Chapter 103

The Han ministry has made great moves again. Those people who live in cabinet county should obey orders when they eat the food provided by others. In addition, the Han ministry was generous. It not only gave food, but also took out some food as a reward. As long as everyone could obey the orders to fight, if they won, there would be a generous reward.

It was because of the lack of food that they listened to the new prefect's "food order" and came to cabinet county. They got their own share of food. Although some people who did not meet the requirements were repatriated, the benefits had been obtained, and no one resisted too much. Not to mention that this "food order" had subsequent benefits.

Many families and tribes, how many people they bring, integrate into a team, and make temporary arrangements according to the number of people.

"Yes, it's not necessary to give an official position, but in order to facilitate command, you should know who has how much combat power." Wei junchi had a smile on his face, but he looked a little cold: "after eating the food provided, you should have the consciousness of killing your life."

That's not too much. If Liu Yan didn't issue a "food order", most of the goods that followed the order would also die. About all families looked for targets everywhere, attacked, killed and looted, and died in the battle. Or, wait for the body to be abandoned after being weakened by hunger, stay in the wilderness and starve to death, maybe bitten by wild animals.

There is no sense of joking. When summer approaches autumn every year, it is the time when wars are most frequent in all parts of the Central Plains. They kill and kill in order to get food to live.

It should have been Er Rong who issued the "food order", but Er Rong was killed by the Han Ministry after issuing the "food order". At that time, a set of established rules had disappeared. If the Han ministry had not made a big move and fought fiercely with the group assembled by Yao Yimai, Changguang county would have been in chaos.

When Liu Yan led the army to fight, that is, when he destroyed the Loujia and attacked the selonaa tribe, it was actually chaotic at that time. It was like seeing heavily guarded fortresses or fortresses, and for example, those nomadic tribes who had been wandering all the time. They didn't dare to provoke the powerful Han Dynasty.

Then again, Liu Yan didn't ask and no one reminded him. He didn't know that there was such a thing until he issued the "food order". He didn't know that he was attacking everywhere, but thought it was normal in troubled times.

There are many things Liu Yan doesn't know, but he will never come up with food for free.

"Yes, there will be a fixed reward every year when the side branches of the family come to work."

Ji Chang seems to have official authority. He now has three identities: one is Liu Yan's staff, the other is the long history of the Han Army, and the three officials worship Chang Guangjun Cheng. Changguang county magistrate was an official post under the court system of the later Zhao Dynasty, but it was also his least important identity.

Without special observation, everyone can see that Ji Chang has recently added a kind of dignity and... Indescribable momentum. He thought he guessed that Liu Yan was a descendant of a strong man, and his sense of mission to work for "zhengshuo" broke out. Although he didn't mention it to Liu Yan or anyone, he really felt very proud. He really planned to devote himself to Liu Yan and die.

But... The emperor of the strong Han Dynasty and the emperor of the Western Han Dynasty seem to treat meritorious officials quite incomprehensibly?

Jichang faces a lot of people, including families with fixed sites and nomadic tribes. He had explained it for a while, and some people who didn't understand it asked again and again. He was a little thirsty.

It is undoubtedly a beautiful thing for many people to absorb some side branches of various families or tribes, let them work in the Han Dynasty and give corresponding remuneration. After the rise of the Han Dynasty, especially after the NAA tribe who swept the building retreated without war, people on the sidelines should know who was in charge of Changguang county.

It's better that the seluna tribe avoids the Han Tribe. Unless they are forced to the point of last resort, who is willing to easily offend the rising Han Tribe?

The strong have everything, that is the universal axiom of eternal existence, but now the years enlarge this matter and become more unscrupulous.

In response to the "food order", every family who came to live together had enough psychological preparation to ask what the Han ministry would ask for. Under normal circumstances, some direct descendants will be taken as hostages, which has been the case since ancient times, especially in the Pre-Qin and Warring States periods. There is really nothing unexpected about being a proton. They are surprised that Han Bu doesn't want his eldest son?

"Send warriors to serve in the Han Dynasty. If warriors are captured on the battlefield, they can keep 30% privately." When Ji Chang finished this sentence, the following people immediately couldn't bear to whisper. He stopped to let people talk and waited for a little while before he continued loudly: "depending on the service of these warriors in the Ministry of Han, the Ministry of Han will reduce the taxes you should pay as appropriate."

There's nothing to say. Under the regime system of the late Zhao Dynasty, the tax is basically done by the following officials themselves. The central regime only issues indicators to the prefecture level, and then the prefecture level institutions issue their own indicators to the county level. At the sheriff's house, the Sheriff has his own indicators after completing the share requirements of the State Administration, and then the county, township and village... Layer after layer of peeling.

Usually, depending on the degree of greed and strength, the shares set by officials at each level are different. Exaggerated ones will add several times or even dozens of times to the original indicators. Almost every year, some families will perish, that is, it is difficult to complete the tax quota, start the army and be wiped out, or become weak and be wiped out by the enemy after paying according to the share.

The Han ministry will not engage in tax exemption. The Hu people will not be grateful for anyone's kindness. On the contrary, they will look down on it because of kindness. The Han ministry should give gifts, but not for no reason.

The meaning of communication needs to be thought-provoking, and what should be done will not stop. Next, the Han Dynasty began to carry out appropriate integration. The four families previously attached to Liu Yan were responsible for the Jin people who came to obey orders, and the xiqian family and Su Le family were responsible for the Hu people.

In fact, there are more powerful Jin people who obey the "food order" and obey their orders with their hands than in previous years. The reasons are more complex. Er Rong tossed about the powerful Jin people and big families in Changguang county. Some Han people even attacked the fortress and conquered it, and

"The leader of the Han Dynasty really treated the Jin people differently!"

"HMM. in the Han Dynasty... Most of the leaders are ordinary Jin people like me!"

As long as you are willing to check, some information can be easily obtained. Most of the core leaders of the Han Dynasty are really Jin people. It seems that there are fewer leaders with the identity of Hu people. In this way, the local heroes and powers will be invigorated.

Hu people naturally found the situation in the Han Dynasty, but most Hu people didn't think too much. They just thought Liu Yan was like some people who like to use obedient Jin people. There are not many leaders who like to appoint Jin people, because shile gives them a good example.

After more than ten days of integration, Jichang ordered to start. Their first battle object was not far away from cabinet county. It was a small family that refused to obey orders. It was not a fortress itself. It was a fortress mixed with Hu and Han. It would be used to let the assembled mob see blood and run in.

There are a lot of things to be cleaned up within the boundaries of Changguang county this time. Except for the first attack, the fortress and fortress that can't escape will be put behind. The nomadic tribes will be the first to attack.

In fact, it is not true to say "the first". During the integration of cabinet county, Xu Zheng and LV Tai have led troops to fight against some nomadic tribes. However, when they began to take action, the first goal was to jump into the air, the second was caught, but then they jumped into the air for two consecutive times. Later, they changed their strategy, waiting for the rabbit to leave the main road of Changguang County, and finally put the campaign on the right track.

Wielding a knife to kill the last struggling miscellaneous Hu, Li Tan angtian roared wildly. He was covered with blood, which was the case with the surrounding Han soldiers. It was rare to be clean after fighting.

This is a narrow thoroughfare. At this moment, it is covered with corpses

"Clean up the battlefield!"


The soldiers of the Han Dynasty who vented their anger began to harvest the head as usual. They would tie the cut head to their waist and insisted that this behavior was "Han Dynasty" and must not abandon this habit!