"Black and white." Rather smile light command a, then black and white point a huge tiger head, a breeze rolled, but will be Lin Dongtian and Lin Yueer two people to one side.

And black and white itself is a flash of light, directly and ningxiao integration, a crazy bully momentum, mixed with ningxiao that crazy breath swept away!!

"It's just that the first-class winged tiger is so powerful? How powerful it is Xu Shaqiu was not surprised but pleased. He gave a sigh of admiration. His eyes were full of greed. "I'm going to make up my mind about this winged tiger!"

If the gifted spirit weapon is extracted, it will be given to the family. If he gains black and white, Xu Shaqiu can directly take it back to himself. For him, it is more profitable than any family resource!

"If you want my land to be shadowed, take your life for it!" Rather smile angrily, behind a huge white wings, the whole person like white lightning general hit!

At this time, the broken blade was not too big. The cold light flashed in his eyes. The sword pointed forward and stabbed Ning with a smile.

"Fool, my goal is not you!"

A voice of sarcasm came. Ning Xiao, who had been in front of Xu Shaqiu, suddenly changed his shape, leaving a series of residual shadows. However, when he came to the stone rock, he was still a mountain collapsing stick, sweeping towards the waist of the stone rock!

Ningxiao's body method can be said to be extremely strange with the eight trigrams dragon walk. Even if you are facing a glorious situation, you can dodge easily!

Unexpectedly, Ning Xiao appears in front of him, and Shiyan is surprised. However, he is always very steady, and has never put down his defense. Ning Xiao hits him with a stick, and he drinks violently. He reaches out his hand and grabs the long stick that Ning Xiao left behind!

With a bang, the stone's hands were grudgled with the right hand of the long stick. He could not help grinning. This stick was awesome enough. No wonder the palm of the broken blade had been shattered, but now the kid's genius is caught in my hands. It's dead.

So think, stone rock left hand clench a fist, want to fiercely toward rather smile of head blast go, this fist if hit solid, he can make sure rather smile direct fainting!

However, when his fist was just raised, he found that Ning Xiao's palm had already been attached to his abdomen. Then the small palm for him suddenly turned, and a terrible twist and rotation force burst out from the palm and spread into his body! In a short moment, he felt that his intestines and viscera began to be distorted by this force!

A guy who can fight side by side with guangyaojing must also be guangyaojing! So Ning Xiao didn't look down upon the huge rock from the beginning. How could the mountain collapse stick not break the blade? It's inevitable that it can't do anything about the big rock. So the mountain collapse stick is just a cover, and Ning Xiao's killing move is a full-time cloud hand coming one after another!

After a move of cloud hand, Ning Xiao directly released the long stick in his hand, and his body suddenly retreated. Almost as he retreated, a dark long knife with a faint light cleaved at his position just now, but the broken blade arrived.

Shiyan spat out a big mouthful of blood, and his face was a little pale. Even though he reacted quickly and mobilized his spiritual power to block, he suffered a lot. His inner organs had been hurt by the twisting force.


Seeing Shiyan spitting blood, Duan blade suddenly widened his eyes and cried out in disbelief. Shiyan is not so big as Bai Chang. In terms of physical defense, among Xu Shaqiu's subordinates, he is the strongest, but now he has been beaten by Ning Xiao's light hand and vomited blood. What's the matter?

"That boy's palm technique is strange. It should be a powerful fighting skill. Be careful!" Shiyan took a deep breath and finally suppressed the injury in his body. The thrust blade murmured.

Ning Xiao's heart is also a little shocked, his full move cloud hand, that big guy actually just vomited blood, this defense is just against the sky! You know, just now he clearly felt that the power of his cloud hand still burst into his body! A person's external defense is easy to practice, but the internal defense is not so good to improve!

In the past, unless his cloud hand was blocked outside the body, once it broke into the body, it was not so simple to resist. This was the first time he encountered it!

Ning Xiao reaches for a move, and the long stick that was originally in Shiyan's hands disappears instantly, and then appears in his hands again. The craziness between looks is more serious!

One or two are so powerful, then try your best! Kill one is enough, kill two and earn one! Since the big guy was hurt carelessly, he'll stare at him and kill you because of your illness!

Rather smile that pair of crazy eyes, already fell on the body of the rock.

Seeing Ning Xiao's eyes, how can Shiyan not know Ning Xiao's plan and suddenly shout angrily: "do you want to kill me? Boy, be your spring and autumn gate! Blaster, cannon

With this roar, Shiyan's right hand suddenly turned into a huge iron gray gun tube, and a terrible white magic light quickly gathered in the muzzle. Then bang, a huge white magic shell the size of a basketball was launched, and directly hit Ning Xiao!

Ning Xiao felt the terrible power contained in the shell as soon as it was fired, and his face suddenly changed wildly! Subconsciously want to avoid, but the corner of the eye is a sweep, but it is to see the Lin Dongtian and Lin Yueer not far behind him, if he avoids, this shell will probably take two people's lives!

You can't hide! Ning Xiao roared in his heart, and after the black-and-white combination, the spirit power that had been approaching the spirit star realm gushed out. The lines of the road to the nether world had been black and bright red, and the red lines on the long stick in his hand were shining like blood. He tried his best to hit the shell that was coming!

Almost in an instant, Ning Xiao's long stick was about to collide with the Lingli cannonball. But in this moment, Ning Xiao's earth in front of him stood up a tawny crystal barrier, which directly blocked the cannonball!

Bang, the shell exploded, the crystal barrier just blocked for a moment, then declared broken, but this is enough, the remaining shock wave is not enough to threaten Ning Xiao, just blowing him back a few steps.

"What a thief A violent drink came from mid air, and then a Taoist shadow rushed out from all around, directly blocking Ning Xiao's body.

It's the six elders of Ning family! Just a minute after the battle broke out, they all arrived! And arrived at the first time, is the first to help ningxiao to block an attack!

"Better laugh!"

An anxious voice came into Ning Xiao's ears. Ning Xiao was surprised and turned back, but he said anxiously, "Dad, why are you here too?"

"I'm the head of the family. How can I not do such a thing?" Ning Lang has asked several bodyguards to help Lin Dongtian and Lin Yueer up. Two Lin pharmacists are nervously checking their injuries.

Ning Lang's heroism is Gan Yun. He was originally a hero. Now he is the head of the Ning family. There are enemies raging in the family. His son and several elders go to war. If the head of the Ning family becomes a turtle to hide, what kind of head should he be!

Ning opened his mouth with a smile. He wanted to persuade his father to escape, but he found that he couldn't say it anyway. After a long time, he burst out with a laugh: "OK, father will guard grandfather Lin and Yueer well! Look at my son, I'll work with your grandfathers on these bastards

"Ha ha, smile, that's good! Let's hit them together He Kun laughed and agreed.

Feng Hu's face was chilly. He built the crystal barrier just now. He naturally knew each other's strength. Now he said in a cold voice, "who are you? Why do you want to attack our Ning family and hurt the young master of our Ning family?"

Xu Shaqiu looked at several people and said, "at last, there is a calmer one, but the ending will not change. I'm from the Xu family in Shanghe. I don't think I need to say anything else. "

"The Xu family in Shanghe?" Ning family several people immediately pupil contraction, in the heart startled, this is to here of cent family to revenge? But it's not right. Who informed?

Ning Xiao almost immediately doubted Zhang Shi, but then dispelled the doubt. Unless Zhang Shi's brain was broken, he would never betray him when Ning Xiao was just red!

So who is it?

Looking at the shock and doubt on the faces of the people, Xu Shaqiu laughed: "you must be very curious who told me the news, right? Just so you can understand. Fauber, go and bring the men

Fubo nodded respectfully, and then his figure disappeared. Two seconds later, he appeared in the same place. On his hand, there was already one more person!

"I don't want to see the young master yet!" Fubo patted the man behind his back and knelt down in front of Xu Shaqiu.

"Are you the master of the Xu family? Excellent! Here you are at last. Let's meet you The man was so happy that he knocked on the ground!

"Ning Yan! It's you? How could it be you See that person, the eye bead son of rather long is to stare big, shocked inexplicable.

Hearing Ning Lang's voice, Ning Yan suddenly jumped up from the ground, with a distorted look and angrily scolded: "Ning Lang, you bastard who killed your brother and nephew, today is your death! This day finally let me wait! In front of the young master, you are all a bunch of rubbish! Ha ha ha, you are all dead! "

"You bastard!" Ning Lang's contents are about to crack. I feel my head is going to explode!

Others couldn't say a word. Looking at Lin Yan laughing wildly, after a long time, Feng Hucai said to Ning Lang in a dry tone: "Ning Lang, this is the price of your kindness!"

Ning Lang fell down and sat on the ground. He was a fool