Chapter 3824

"Good." Shen Yu'an also found it very interesting.

He Yixia found a pen and paper and began to sprinkle enthusiasm according to the imagination in her mind.

Where to put the sofa and TV is more enjoyable than playing games in childhood.

Shen Yu'an sat and watched her painting. She did everything very seriously. She worked so hard and translated so. Now she plans her future life with a serious attitude.

She carefully planned her life with him in the future.

Shen Yu'an bowed his head and discussed with her in a low voice.

It will be more convenient to plan what to buy.

Apart from weekends, he Yixia spends all day shopping and usually goes for a stroll after work to buy something suitable.

Recently, Shen Yu'an is very busy. When he is with he Yixia, he always secretly answers the phone.

Sometimes he Yixia can't help but wonder if he has premarital phobia?

When having dinner with Li Xueying at the weekend, she subconsciously asked this question.

"Premarital phobia?" Li Xueying shook her head, "no, will Shen Yu'an do this?"

"For more than a week, he is obviously busier than before. I can see that when he calls, the state of handling work is different from before. It doesn't look like dealing with work. "

"Have you talked?"

"Not yet." He Yixia shook her head. "I don't know where to start talking. It's ok if I say it myself. Compared with my previous life, I look forward to my future life. Everything I used to live in he's family has been erased. In today's family, although it's really good, you know, I didn't grow up here all the time. So I'm more eager for what life will be like in the future. "

She picked up the lemonade and said, "but Shen Yu'an is different. He used to live in Baijing palace. His family is harmonious and happy. If he suddenly wants to move out, he will be reluctant to part with it and feel uncomfortable?"

"Oh, when you say that, no wonder I remember that before Mo Ziqi and I got married, he was absent-minded for several days and completely out of shape. I see. Maybe everyone, more or less, can't help feeling like this. "

"Yes, I'm also thinking that if I lived not in the Song family, but in the he family, I wouldn't be willing. It's not just emotional reluctance, but also the abandonment and reconstruction of a living habit. "

"Now that you know what's going on with him, you can understand. Why don't you talk to him frankly?" Li Xueying said.

He Yixia smiled: "I know."

In the next few days, Shen Yu'an still avoided he Yixia.

He was still considerate and took good care of her mood. He also tried his best to prepare for the wedding. He occasionally called her behind her back for a long time.

He Yixia couldn't start talking to him for a moment.

She doesn't know whether it's a good choice to talk about these topics.

In the afternoon, the work came to an end. Everyone made tea and coffee.

He Yixia also made a cup of green tea to drink.

Yi Xin was reading a magazine. Seeing her idle, she excitedly took the magazine and said, "Yixia, have you ordered your wedding dress?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Oh, I thought you weren't sure. I just saw this one. It's really good. "

He Yixia took it over. It turned out to be a fashion magazine. The wedding dresses listed in the magazine are high luxury brands.

Of course, the wedding dress he Yixia bought this time is not cheap, and the price is almost the same as that of this high luxury brand.

However, the pictures in this magazine are really taken well. There is also an introduction next to it. It is said that this is a brand designed by a special wedding dress designer, which is very outstanding. For example, this one in the picture belongs to advanced customization, which generally needs to be booked at least half a year in advance.

He Yixia fell in love with this wedding dress at first sight and just had the idea of changing to this dress, but seeing that it needs to be booked, she couldn't help but give up the idea.

If you need to book, it must be difficult to book, not to mention such a long time.

"The designer's name is Elle. Over the years, she has long been a world-renowned wedding dress designer. Her work is really beautiful. I don't know when I can wear this. " Yi Xin said longingly.

"If you really like it, book it in advance."

"Book in advance? Is this something you can book? " Yi Xin stared round. "It's said that the domestic first-line actress, who was married before, wanted to book Elle's advanced customization, but they didn't get the name! It's Elle's scheduled time. It's already three years later. The first-line popular actress in Hollywood wanted to join the team last time, but she didn't! What kind of person am I? I'm afraid I can't book it ten or eight years in advance. What's more, even if I make a reservation, I won't give up the money. With these millions, what's wrong with me buying a house. Forget it. What do I want to do so much? It's like I have the money. "

He Yixia couldn't help laughing because of her words, but Elle's set is worth millions. It's really too expensive and amazing.

Although he Yixia liked her style and design very much and couldn't put it down after watching it for a while, she put it down and put it into work.

After work in the afternoon, she asked Shen Yu'an to have dinner.

The closer to the wedding, she knew that Shen Yu'an would be busier. He did all the wedding preparations himself, and his work was no less. His pressure was much greater than her.

What she can do is to face these complicated affairs with him as easily and happily as possible, so that he can breathe a little from so many things.


In the quiet restaurant, he Yixia and Shen Yuan sit face to face.

After the dishes were served, the waiter considerately closed the door of the box.

He Yixia smiled and poured water for Shen Yu'an.

Shen Yu'an found her special hospitality today and raised her eyebrows and looked at her: "what's the matter today?"

"Nothing. I just want you to eat more and feel more relaxed."

"Don't I look relaxed?" Shen Yu'an was a little funny, but he still accepted the dishes she had brought.

He Yixia said while sipping vegetables: "I checked the information on the Internet and said that many people will inevitably have maladjustment before marriage. Because if you want to change your living habits for many years, people will instinctively feel afraid to adapt. This is a very normal idea for many people. So I think it might be better to let you relax. "