Chapter 975

"General." Dou ah tried to stop talking again and again. He couldn't help but say, "is childe Shen the prince or the eldest son? How can you let childe Shen participate in the killing and surrender?"

According to the culture of Zhuxia, killing and surrender, whether of the same or different race, is a matter that needs to be condemned, and the person who ordered the killing and surrender will never come to a good end.

With a bitter face, Li Tan said faintly, "it was your Majesty's order."

"Your Majesty?" Dou ah was surprised at first, then puzzled: "how could..."

If Li Tan had a choice, who would let Liu Shen do the killing of prisoners?

If nothing happens, the probability of becoming the imperial prince as Liu Shen, the eldest son of the emperor, is at least 70%.

After receiving the order, Li Tan was actually ignorant at the first moment. If the order had not come directly from the emperor, he wondered whether someone would frame himself.

Even if the order was given by the Emperor himself, Li Tan would think more.

It is impossible for Li Tan not to think much about letting a prince who is more than 70% likely to become a prince to kill prisoners. He thought a lot, including whether the Emperor didn't like Liu Shen and wanted Liu Shen to leave the stain of killing prisoners.

"Your Majesty is very human." Li Tan said that he was explaining to Dou a, rather than comforting himself: "what I think and what I think, which ministers can guess?"

The massacre continues. 200000 people can't be killed in one night.

When all the prisoners outside were killed, the Han army kept pushing inside. They often greeted them with an arrow array first, and then checked whether there were undead in the process of pushing.

If they find no dead enemy, the veteran will never mend the knife by himself.

Veterans will shout that they are weak and ask them to kill the enemies who can breathe.

Liu Shen was one of the members in the promotion. His face was very pale and was troubled by a strong sense of vomiting.

In addition to the uncomfortable feeling that he wanted to vomit and couldn't vomit out, Liu Shen was also tortured by dizziness. He found that in his head, in addition to the wailing and howling, the place where his eyes could see was full of corpses, and there was blood flowing on the ground.

"This is a pile of corpses and blood?"

Liu Shen's eyes just looked at an enemy who was dying. What he saw was a pale face with too much blood loss. Arrows were inserted into the heart, abdomen and left thigh of the body.

What's it like to look at the dead? Liu Shen never thought that he would go to the battlefield one day, let alone kill prisoners as his deputy. In particular, he never thought that he would look at the dead one day.


Liu Shen, who was already extremely uncomfortable, bent down, pressed one hand on his stomach, covered his throat with the other hand, and opened his mouth like a gushing spring.

A dozen people around Liu Shen looked at each other when they saw Liu Shen vomit wildly and no one came forward.

Fifteen people came to the depths of the grassland with Liu Shen from Chang'an. They were carefully selected. Everyone has a specialized collection, or is good at frontal fighting, or is proficient in exploration and investigation. There are also full-time people who learn how to block the knife.

They will accompany Liu Shen until he is recalled to Chang'an one day, which is the last line of defense around Liu Shen.

"Who is that man?"

"Too young."

"Should it be the first time on the battlefield?"

"Definitely the first to go to war."

Seeing Liu Shen bend over and vomit wildly, the standing army officers and men made comments, but no one said Liu Shen came to gild.

No one can predict what the standing army will look like in the future, but the current standing army has never had a case of pure gold plating.

It is naturally easier for Xun GUI's children to enter the standing army. When they enter the standing army, they can take the team rate as the starting point.

As a grass-roots officer, you will understand what kind of rank is one thing. Whether you can convince the people and make the soldiers willing to obey orders is another thing. If you can't convince the people without some real skills, it is difficult to make further progress in the team rate.

As the second generation of descendants of the founding fathers, the Han Empire was founded only 14 years ago. The average age of Xun GUI's descendants selected to the standing army was 27. They did not live in a comfortable environment from the beginning, and their parents did not obtain high positions and titles for nothing. Their education was still relatively perfect.

With a better growth environment and a good education, even if they don't have excellent skills, they won't be too bad. What they lack is experience and will.

Liu Shen is only 11 years old this year. He looks like 14 or 15 years old.

No matter 11 or 14 or 15 years old, no such young man has been elected since the standing army. It is inevitable to arouse the curiosity of the soldiers.

However, the officers and men of the standing army are just curious. They firmly believe that only practical merit can be promoted, and they are not worried that a noble son will occupy his merit.

Let alone 11 or 14 or 15 years old, the officers and men of the standing army will not think in a too dark direction. Instead, they will guess what extraordinary skills Liu Shen should have when he was so young but could enter the standing army.

I don't think I will despise Liu Shen when he vomits.

As long as a normal person kills or sees a dead person for the first time, there are some normal physiological reactions. There is really nothing to laugh at.

Many soldiers who saw Liu Shen vomit thought of themselves in the past. They observed whether Liu Shen peed his pants. After finding that Liu Shen didn't pee his pants, many people thought Liu Shen was brave enough.

Liu Shen vomited and vomited until there was nothing to vomit and turned into retching. He wiped his face and found that his face was full of tears and runny nose.

Seeing that Liu Shen no longer vomited, Jia Yu came forward and handed over a cloth towel.

Liu Shen took the cloth towel and began to wipe it. After wiping his face, he began to wipe his armor.

"Am I ashamed?"

"No soldiers laughed at the childe."

Liu Shen looked around. In addition to his own bodyguards, others were doing what they should do. If there was anything special, they would only look at it occasionally. No one really laughed at it.

There is no disgrace on the battlefield. Some are life and death.

Only in some propaganda with political purposes can there be greatness, light and justice on the battlefield without any defects.

The reason why the battlefield is a battlefield is that it is an occasion where people's lives are constantly consumed. Vomiting, peeing their pants... And other things are not worth paying too much attention. With that spare time, it's better to eliminate more enemies as much as possible and increase their chances of life.

Li Tan, Dou ah... And so on. Anyone who calls Liu Shen "childe" is naturally because Liu Shen is just the prince and has no official title and official position. What's more, Liu Shen does not completely belong to his own palace.

Wait for one day when Liu Shen has a title or official position, others will use the title or official position to call him. If he did not get the title and official position, but had his own palace, he could also use the title of "Your Highness".

If one day Liu Shen becomes a prince, everyone in the whole Han Empire should use the name "home" except the emperor and queen.

Why use "home" to call Chu Jun? The reason is that after becoming the prince, he is generally qualified to call himself a "minister" or "home" to the emperor.

Many princes or princesses, as long as they have their own palaces, can be called "Your Highness". In this way, it is not unique to call the crown prince "Your Highness". After the Western Jin Dynasty, the crown prince was called "home".

After Liu Shen vomited, he felt extremely uncomfortable in his stomach, but the feeling of vomiting and dizziness disappeared.

"Childe." Jia Yu's foot stepped on an undead prairie man and called to Liu Shen: "young master, do you want to blade this thief?"

He used the words of asking, but Jia Yu was serious on his face.

Just as Li Tan will receive special orders, dou'a, as Liu Shen's directly subordinate officer, will also have special orders, and their bodyguards will also be specially explained by the emperor.

Those emperors in the early Han Dynasty, as long as they were wise emperors, had killed people themselves in their growth period. But they didn't kill the domestic people, nobles or royal relatives, or bandits, thieves, thieves, or even soldiers of the enemy country.

Liu Yan has made reference to some records of previous dynasties on how to cultivate Chu Jun, especially the cultivation methods of Chu Jun in the first five generations of the Western Han Dynasty.

As a superior, we must not be afraid of killing. The superior who is afraid of killing is certainly not a qualified superior. In particular, one day he will become the ruler of the Empire and dare not kill as a ruler.

Liu Shen looked at the grassland man trampled by his feet. He was a grassland man with an arrow in his thigh. He drew out his sword and stepped forward step by step, his hand trembling slightly.

"Is it the father's order?"

Jia Yu smiled and said nothing, but stepped up his strength.

The grassland man who was trampled on was frightened all over his face and kept shouting something in his mouth.

Liu Shen closed his eyes to stab out the sword in his hand.

"Childe, please open your eyes." Jia Yu said slowly, "look at his eyes and point the sword at his heart."

When Liu Shen opened his eyes, he didn't see the grassland man, but stared at Jia Yu fiercely. Then he changed stabbing to cutting, and the blade cut into the grassland man's neck.

The sword is naturally a good sword. It is very sharp. One sword cuts down to break the skin, cut off the meat and bones, and the sword body cuts to the ground to transmit the anti shock force.

"How to kill..." Liu Shen gasped heavily, "I has the final say!"

Jia Yu was splashed with blood below his thigh. He respectfully saluted Liu Shen silently.

In the distance, Li Tan and Dou a have been silently watching Liu Shen's every move.

When they saw Liu Shen cut off the head of the grassland man, they subconsciously looked at each other and smiled.

"Did your majesty say how long childe Shen will stay with you?"

"The longest is half a year."

"What about the future?"

"The end will not know."

Li Tan would have thought more before. Seeing that Liu Shen was guided to kill by his bodyguard, he would no longer think in a dark direction.

It must be the son of heaven who chose to be Liu Shen's bodyguard. The bodyguard chosen by the Emperor himself led Liu Shen to kill. Can it explain the problem?

"You..." Li Tan looked at Dou ah with envy and said without concealment, "what a lucky guy!"

Doua has already returned to his taste. He really feels that he is extremely lucky to be the first experienced official of the prince Shen. If he knows how to cherish it, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to his future career.

"But I don't know how the other princes arrange it?" Li Tan has some expectations: "if we all experience like this, the Great Han will have no hope for ten thousand years."

As a general, who doesn't want the ruler of the Empire to be an iron emperor?

If, as soldiers, they encounter an emperor who is extremely gentle and doesn't want to fight at all, they will feel infinite disappointment and sadness.

"I'm afraid there has been a great quarrel between Chaozhong and Beijing." Doua didn't think he was talking nonsense: "those civil servants have long been fighting for blood and head in order to be the teacher of Prince Shen. Your majesty hasn't chosen a teacher for Prince Shen yet, but they are sent to the army. How should they beat their chest and feet?"

Li Tan imagined it, couldn't help smiling and said, "they don't know your Majesty's wisdom."

It must be said that the military must select the biggest enemy, not any enemy country or alien, but definitely domestic literati.

They once personally suppressed the literati, but the results were not good. They were not bullied by the literati, but suppressed by Liu Yan at the same time, or there would be no rotation system.

The reason why the literati of other dynasties can stand on the head of the generals and shit and pee is not how powerful the literati are, but that the emperor chose to stand on the side of the literati.

Obviously, the reason why the literati dared to insult the generals without limit was that the emperor stood on their side? Otherwise, the military general can beat the literati half paralyzed in minutes by force. Even if the literati have the courage to insult the military general?

Like the "big counsellor", the Zhao family bullied orphans and widowed mothers and became emperors. They were afraid that generals would learn from each other. They could only choose to suppress the military without a bottom line. It would be ugly to do it by themselves. It would be a good practice to choose unlimited indulgence of civil servants.

As long as Liu Yan still wants to unify the world island, he must not be able to suppress the general into a dog. On the contrary, the military itself is driven by the evolution to dogs. All he needs to do is train the general to be a tiger and a wolf.

At the same time, Liu Yan also knew that he could not let the military indulge indefinitely, nor could he suppress the literati without a bottom line, so he could only adopt the strategy of Wu Liuwen 4.

For a country, nothing is more important than balance. Even if it must be tilted sometimes, it must not be tilted too much.

The military of the Han Empire obviously felt that Liu Yan loved his side more. They dared to speak louder, but they suffered too much for several times. I really didn't dare to be too arrogant.

"Your Majesty, if you let every prince experience in the army..." Li Tan narrowed his eyes with a smile and said contentedly, "it's really a blessing for our martial arts people."