Chapter 199 - End of the First Week

The first week of class ended swiftly with a bottle of a deliciously brewed, cold tea. Faustina leaned into the chair as she lets the chatters of the students pass into her ear and then exit to the other. Slowly, she was getting quite accustomed to the regularities in her academic life.

The chatters of the student, scribbling of notes, random minor spells being chanted on practice, and the best of all, hanging out after school. Michelle, Leviticus, and Anakin were always set into exploration, though they would come back before it would even fall into the night due to their assignments.

It was the last day of Faustina's weekend, so there are a lot of students rushing to finish their homework into the main hall of the dormitory. The main hall was the only area that allowed food to be brought, after all. Libraries are strictly prohibiting any kind of beverage to secure the texts. Faustina thought that this was rather odd, considering they can just cast a protection magic around the papers.

But Magierstadt is Magierstadt.

Faustina turned towards Michelle who was busy memorizing the charms for the quiz. She was still fixated on getting high scores for her dream of getting into the first Ianua. Leviticus and Anakin, on the other hand, were nowhere to be found.

They were eating their midnight snacks now. The nuance between eating and studying had proven to be one of the regular things she had observed in the students—at least, in Ianua VI. And there was an answer for that. The food that was being cooked in the academy is actually replenished and brimming with mana. The plants growing and the poultry being bred in Magierstadt are actually genetically modified by the researchers to safely resupply mana.


That was what Magierstadt was always pushing for. Faustina remembers that certain word so many times at Professor Devon Belle's class. Professor Belle is the Professor for Greenery, where plants containing magical elements and healing properties are discussed. She would always cite the achievements attained by Magierstadt's researchers as if they were her own, and would correlate them to the plants that these reachers genetically modified.

It was by far Faustina's most favorite subject because it was what she excelled at. Years being a witch's apprentice gave her the advantage in knowing plants exceptionally well—especially medicinal ones. However, this knowledge is still new to her considering these plants are only exclusively cultivated in the magic country.

Faustina wondered if Eula liked this subject too, given the fact that she chose to be a mountain witch as she hid from the Forsaken.



"Are you interested in going to the first Ianua, or just set into getting the license?" Michelle asked. "You can choose to not answer. I know it's a bit personal."

It was personal, but Faustina knew that the term 'personal' would refer to the very person's desire herself.

But Faustina had none.

If she could be completely honest with herself, Faustina would simply say that she wasn't even set to do anything at all but only find out the truth. She was driven, yes—but not academically so. She liked studying and learning new things, but she didn't really aspire to be on top.

Faustina had 'tremendous mana' which was sealed by Eula, so they say. Even when she didn't believe that herself, her own body proved her wrong.

But despite all the happenstances that occurred, Faustina really couldn't think about the future—and her own goals.

It's not that she didn't want to,

She just couldn't.

"I... honestly don't know," it was the truth. Faustina only thought of the best answer there is—and that was that. What else could she answer?

"I see," Michelle said. "You know, I used to think that mages don't really need to be competitive and just aim for the license—and I'm not saying that's a bad thing. It's actually what most of us would do."

"But you know, we're only students once in our lives. At some point, all of this would be over and we'll be mages just wandering around the world and doing our jobs. We won't be eating kebabs after school for long, or doing all-nighters just to pass requirements. Time is fleeting,"

Faustina stared at Michelle as she speaks while scribbling on her notebook.

"I thought at first it didn't really matter. I've seen mages doing well in life after they have their magician license. We wouldn't even be able to tell which Ianua they are because they're generalized as mages." Michelle chuckled softly. "It's funny how things work. Only the first Ianua is recognized, probably..."

Michelle then turned to Faustina and then waved her hand defensively.

"B-but I'm not saying that as a negative thing! In fact, it's just amazing and there's nothing wrong being in the first or last Ianua!" Michelle said. "But you know... being the best, if not—at least the closest to being the best version of your student self—is amazing."

Faustina stared at Michelle whose eyed then fluttered wide open.

"Oh! I'm sorry about my blabbering. Maybe we should review our notes now. Professor Zoe is said to be really strict with the pronunciation of charms and the spelling, so we have to memorize!"

"—Michelle," Faustina called, stopping Michelle from her frazzled stance. "Thank you."

Michelle, who instantly understood what Faustina was pertaining to, gave her a smile.

"I see."

Faustina then turned to the opened notebook atop the table.

That's right. All of the students just want to pass, but the aspiring ones would want to be on top. And the privilege of being on top is enormous.

It gives access to numerous facilities and things only those on the peak of the triangle could do.

Faustina had forgotten about the crucial part of all this.

The hierarchy.

That's right. The higher she is, the better she could explore the mysteries, and the faster she could unveil the truth. If she could infiltrate Magierstadt's system and peek into what the king had pertained to...

Then she would be able to find it.

'The Forsaken's Mark.'


Faustina headed towards her bed before midnight. She then stored her things back in her duffel using wind magic she learned from Orwell. Faustina then walked towards her bed and then stared at the ceiling.

The forsaken mark.

The king wasn't very specific on what that mark is, but he said it wasn't particularly a mark. In his memory, the forsaken had touched him and then gave him a spell which sped up Nightmare's manifestation, thereby causing repercussions that took a heavy toll in his body.

But that wasn't all in it.

The king believes there is a 'mark' that the Forsaken left, which made the spell continuously going—letting the first king's time lessen whilst having his body's lifespan shortening each day. The king said clairvoyance cannot sustain his body longer anymore, and so they would need to find answers as soon as they can.

Faustina knew that in the academy she would need three years of time in order to get a magician license—however, that also means that in those three years, she should have the answer.

But Faustina also knew that the king wouldn't even last three years from now.

His body's disposition when she last saw him didn't look good. Although he appeared healthy on the surface, it was clear that he was weakening. Given the fact that he was accustomed to the sickness, the pain didn't show in his face at all.

Faustina decided to think longer as the night fell deep.

What was it that she was going to do, at this point on?

Faustina knew she has to start somewhere—somewhere else. But she didn't know exactly where she would specifically start. Investigating the professors would be too risky, and looking over the suspicious places first will just attract attention from the teachers.

"Then what should I do?" Faustina asked herself with a sigh.

She then lifted her hand, trying to reach something imaginary—something that was beyond her reach.

If going into a place which was considered to be suspicious—then her cover would be blown in no time, whilst going to a non-conspicuous place would be deemed to be nothing but a waste of time.

Then what is the next thing that Faustina needs to do?

She couldn't just dwindle around and hope for the best. She needs to think critically. She needs to think outside the box and consider every realm of possibility.



"That's it!"

Faustina sat down, realizing something quick. She then rose from her bed and then ran towards her desk, pulling the map from her bag, and her journal from the side of the table.

She then began to write all her ideas before it would be gone.

And then, she encircled a portion of the academy's map with her pencil.

"What is the place that correlates with the researchers and the suspicious researches of Magierstadt?" Faustina then lifted her pencil away from the map.

"The greenery!"


Chain's Corner:

I loved writing this chapter because it's mostly Faustina's thoughts and how she figures things out slowly. It's like I'm watching a Lil bird learning how to fly, lmao.

Anyways, tell me your thoughts, and please donate power stones! It gives me the motiv to write!