders of eastern Jiangsu Province. In addition to Wu Fen's appearance, many senior officials now trust Zhou Wen very much.

The process of diagnosis is also rapid.

In addition to a little high blood pressure, everything else is normal.

Then he helped the Secretary's wife to check, and there was nothing wrong with it.

The process of diagnosis ended uneventfully, and Zhou Wen's 5000 experience value was also successfully obtained.

"Yan Ju, sister Lu, I'll go first." Then Zhou Wen stood up.

Yan Zhang nodded and said with a smile, "OK, doctor Zhou, take a walk! I won't give you a ride. "

"Well, no need to..." Zhou Wen laughs at the same time, in fact, has been thinking about.

Today's diagnosis can only be said to have a nodding acquaintance, but the other party may not accept their own favor.

When you go back to the other party's promotion, how can you remember today's friendship?

So we have to think of something else.

No disease But it doesn't mean that he has no other needs. For example, Yan Zhang is very fat. He is only 170cm tall, but his weight is more than 160kg by visual inspection. He certainly hopes to lose weight.

And Mrs. Lu, who is also very fat As a matter of fact, most of the well-to-do official wives he sees these days are very fat, or plump.In addition, although Mrs. Lu's maintenance is very good, but after all, she is almost 60 years old, and her face inevitably leaves a lot of wrinkles, which can't be covered up by any cosmetics.

At this time, Zhou Wen's brain sounded a system prompt sound

Zhou Wen laughed in his heart. After two steps, he suddenly said, "by the way, sister Lu, I have developed a bio fat burning agent, which can achieve the goal of fast weight loss without damaging the health of the body."

"Yes ~" Lu Fengxia said with a smile, not to say.

Because of Wu Fen's reason, Lu Fengxia still has great trust in Zhou Wen's medical level. As for safe weight-loss drugs, she can't agree.

She is also the wife of the director of the food and drug administration. She thinks that she knows more about drugs, especially diet pills, than Zhou Wen knows.

Is there really a safe and effective diet pill in the world?

The answer is: no!!!

At present, the main weight loss drugs on the market can be roughly divided into three categories.

First, placebos - no contraband, no weight loss.

This kind of "slimming pills" are recommended by beauty salons, which will make you cooperate with diet or exercise. It may not be harmful to the body, but it is absolutely not helpful to lose weight. It's just a big price for psychological comfort.

Second, laxatives - Lalalala does not stop.

The main ingredients of this kind of diet pills are phenolphthalein, bisacodyl, senna leaf, cassia seed, etc. through stimulating the large intestine, eating will lead to abdominal pain, and constantly run to the toilet.

According to the dosage, the degree of diarrhea will be different. The side effect of the drug is dehydration, which is actually light, but at the cost of physical damage.

Third, the inhibition of appetite.

These drugs stimulate the central nervous system through drugs, telling the brain, "I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry at all.". This kind of appetite control diet pills, sounds very safe, to eat less, but serious side effects.

For example, sibutramine, which has been banned, can harm the heart. The main side effects are palpitation, constipation, dry mouth, dizziness, insomnia, etc. Qumei, the famous weight-loss drug, was taken off the shelves for this reason.

There are also fenfluramine hydrochloride and amphetamine, also because of serious side effects, the food and drug administration stopped.

Another example is fluoxetine, which is Prozac. Long term use of fluoxetine can accumulate in the body, leading to respiratory depression failure and life-threatening.

In short, she absolutely does not believe that there are safe diet pills.

Zhou Wenjian Lu Fengxia didn't speak. She probably knew what she was thinking. "This bio combustion agent I developed is different from other weight-loss drugs. It is mainly through In addition, the preliminary experimental results show that it can burn more than 500 grams of fat per day

Lu Fengxia see Zhou Wen not give up, simply said: "I have taken similar biological weight loss drugs, to tell the truth, the effect is not good."

Zhou Wen said with a smile, "I know. However, malignant immunoproliferative small bowel disease, as a kind of malignant lymphoma, is actually very serious, and there is no precedent of cure in the world

"Follow me first." With that, Zhou Wen went to the door.

Lu Fengxia was stunned and didn't understand what Zhou Wen meant.

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However, Lu Fengxia was not stupid, and she soon realized what she meant , the fastest update of the webnovel!