Then, Nancy left and went straight into her room.

"Daddy, cheers!" Bobby turned to Nadia and said, "Nadia, let's go to bed, too."

"Okay, time for bed!" Nadia walked to her room, turned around and shouted excitedly, "Daddy, cheers!"

"Good night, kids!" After bidding them good night, Charles went inside Nancy's room.

Nancy had already turned on her phone. It was conceivable that all she could see as she surfed the news on her phone was all about the news that she and Charles would get married in a month's time.

This was a sensational hot news in the city!

Some netizens commented frantically,

"Wow, is our prince charming Charles really going to get married? No way!"

"Is it true? Could the news be fake? A man like Charles who is still so young, is already willing to be bound by marriage from now on?"

"That woman named Nancy is surely so lucky indeed. I envy her so much!"

When Charles came in, Nancy raised her head questioningly.

"Charles, did you ask your mother before you made the statement? Did she agree to our marriage?" Without a doubt, Nancy was aware of Angelina's attitude towards her. In her eyes, it seemed that any other woman in the world would be better than Nancy.


When Viola's call came through, Charles was not yet fully awake and he slightly opened his eyes. He turned on the phone and asked lazily, "Viola, what's up?"

Viola lowered her voice and asked, "Mr. Fu, did you cancel the marriage statement yourself?"

Charles became fully awake and slowly opened his eyes wide and enunciated word by word, "No, I did not."

"But how come they are all gone? The wedding date, content, process and the other things you asked me to post are all gone!" Viola listed anxiously.

Charles was stunned himself. He suddenly tightened his grip on the phone and drawled skeptically, "What? All of them are gone?"

Who could have done it? Of course, the only person who could have done it would be his mother, Angelina.

"Yes, it's all gone!" replied Viola in disbelief.

"Well, don't worry about it. You can go have a rest first. I will handle it first thing tomorrow," Charles said in a low voice. Come to think of it, Viola was just his assistant. If he wanted to investigate this matter further, he had to ask Hiram or Jay to look into it. After all, Viola didn't have the ability to deal with the situation.

"Yes, Mr. Fu," Viola agreed and went back to her room to sleep afterwards.