"I'll be right out. I've been waiting for a quarter of an hour. Where's this man?" The clamorous mercenary was obviously the one who didn't want to listen to others. He asked angrily.

"That's right. You pharmacists' union can't cheat customers?" A few mercenaries on the side couldn't see it any more. They began to help.

When a group of people were making a lot of noise, Zhao Niannian and Zhao xiner's father and daughter came out of the guild door in a hurry. When they saw the leader, the mercenary was even more excited: "ah, the culprit has come out! It's the fake medicine you sell that makes my brother like this! My brother was injured originally. After taking your huaxue pill, which can quickly recover the injury, the injury became more serious. The direct wound cracked and the blood flow was not stopped. People were in a coma! "

With that, he said to the onlookers in tears: "everyone, look at my brother now. How can I explain to his family? We are all ordinary mercenaries. It's not easy to earn money to support our family. To be on the safe side, we bought a new huaxue pill from the pharmacists' Union, hoping that it can protect our lives at the critical moment. As a result, we spent money to die! If they can't give an account, do you think we can still trust their pharmacist Union? "

When these words came out, there was a lot of discussion. Many people were indignant and said, "it's expensive to sell drugs, but now it's still selling lethal poisons as wound medicine. Do you do business like this?"

"Ladies and gentlemen! And this brother, please calm down a little bit! " Zhao Niannian's face was ugly, and he raised his hand to make a false pressure. "Everyone, this huaxue pill is a high-quality wound medicine newly developed by little girl. Its effect is better than all the wound medicines on the market. It not only has quick effect, but also has a great degree of recovery. I can use my head to guarantee this!"

"What's the use of your guarantee? Now the fact is here. My brother ate your huaxue pill, and that's what happened! " The mercenary said angrily, "the fact is in front of you. Don't you want to admit it?"

"That's to say, they all eat people like this, but they are still excusing themselves! What a shame One of the mercenaries called out in contempt.

Zhao Yinian took a deep breath and said to the excited mercenary: "brother, the first batch of huaxue Pills We sold a few days ago were actually tampered with. A total of 186 pills were poisoned. When we found out, 120 pills had been sold, but after that, we took back all these poisonous pills, and none of them was missing, I don't know where the huaxue pill your brother took came from? "

"Without evidence, you can say whatever you want!" The mercenary said angrily, "my brother took the huaxue pill you sold. That's how it is! If it weren't for the fact, I, a little mercenary, would dare to make trouble with the giant of your pharmacist Union? "

But his words won the approval of most people. Indeed, a little mercenary, if it were not for the fact, how dare he frame up the pharmacist Union?

Zhao Xin'er stands behind her father, her fists trembling. This is a complete frame up. She studies huaxuedan very hard. She has just launched huaxuedan, but now there are still people splashing dirty water! She wants to question the mercenary, but she knows that she can't go up now. Once she goes up and talks with the mercenary, the situation is likely to get out of hand!

People all sympathize with the vulnerable groups, but now it's obvious that people consciously classify the guy with coma mercenary as a vulnerable group, so the people are excited, facing Zhao yunian's father and daughter. It's just that people don't realize that after they do this, the real vulnerable group is the pharmacists' Union.

Any explanation of Zhao Niannian would be regarded as sophistry by people, and the previous saying of "if it were not for this, I, a little mercenary, would dare to make trouble with the giant of your pharmacist union" would have made him invincible!

Even though the mercenary was empty talk, people were willing to believe him!

Seeing more and more chaos, Zhao Niannian only gritted his teeth and said, "brother, even if it's the responsibility of our pharmacists' Union, we are willing to compensate. Our union will be responsible for curing your brother's injury, and then we will compensate you for your loss. What do you think?"

"Why, you just want to lose money?" The mercenary sneered and said, "I don't need you to treat my brother. I'm afraid you will kill my brother if you don't have enough skills! As for the loss, we can talk about it slowly, but most importantly, I want you to put up a notice to admit that your pharmacists' Union nearly killed people by refining fake drugs! Your huaxue pill is poison at all! Apologies to our brothers and all those who almost got killed! "

Zhao Niannian's face suddenly changed. This guy wants to cut off the business of their pharmacist union! If this kind of notice is put up, who dares to buy their medicine?

However, the onlookers did not think of this level. On the contrary, they felt that the mercenary's request was very reasonable. It was normal for them to post a notice to apologize for something wrong. Suddenly, many people cried out: "yes, that's right. Apologize!"

Ning Xiao looked at it with a sneer. I'm afraid that's the basic purpose of the mercenary! Obviously, this guy himself will not have the courage to do so. There must be someone behind him who instructs him!

Liu Rui drifted back from the comatose mercenary lying on the ground. Without waiting for Ning to ask, he sneered, "I can be sure that this guy's hand injury is not caused by pills! It's directly shocked by people's strong force. It's totally different to be injured by medicine and being injured by people! What's more, his coma is also artificial, and his spirit has been closed directly by people! "

Liu Rui's method of examination is first-class. He said after a pause, "if there is no cure, this guy will die in a few hours!"

"Ha ha, it seems that this unfortunate ghost is regarded as a chess piece that can be sacrificed at will!" Ning Xiao looked at the guy who was in a coma on the ground, "since his coma is man-made, it's obvious that he doesn't want to talk! Hehe, that is to say, what does he know... "

Ning Xiao sneered for a while, then asked: "brother Liu Rui, is there a way to make this guy sober?"

"Of course there is a way." Liu Rui laughs.

Immediately, Ning Xiao pushed away the crowd and walked forward. Then he said in a loud voice, "ladies and gentlemen, I think the problem now is not how to deal with the aftermath first, but the life and death of the people! The elder brother's brother is not dead yet! Let's let go of other things. It's important to save people“

Ning Xiao's words immediately resonated, and many people nodded, "yes, yes, anyway, we can all testify. The pharmacist union can't rely on him. It's important to save people first!"

Ning Xiao also went to the head at this time and said to the mercenary with a look of amazement: "brother, since you don't trust the pharmacists' Union, how about let me show you brother? I'm also good at medicine. It's OK to see. "

The mercenary obviously didn't expect to kill him. Ning Xiao, Cheng Yaojin, was stunned. Then he shook his head and said, "no, I can't! It's not urgent to treat the injury. Now it's important to let the pharmacists' Union apologize! Make a statement

Rather smile in the heart sneer a, know you can say so! Then he frowned on purpose and said in a slightly angry way: "is it more important for the pharmacist union to lose face than your brother's life? Why are you so ignorant

People around also advised: "brother, treat your brother first! So many of us here can testify to you, and are afraid that the pharmacists' Union will not admit it? If they dare not admit it, so many of us will help you smash the pharmacist union together! "

Seeing that all the people around said so, the man knew that if he would not do it again, he could only nod his head and said with a smile, "then I'll trouble this big brother!"

"Ha ha, it's easy to say, does it matter to save people?" Ning Xiaochong laughed at him, then squatted down beside the injured and asked in a low voice, "brother Liu Rui, what's the matter?"

"Follow my gesture, input his body gently with spiritual power, and help him to open the blocked meridians." Liu Rui puts his unreal hand on the injured person, and Ning Xiao immediately follows him.

Although the injury is not light, but let him coma technique is not so clever, follow Liu Rui's gesture, Ning Xiao quickly mastered the trick, bit by bit to help the man clear the blockage of the meridians, as long as clean up, he can wake up.

And the riotous mercenary looked at Ning Xiao's skillful technique, but the panic in his heart was more and more prosperous, and he couldn't help looking around.

Finally, with Ning Xiao helping the man to open the last point of blocked meridians, a mouthful of black blood vomited out of the man's mouth, and then he snorted, and he was about to wake up!

"Brother! Brother! You are awake The mercenary flashed a fierce color in his eyes and rushed directly at the man who had just woken up. However, there was a thin needle with faint purple on his hand. He wanted to take the opportunity of cuddling and stick it into the neck of the man who had just woken up!

"Oh, don't get excited. Your brother just woke up. You should be careful to suffocate others when you hold him like this!" How can Ning Xiao not see that person's small action? Directly a pull that person, will he is holding the palm of poison needle to pinch dead!

How can this person escape from Ning Xiao's hand? He is directly dragged motionless, but the man on the ground is gradually waking up.

The man who just woke up looked around in confusion, and then his eyes fell on the mercenary who was caught by Ning Xiao. His face suddenly showed a look of incomparable indignation, and he said angrily, "Liu shisan, I treat you as a brother, but you actually hurt me! Cough... "

All the people around suddenly burst into a roar, and their eyes widened. They didn't expect that things would turn such a corner!

"Yes, why do you want to harm your brother?" Ning Xiaoxiao raised the mercenary's hand, a purple needle was very obvious in the sun!