Qin Ao, who hasn't seen the sunlight for several days, suddenly exclaimed when he saw the light coming through the gap!

And he just cried out, and before the cry came to the ground, he saw that Ning Xiao's right hand seemed to be waving at random, and then the click sound around him became more intensive, almost even one piece!

Then, the black light curtain cage around, is directly burst out of countless broken traces, in a crisp cracking sound, falling apart!

Countless pieces of black debris burst into pieces and fell down like rain. However, before they fell to the bottom of the pit, they quickly dissipated into pieces of black fog, then quickly faded and disappeared

In less than half a minute, Ning Xiao and Qin Ao had been trapped in the rune formation for seven days, but they disappeared completely!

No, it's not completely gone! The sharp eyed Qin Ao just sweeps, and sees that there is a black light curtain on one side of the wall, and around it, there is a circle of silver shining Rune lines, which firmly traps the black light curtain in the middle

However, it is strange that these silver Rune lines are not so much binding the black light curtain as protecting it, because Qin Ao can obviously feel that from this Rune array, there is a trace of spiritual power pouring into the black light curtain, maintaining the existence of the black light curtain.

Ning Xiao, sitting on the ground, seemed to see Qin Ao's doubts and said with a smile: "brother Qin Ao, have you forgotten? But Si youyou said that this Rune array would disappear automatically in ten days and let us out. If I completely defeat this Rune array now, then it's equivalent to telling its owner that I'm out of trouble? "

Qin Ao's face moved, shocked: "is that piece of Rune used to feed back Siyou you?"

"Yes, that's right. During this period of time, I have thoroughly analyzed the rune matrix. This Rune array, even if I'm allowed to arrange it now, except that the spiritual power can't meet the requirements and can't lay such a large area, everything else is OK! "

As she said that, Ning Xiao also said with admiration: "Si youyou seems to be a genius of Rune. Although there is no new rune in her Rune array, the method and method of array arrangement are really unheard of. It completely breaks away from the previous step-by-step array arrangement method, so that those who want to break the array, in addition to forced blasting, There is no other way

Speaking of this, rather smile is to smile: "but I'm afraid that Si youyou killed also can't think of, her this kind of array technique, now is let me learn! Not only this array, but also other arrays, I can use this technique! "

Ning Xiao has already thought of more than ten kinds of arrays in his mind, which can be changed into the array form of this kind of array. After modification, both the power of the array and the difficulty of cracking it will increase exponentially!

However, this technique obviously has its own limitations. Not all arrays can be used, but even so, we have to say that this technique is the first of its kind!

Ning Xiao wants to be new. If you study it carefully, you will be able to discover more useful things from this technique!

After all, siyouyou no matter what, it is not Mr. Fu's inheritance, there is no ningxiao hand on the basis of a complete Rune!

Now Ning Xiao is almost sure that this complete book of Rune foundation in his hand is the complete book of Rune technology in Mr. Fu's time! And from simple to profound, all things are included in it!

However, it is such a sophisticated thing, Ning Xiao actually in this short seven days, to learn it to the point of only the last page! Although it is at the cost of great overdraft of mental and spiritual power, this achievement is still extremely gratifying.

Ning Xiao's Rune level at the moment is several times higher than before! However, if Ning Xiao is copying the previous practice, he probably doesn't know how to copy it.

His previous state of concentration was completely forced out under great pressure, and this state of concentration is almost coincidental. Now that the rune array is broken, Ning Xiao's spirit suddenly relaxes, and directly withdraws from the mysterious state. After retreating, it's almost impossible to go in again. Even if Ning Xiao is put in the previous situation again, whether he can enter or not is a matter of two opinions.

It's just that Ning Xiao is satisfied. This time, his Rune technology has improved so much. It's a surprise! At the moment, although he is tired to the limit both physically and mentally, he can't help but feel proud in his heart. If you let Si youYou know that his strength has improved so much because of her difficulty, will he be angry to death?

It would be better if I could reply angrily! Ning Xiao thinks so in his heart, but he also knows that if Si youyou is so simple and angry to death, then I'm afraid he can't become the leader of the evil spirit hall, and he can't cheat himself before!

With a slight sigh, Ning Xiao propped up his knees and wanted to stand up, but with a little movement, his legs were numb and unconscious. When he tried to stand up, he turned over to one side directly!

At this time, Ning Xiao found that his body was in a deficit. He fell down, but his brain didn't react to what happened. When he reacted, he wanted to stretch out his hand to support the ground, but his arm didn't listen to the command and had no strength to speak of!

Looking at the past from one side, Ning Xiao seemed to be a natural fool. He fell down, but still slowly stretched out his hand

However, Qin Ao is not in a daze. Seeing Ning Xiao overturn, he rushes over and holds Ning Xiao before he falls to the ground. Seeing Ning Xiao's pale and thin face, Qin Ao is shocked!

Previously patronize happy, but he did not find, rather smile at the moment of the state, has been completely to the point of oil lamp dry! Previously, it was no problem to keep focused, but now when you relax, you can't do it directly!

There is no second words, Qin Ao directly put the two pills that he had been holding in his hand into Ning Xiao's mouth. With a push of Lingli, he directly let Ning Xiao swallow the two pills.

However, Qin Ao was surprised to find that the two pills fell into Ning Xiao's abdomen. They had just burst out of the effect of Lingli, but they were absorbed in an instant. It felt like a squib in a firefight!

Moreover, Ning Xiao's face didn't get any better. On the contrary, it seemed to faint!

Qin Ao suddenly big urgent, without saying a word, is to take out two pills, directly to rather smile poured down. These two pills are made up by Qin Ao. One can restore spiritual power, the other can restore spiritual power. Each one can make a person who defends the spirit with his body directly fill all spiritual power or spiritual power.

However, these are two pills. Ningxiao still hasn't improved. Like the previous experience, the two pills just entered ningxiao's stomach, and the aura just burst out. It disappeared in an instant, and the speed was fast. It didn't even blink an eye!

Seeing this, Qin Ao suddenly clenched his teeth, took out two fist sized jade bottles from the storage props, and directly put the bottle mouth into Ning Xiao's mouth. With the spiritual power, the two kinds of pills in the bottle poured into Ning Xiao's stomach like beans!

This time, the magic power of the pill finally disappeared in an instant. Instead, it exploded and disappeared in order in Ning Xiao's stomach, and the speed of disappearance became slower and slower

The 50 pills in Qin Ao's two jade bottles are disappearing at a visible speed. Soon, half of them are swallowed by Ning Xiao!

Qian Ao's forehead began to sweat, and his eyes were full of fear. It's not that he loves his own pills. As a local elixir, he has a lot of these pills in his treasure house. Compared with Ning Xiao's life, it's nothing. He's sweating. He's worried. He's smiling!

These twenty pills, if used in any ordinary solitude, would be enough for him to make up for it five or six times. But it seems that it is not enough for Ning Xiao? How strong is his spiritual power? Or, how excessive is his overdraft this time?

And it's not only spiritual power, but also spiritual power! These pills are enough for a venerable to completely replenish his mental power. However, Ning Xiao seems to be able to eat them!

Ning Xiao can eat the community, but Qin Ao can't dare to feed more, you know that this tonic will become poison if you eat too much, if you eat too much, Ning Xiao can't digest and absorb, it's funny if you blow it up! Now Ning Xiao is already overdrawn. If it's blown up and there's no spiritual power to use the life spiral to recover, and he dies on the spot, he will die unjustly

But Qin Ao doesn't know. Ning Xiao is now desperately using the life spiral to turn the pills into the power of Qi and blood to recover his extremely deficient body!

Fortunately, if he hadn't tempered his body with the heart of spiritual pulse in Qin Ao's side before, and made his body strength to an exaggerated level, this time, even if Ning Xiao wanted to overdraw his body to supplement his spiritual power, his Qi and blood power was not enough. I'm afraid he would have to withdraw from the focus state of sudden enlightenment two days ago and take medicine to restore his spiritual power and body.

In this way, their speed of breaking through the battle will at least be delayed for another day or two! What's more, Ning Xiao never learned as much as he does now!

It seems to be aware that Qin Ao's feeding is getting slower and slower. Ning Xiao, who is immersed in the pleasant feeling of body recovery, suddenly opens his eyes. He doesn't care to say a word. He grabs two bottles of pills in Qin Ao's hand, pours them directly into his mouth, and then chews them all down!

If it wasn't for the spirit power that broke out after Ning Xiao swallowed the pill, Qin Ao's eyes would have fallen down