Chapter 441

Shi Hu has suffered a lot of blows recently. The biggest shock is the Han Army that clearly surrounded Chaoge, but the siege lasted so long that it could not be broken. It can be said that Huan Wen's performance is really enough to attack Shi Hu's confidence in facing the Han army.

Not only Shi Hu, it should be said that the confidence of the whole country of Zhao Jun in Shijie is disintegrating and collapsing. That is a serial effect caused by Shi Hu after he personally led the troops of his own family.

Not to mention that the Jie people did not destroy or destroy the Han Army, it looked like a stalemate and loss everywhere. For those non Jie people, it was simply "Dad can't fight, we can't fight", and for the Jie people, it was "when such a batch of stubble came out, it's hard to do".

It's hard for people to figure out whether it's for themselves or others. When you are confident, you will have a strong foundation to do everything, and the success rate is high and hot. When you don't have confidence, you will hesitate to do anything and even feel guilty. You don't believe that you can complete that thing. How can you have a high success rate.

"Yes, more than 100000 people have been fighting around a trapped enemy camp for so long that they can't break through." Zhang Ju is also an old minister in shile period. His identity and status, coupled with his relationship with Shi Hu, can say some sincere words: "this suddenly emerged Han country is different from other countries. Judging from the actual combat situation, we can't eliminate it in a short time, especially... All ethnic groups begin to have different ideas. We'd better think about it in the long run."

Today, the world is different from the unification period of Qin, Han and Jin. There are seven countries established, and it is impossible to say clearly the forces, large and small. Some countries look like countries, but in fact, under the mountains inside, it looks like a separate regime of princes.

Take the state of Zhao in Shijie as an example. The dominant position is the Jie nationality, but the overall strength of the Qiang and di nationalities is not bad. The difference is that the Qiang and di nationalities have their own divisions and are difficult to unite. Apart from Qiang and di ethnic groups, Xiongnu and Xianbei also have certain strength, not to mention a large number of zahu tribes. This stone tablet Zhao Guoming is a country on the surface, but in fact it is a multi tribal alliance.

In the situation of the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Sima royal family became a signboard. It was the gate valve and aristocratic family that dominated. The fact was that the south of the Yangtze River was actually a situation of autonomy of large and small Lords. The difference was that the gate valve and aristocratic family played more civilized.

"Things are really bad." Shi Hu looked very normal now. He couldn't see a trace of cruelty, and even a decadent breath: "I don't understand. Is a country named Han destined to be strong? What method did Liu Yan use to establish such a country in such a short time?"

By the way, Shi Hu became emperor again a month ago. It was revenge for the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty to tear up the covenant.

After the successive defeats of the small imperial court in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, a large area north of the Yangtze River was occupied by the Han army. At the expense of soldiers and generals, Chu Li, the National Father, was captured. They felt that they were not ready for a full-scale war. The state of Han agreed that after Chu was redeemed, they were very honest in the near future, regardless of their accumulated strength or anything.

This is the second time Shi Hu has become emperor. In addition to retaliating against the small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he also wants to boost the national morale. At present, it doesn't seem to be of much use.

"Ethnic talent is fundamental. If ethnic people are there, their strength is there. If ethnic people don't fight too much, they have nothing." Zhang Ju said this is an idea of the Hu people. The long-term nomadism makes the Hu people have a weak concept of territory and pay more attention to population than land. He was silent for a while and said, "it's best to encourage those people in the Han Dynasty to get into chaos. While the Han army retreated, Da Zhao fought for time and made every effort to prepare for the war. However... It's time to run Bingzhou and Shuofang."

"I know." Shi Hu said that, but his eyes were full of yin and Li: "most areas of the central plains are not suitable for cavalry. If you really want to fight with the Han Army, it should happen on the plain."

If Shijie has some concept of territory, it will not be said that the vast majority of Jie people are concentrated near Xiang state, and the rest are herding sheep, which seems to let the Hu people of all ethnic groups autonomy.

For a long time, as long as the local government can pay taxes, the Shijie ruling class will not really care about what kind of local governance is. They are confident in their own force. They believe that as long as the force of the Jie nationality is strong enough, all ethnic groups will jump but dare not disobey. The facts also prove that before the rise of Liu Yan, all ethnic groups dare not disobey the orders from the Shijie ruling class.

"It would be better if we could defeat or even destroy the Han Army along the river." Wu Jin, a monk, is a popular man in front of Shi Hu recently. All because his prediction has become a reality, that is, the ruling position of Shijie has been threatened. The difference is that it is the Han people rather than the Jin people who threaten the rule of Shijie. He put his hands together, read a Buddha's name and said, "Your Majesty has sent a wide range of people to encourage all sentient beings to benefit all sentient beings for the Buddha. All sentient beings must obey your Majesty's call."

It is reasonable that a monk should not be allowed to participate in military affairs, but Wu Jin is one of them. It seems that he can not only participate, but also have a certain voice?

Samana has the idea of establishing the Buddhist kingdom and follows a top-down belief communication route. People who convert to Samana in the Central Plains such as Wu Jin are the most radical. On the contrary, those monks from the western regions seem gentle.

Shi Hu grinned, looked around the crowd and said, "things have to be done, and we have to prepare for the future."

At the Qin Pavilion, about 250 miles away from Fangtou, Liu Yan rode across the war horse and looked at the rolling river in front of him. The clarity of the river can make people see the shallow river grass. What is more eye-catching is that from time to time, he would float over several bodies looking at the swollen bodies.

To the north of Qinting is Yangping County, which is no longer the territory of Shijie Zhao state. After Xu Zheng led his army north, Cao Fu, who had fought fiercely with Li Kuang, took the initiative to retreat, and most of Yangping county has been occupied by the Han army.

"So, there is indeed instability everywhere?" The person Liu Yan asked was Ji Chang. He glanced at the north bank with a cautious tone: "is it partial instability or overall instability?"

"Your Majesty, the unrest in Hanoi County, Xingyang County, Hejian County, Bohai county and other counties that have just been occupied or adjacent to Shijie has occurred." Ji Chang also rode a horse and stood half behind Liu Yan. His face was as cold as ice. He said: "there are rumors among the people that we will vigorously clean the local Hu people and will kill millions of corpses. We are indeed liquidating the Hu people. They are afraid of the extreme dog jumping off the wall."

"Liquidation is inevitable." Liu Yan never intended to let go of some evil doers, not only the Hu people, but also the Jin people. "At present, it is only the unrest in the border area, which will sweep into the hinterland," he said

There is no debate on the liquidation and handling of a group of people in the Han Dynasty, but it is not the kind of killing all people who only look at the ethnic group and not at good and evil.

That is a very realistic problem. No matter which ethnic group, there are good people and bad people. In fact, there is no pure good or bad in the world. It depends on what position you stand.

Liu Yan still hopes to absorb and integrate a group of Hu people, but it is not a virgin generalization. While talking about practical utility, classes still need to be divided. For example, it is more lenient to absorb Jin people into Han people. If Hu people want to integrate into the big family of Han country, the treatment cycle is gradual.

"With the current means of communication, the speed of message transmission is not fast." Liu Yan thought silently and said, "the troops we fought with Shijie are close to 350000. The hinterland is only to maintain a certain garrison. Tai'an needs to deal with it urgently."

The truth is that Liu Yan and many core senior executives originally believed that after winning the great victory over Shijie Zhao, they would deal with the aristocratic families, big families and giants in the territory with the power of great victory. I have to say that this idea was originally very good. After all, if we can win a major victory on the battlefield, the Han army can be more powerful. When the Han army is stronger, the hostile forces should be guilty and deal with it with twice the result with half the effort.

There is a general framework for how to deal with things. The formulation of the plan is ongoing, but it must be much worse than the real action. Fortunately, the state of Han is monitoring some powerful local powers.

The essence of what we have is only Qingzhou. Qingzhou has not been able to make great efforts through repeated carding. Ji Chang said the truth. He was silent for a while and had to say another truth: "except Qingzhou, the situation in other places is not optimistic, especially in the areas newly recovered last year."

Liu Yan sighed suddenly and said, "I've been avoiding wantonly cleaning without a bottom line. I'm afraid I'm going to kill a river of blood this time."

The world in the eyes of many people is a corner of the Central Plains. The world in the eyes of Liu Yan is at least the whole world island. In the final analysis, it still needs manpower to carry out endless development. The Han and Miao people in the north and south of the Yangtze River are now dead, which is 22 million. The number of Hu people should be about 13 million, so he will think about how to integrate a group of Hu people.

Of course, not all Hu people will be absorbed and integrated by Liu Yan, such as the Jie nationality. For example, the Xiongnu, Xianbei and some miscellaneous Hu came from later generations. How should he know that the southern Xiongnu, Xianbei and miscellaneous Hu in history were mostly sinicized during the northern and Southern Dynasties. There were no Xiongnu, Xianbei and miscellaneous Hu at all, and all became Han people.

Ji Chang pumped his cheek and said, "yes, I want to kill a river of blood."

The state of Zhao in Shijie played up the Han parliament's comprehensive cleaning of non Han people (Jin people), calling on Hu people everywhere to resist the rule of the state of Han and unite to destroy the state of Han.

In fact, something similar happened three years ago. At that time, Wu Jin predicted to Shi Hu that the rule of Shi Jie would end in the hands of the Jin people. Shi Hu began to persecute the Jin people and issued a clear order to eliminate them.

Liu Yan said to Ji Chang with a bitter smile, "the Hu people have a decree to kill the Han people. It is said that no one should issue a decree to kill the Hu."