Chapter 885

I'm strong. When a stronger one comes, without blood and worship, I can't see that the other party is stronger than myself, so I jump up and hug my thigh and shout big brother?

If you take a leisurely walk, you suddenly jump out of a fierce man and beat yourself up without saying a word. On the basis of how you can't beat yourself, you may think about whether the other party will let you go, but it's hard to shout out. You have to feel that you're going to be killed to be unwilling to shout big brother. It's estimated that Dad, Grandpa Ancestors... They are willing to shout whatever they can live.

A small sample is affectation, not a disease, but the dignity of an intelligent creature.

Julian and keshias were deeply distressed, and their interest in everything around them decreased.

Before becoming the territory of the Han state, Jingkou was the largest commercial port in the South (none). Even if Shi Jie and Zhao had been on the other side, Jingkou's prosperity was not affected.

After the south of the Yangtze River is returned to the Han soil, the prosperity of Jingkou has increased again and again. That is because it has increased the use of the sea, not only by taking the river to the sea, but also by taking the sea route from Liaodong to the south coast. To the south of the Yangtze River, Jingkou will basically take the Yangtze River waterway. As the nearest and largest Wharf at the Yangtze River Estuary, prosperity is doomed.

Before landing, you can see rows and rows of warehouses on the land. The size of the warehouse is amazing, and the traffic at the wharf is far more crowded than you can imagine.

In the deeper inland, at a glance, all the places within the reach of your eyes are buildings, and you can see one business street after another that is well planned.

Jingkou really does not have pure folk houses. Any building is of a commercial nature, resulting in the gathering of the most complete variety of goods here. Almost all the goods of Han country can be purchased here, but they don't do retail. They are wholesalers in bulk transactions.

It is said that almost all commodities can be bought in Jingkou. There are no commodities related to gunpowder on the market. Except for gunpowder, all weapons, including crossbows, leather armor, metal armor and other armor, bed crossbows, crossbows and stone throwing carts, and even warships can be purchased.

Military equipment can be bought, not to mention civilian goods, which is one of the reasons why Jingkou is becoming more and more prosperous.

After all, you can buy everything you want. When people want to buy any goods, they will think of Jingkou at the first time. They can't think of prosperity or not.

There are both official and private military materials.

Crossbows, bed crossbows, catapults, stone catapults and warships are officially operated alone. The customers are officially recorded slave groups. Each commodity has its own number, which is placed on the surface, There are certainly reasons for doing so. For example, commodities are used in vicious cases in China to facilitate the tracing of the murderer.

Weapons, armor and other protective gear, there are also private owned by government officials, they are not as strict as other devices, so long as they are rich and registered residence can buy them. All this is just because the policy of the present Han Dynasty continues the policy of the former Han Dynasty, does not control the civilian possession of weapons, and even encourages the civilian possession of weapons.

In the western and Eastern Han Dynasties, people were encouraged to hold weapons from the founding of the people's Republic to the subjugation of the country, and there was no restriction on the bow. The basis is that the Han Dynasty pays attention to ensuring the people's right to self-defense, including those who are not allowed to enter their own house and can be killed legally. It also opened up the maximum right of self-defense and counterattack. For example, it is reasonable to be able to counterattack even if you are bullied.

Of course, the fundamental reason why the western and Eastern Han Dynasties did not restrict civilian possession of weapons was that the surrounding environment was extremely bad at the beginning of the founding of the people's Republic, which must give the people the ability to protect themselves in the event of alien invasion. It also extends to the Han law that "if a scholar does not teach, he shall not be recruited" and "if a scholar does not practice, he shall not be called up", that is, not a soldier can go to the battlefield, but only after strict training can he be sent to the battlefield.

In addition to using the Han law to specify what kind of things can go to the battlefield, the requirements for conscription in the Western Han Dynasty are also quite high. With a series of training after joining the army and the concept that has been adhered to, we can imagine what kind of quality the army has been handed over from Emperor Xiaowen and Emperor Xiaojing of the Han Dynasty to Emperor Xiaowu of the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, it is not just a talk that one man should be five Hu, nor is it just an advantage in armaments.

International friends got off the ship and were allowed to move freely at the dock.

They entered the commercial street. The first commercial street was selling all kinds of weapons. They were dazzled by what they had never seen and there were no nonexistent types.

After seeing the large military equipment placed in the open space and knowing that they are also commodities, people from Rome and sassanne are better, and people from other small countries are simply stupid.

There is also a phenomenon that makes them even more stunned. They casually see a Han man with either a sword or a knife (or on his back). It seems that carrying weapons is a fashion in the Han country. They should carefully identify whether they are decorative or sharp weapons that can easily kill people.

Adult men carry weapons, which international friends can accept after being surprised. But children and women will carry daggers in the street.

What's the situation?!

"Is there danger in the Han Empire anytime, anywhere?" Helena looked puzzled: "otherwise, how could any Han people carry at least one weapon?"

Helena subconsciously shrunk her shoulders, and there was fear in her eyes. Why does she feel that the people on this land seem to be murderous all the time?

"Boss." Helena walked into a shop with various styles of short weapons and pointed to a beautiful dagger on the shelf: "how do you sell it?"

Jiatong just came to some strange people in the strange shop. He just looked at them strangely. Unexpectedly, these people came in.

In fact, it's not strange. Helena and Helena are wearing Han clothes in the style of Beizi, that is, Helena's hair hasn't grown enough to cut off the dyed blond hair, while Helena has a head of black hair, that is, their facial features are much clearer than the Han people.

Then, Helena and Helena will be accompanied by guards. They are wearing traditional Roman soldier suits, but they don't mention shields.

Such a group of people will feel strange when they see Jingkou people who don't know that there are outgoing fleets returning. They just feel strange and won't have any novelty. They live in two of the largest commercial cities in the Han Dynasty. They have seen many amazing things and have developed a plain heart.

Jia Tong stretched out his hand: "registered residence."

Helena was in a circle.

Jiatong is not the boss, but the shopkeeper. He could hear that the blonde woman in front of him spoke strange Chinese, but recently there were too many blondes from the western regions to the mainland. He thought it should be the daughter-in-law brought back by a man who went to the western regions.

"Forgot to bring registered residence book?" Jiatong does not discriminate against the Han's daughter-in-law who looks like demons and ghosts. Not to mention that Helena is similar to the Han's appearance except for her blond hair: "it's still on your Lang's side?"

Helena continues to be confused.

Rome does not have this registered residence. The Roman identity of a certain identity has its own badge, but the badge does not represent nationality, or family specific mark.

"This fine gentleman." Jiatong is still very friendly with Yan Huan. Big men lack women, and men basically develop a sense of tolerance for women: "or the Lang of your family will come later? If so, you can let the barbarian guards not block the door and wait for tea with this little gentleman."

Barbarian guard? It depends on the dress of Roman soldiers, not on their appearance.

Jiatong is more or less guessing. Looking at the clothes of Helena and Hailin and equipped with guards, there should be a man above Zuo Shuchang (tenth class Baron) behind them.

The reason is that only the tenth rank and above are qualified to recruit a limited number of barbarian guards. However, people with that status will not waste their personal guard quota on barbarians at all. The first choice is to give it to their relatives and take them with them when they go on the next expedition.

"The Lang of the fine gentleman's family must cherish you very much." Jiatong had asked the servants in the store to make tea for a long time. It also specifically hinted that a better tea should be used. A family member who may be a tenth class knight is worth making friends with the store. It is uncertain that he can become a long-term customer: "was Xijun told by Lang to look at the samples first? How much do you intend to purchase?"

What Helena what she registered was not knowing what registered residence was, but what she was "fine" and "Lang". She thought the boss of the shop was very polite. He just wanted to buy one or two, decided to buy more than one, but she knew that no registered residence shop would sell it at all, and the base number was fifty, and the other one was bad.

All international friends have encountered similar problems. They have seen a commodity, but they have neither registered residence nor the purchase certificate issued by hung Lou, unless what is not afraid of death is the black market transaction, otherwise they are not eligible to buy any weapons, but there is no restriction on civilian goods.

"Warship!" Vlavis's eyes were laser light, stared at the reduced model, turned to Julian and said excitedly, "you can be an ocean going warship!"

In the official stores, there are a variety of ship models, which immediately attracted international friends with high status and money, including Julian, flavis, keshias, gambisis and so on.

There are many kinds of ships willing to sell in the shop, but when it comes to military affairs, it basically belongs to the weakened version, and there are no gunboats.

"Look!" Gambisis stood in front of a model ship: "does this look familiar? It's the one with the most naval battles between the Han Empire and the Gupta dynasty!"

At that moment, they all had a common wish. In any case, they had to buy even if they lost all their money!
