Although Ning Xiao has found the figure close to him, he is still sitting there eating barbecue. He looks like he has not found anything. He just uses the vision of spirit to monitor the person coming.

To do so is to show the enemy that he is weak, pretend that he doesn't see the other side, and see what this guy is going to do.

The spiritual horizon can only use the spiritual horizon for sensing. When Ning Xiao sweeps the figure, he is sure that the other person does not have the ability of spiritual horizon at all. Then the other person can't find that he is monitoring her. The enemy is in the light and I am in the dark, and he looks like he has not found out at all. If the other party has any bad ideas, he will certainly act.

Although Ning Xiao can feel that the other party doesn't seem to have any malice, but the heart of defending people is indispensable. God knows if the woman who comes near is the kind of master who can hide her emotions well?

But even if the other party has any malice, Ning Xiao doesn't care at all, because in Ning Xiao's induction, the breath of the woman who is close to her doesn't deliberately converge. It's just the cultivation of seven or eight stars in the spiritual world, and she can get rid of it with one hand. If you really want to do it, that guy is also here to send the material.

Soon, the woman appeared less than 20 meters behind Ning Xiao.

Then Ning Xiao slowly turned his head and looked over there, with a look of surprise and vigilance on his face.

The other side did not have the convergence breath to hide, if this position has not been discovered, then some pretended to be too much, so ningxiao timely made a pair of just found each other's appearance.

The visitor is actually a petite girl. She looks about the same age as Ning Xiao. She has a rather ordinary appearance. She has long black hair and waist length. She wears a loose robe and can't see her figure. But now the girl's face, with a shy look.

"What can I do for you?" Ning Xiao looked at the girl, a little surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she showed a playful look, and asked softly with a smile.

"That..." the girl was a little embarrassed. "I'm separated from my companion. I can't make a fire. I haven't eaten for a day... I smell your barbecue. Could you please let me have some?"

"Nothing to eat?" The smile in Ning Xiao's eyes is more intense, and he doesn't know what he's thinking. He patted the stone beside him and said with a smile, "no problem. Come and sit down. I have a lot here. Let's eat together."

"Really?" The girl didn't seem to expect that Ning Xiao was so easy to talk. She ran over and sat down beside Ning Xiao.

It seems that there is no sense of vigilance and avoiding suspicion at all. I just lean on Ning Xiao and sit on a stone with him. Looking at the golden barbecue in front of Ning Xiao, it seems that my saliva will flow down.

Rather smile the corner of the mouth smile more thick, but also didn't say what, seem to completely don't mind this strange girl rely on oneself so close, just self-care barbecue.

One side of the black and white finished the barbecue, looked at the girl, some strange eyes, seems to understand why Ning Xiao let a stranger so close to himself, but since Ning Xiao has no opinion, he naturally will not have any action, just with a trace of vigilance, looking at the girl.

As for little Lei Ji, she didn't feel the girl's malice. She didn't care at all. She sat on Ning Xiao's shoulder and ate the fruit of the spirit.

The girl was obviously very sensible. Seeing black and white and little Reggie, she was surprised, but she didn't ask, just sat quietly.

Liu Rui's transparent figure appeared on one side, frowned and said to Ning with a smile: "boy, what are you doing? Don't be careless to let the little girl get so close to you

"Ha ha, brother Liu Rui, don't worry, it will be very interesting." Rather smile in the heart said a, immediately is hand a bunch of barbecue to that girl.

"Here you are. Eat." Rather smile light voice way.

"Thank you, thank you!" Some girls were flattered to take over the barbecue, and even moved by some tears in their eyes. They didn't care about the heat, so they ate it in big mouthfuls.

Ning Xiao watched her eat barbecue. When she had almost finished eating, she asked, "I said that although the mountain is big, it's just a plain at the foot of the mountain nearby. How can you get away from your friends?"

The girl tried hard to swallow the last bite of barbecue and said with a bitter smile: "we were scattered by a fourth-order beast and ran away, but now I can't find the agreed gathering point..."

"So it is." Ning nodded with a smile, then said with a smile, "what do you do now? You look like you've been looking for it for a long time, haven't you

"Well, I escaped yesterday afternoon. I've been looking for it all day, but I haven't found it." The young girl is a little dejected, peeps toward rather to smile to see, but quickly lowered a head.

Looking at the girl's appearance, Ning Xiao rubbed her chin, considering the suitable plot, and then he said with a smile: "well, you follow me in the future? Brother, I'll take you through? "

"Really? Really? " That young girl a pair of surprised appearance, immediately seem to cry general lower head, the strong rub rubs eyes.

No one found that on her face, there was a trace of disdain, which was obviously very disdainful.

"Of course." Ning said with a smile, "however, you naturally have to pay a price. After all, we are strangers. If you want me to take you through, you can't be strangers, can you?"

"What do you want me to do?" The girl quietly vomited her tongue, then quickly raised her head. The expression on her face had become sincere and urgent.

"Ha ha, I don't have to do anything." Ning Xiao suddenly narrowed his eyes and gave a light smile. He raised his hand and hugged the girl's shoulder. "You just need to warm the bed for me."

"Rather smile! Too much! " Liu Rui couldn't look down and glared.

"You see!" Rather smile in the heart back a, tone is hard to suppress a smile.

The girl first showed a trace of shock, and then some reluctant, but finally it was red face helpless, ah, the soft body of Chao Ning smile leaned over, muttered: "no way, who let me strength is not strong, can get close to you this one person rushed to the mountains of the great master, I should be satisfied."

The girl's appearance of accepting her fate is like all the women in the world comforting themselves.

So say, this young girl is whole body all toward rather smile lean to come over, connect buttock all want to move to rather smile thigh.

Rather smile is a pair of color in the appearance of hungry ghost, completely no resistance, let the girl sit on his leg, also stretched out his hand to hold the girl's slender waist.

And that girl's hand, also embrace rather smile's neck, soft of don't bear force.

"Hey, hey, Ning Xiao, what are you doing?" Liu Rui is really not live, see will appear limit level picture, he clenched his teeth to shout up, "you can't be sorry for yue'er and Xin'er!"

However, as soon as Liu Rui's words came to an end, Ning Xiao raised his hand like lightning, and directly grasped the little hand that the girl put around her neck. I don't know when, she caught a small paper bag!

"Little girl, what's this?" Ning Xiao grabs her hand and asks with a smile.

"This..." the girl was caught, but she turned her eyes and said with a smile, "these are some interesting things. If you don't like it, we don't have to. "

Ning Xiao snatched the paper package and threw it aside. Then he raised his hand and a brain burst on the girl's forehead.

The girl was confused. No matter how intimate she was, according to Ning Xiao's interpretation, it should be normal. But she felt something was wrong with this action... This is the only action between acquaintances and friends

"Well, when are you going to put on that, you smelly girl?" Ning Xiaoyi pushed away the girl who was sitting on her lap, and said with a stare, "can you tell me how many people you have cheated with this move?"

The girl looked like she wanted to cry. She shook her head and said, "no, I didn't cheat. I didn't pretend to..."

But although she said that, she was already a little nervous in her heart. No, what did this guy really see?

"Still pretending!" Rather smile didn't angry to walk over, directly stretched out a pair of big hands, covered this young girl's small face, began to rub hard.

"Wuwu... What are you doing..." the girl couldn't get rid of it. She could only fight and kick Ning Xiao while shouting.

Ning Xiao didn't rub it twice, the girl's face is wrinkled, and then a thin layer of skin is tilted up a side, Ning Xiao snorted, hissed and pulled this layer of skin down, this is actually a human skin mask!

"Wuwuwuwu, pain..." the human skin mask was glued to her face with special glue. It was very painful to tear it off. The girl covered her face with tears. At the same time, my heart is more resentful. I didn't expect that I was really seen through by this guy. How could this be possible!

Ning Xiao shakes the human skin mask in his hand and hums coldly: "my dear Miss Xingtong, do you know that it's immoral to play tricks by changing face?"

Hearing Ning Xiao's words, the girl immediately widened her eyes, put down her hands directly, and said in disbelief: "it's impossible. You can see that I'm easy to look. How can you see that it's mine?"

Put down the hands, the small face is not exactly the thief girl star pupil? This excited, the voice also became star pupil originally that clear and crisp voice.

Ning Xiao sighed: "do you know that changing looks is not only about changing face and voice, but also about changing your body shape, height, eyes and small movements, so that you can completely become another person. You can't even cheat yourself. How can you cheat other people? "

Ning xiaoxiaohe looked at the surprised girl: "I tell you, in fact, as soon as you appear in front of my eyes, I already see that it's you, but there's no point, just see how you will do it!"