Chapter 1290: Audition again

She can only say that it is just because of too much beautiful imagination that it can really turn a person into a god. In your eyes, he is your heaven, your land, your everything, but that is all built on you Love him on the basis of being unable to look at oneself.

But if one day, you find that you do not love him.

All of his advantages have become disadvantages for you.

And under his glamorous appearance, what a dark and dirty intention.

Yan Huan didn't know this sincerely and didn't want to know.

Because she hasn't reached the mountains and waters, because she knows too much, the more she will regret it.

Maybe she is timid, you are the two roads in your dream, one is accompanied by pain, the other is relaxed and happy, and she is no exception, she is afraid of pain.

She put on her slippers and walked out. The lights in the living room were dim, so no one was there.

She suddenly thought of something and ran out of the window to look at the man's car.

Anyway, the car is with people, the car is not, well, people are going to work.

It’s not too dark outside, there will be street lights, so you can also see that there is no car outside, the place is empty, so there is no car, and the man’s car has always been parked there, almost all of his exclusive parking spaces If this is the case, then people are not there.

Is she going to make an extra copy, otherwise what to do? She used all the rice left by her mother for her son.

Okay, get busy.

She walked into the kitchen and took two servings. If no one ate, she ate all.

She opened the refrigerator and found out the green shrimp. This time I took some more. The last time was ten green shrimps, five on a plate. It felt like it was not enough to eat. When she was washing shrimps, the other side was also After boiling the water, put the corn kernels and green beans in it and cook them.

After she washed all the shrimps, she heard the sound of the car stopping outside

Oh, come back?

So if you don’t eat, it’s just right. She’s going to eat two plates.

As a result, the lights in the living room were always on, and the footsteps were there, and she never appeared again, so she knew that her two plates of fried rice had to be distributed to others.

Her heart is hurt. Such a delicious meal, it was not even swallowed by himself.

The ingredients are all ready. If they are fried, it will be very fast. Don’t look at two portions. In fact, it is just a matter of a few minutes. Soon after, two plates of fried rice are ready, each plate is on top. It was a dozen large shrimps, and she also made two mushroom and egg soups. With this fried rice, it should be very good. This is the standard configuration of her previous fried rice. If there is rice or soup, it may solve the problem of hunger.

The rice is good, and the soup is also good. She brought out a plate of rice and put it on the table. There was also a mushroom and egg soup. The taste of the soup was salty and light. What about the fried rice? Some greasiness exists, and after drinking this bowl of soup, it can be used to relieve greasyness, and then put a pair of chopsticks neatly on the side.

She took her share from the kitchen again.

He gave her food, she gave him food,

No one owes anyone between them.

She doesn't like to owe others, and of course she doesn't like what others owe to her. She is not a good person. What she wants to suffer is to hang her mouth. Anyway, she doesn't suffer. She certainly doesn't owe debts.

She took her share and ate it in her room. She was embarrassed. It was the same to want to come to Lu Yi. They ate their own. If Qin Xiaoyue didn’t come back tomorrow, then she would do it again. Fried rice, let’s say to the cook tomorrow, let him keep some fried rice.

Of course, she was not guilty, but she didn’t want Qin Xiaoyue to say that she was out of the wall. She clearly didn’t do anything, but in the end, she wanted to burn this fire not only to herself, but also to Lu. Enter that family.

The family confessed that it was not bad for her, but at least it was polite, and she had never abused her on weekdays.

This was also at Lu's house, and it was the only kindness to her. At the very least, there was no such thing as grandfather Lu, who would roll for a while, be ruthless for a while, have no intention of acting, and for a while, be born with no mother.

She is thick-skinned and she was raised by her parents.

She put the plate on the table and ate her meal bit by bit with a spoon. What she made was delicious. She didn't say anything else. The fried rice she made was very delicious and guaranteed to be eaten. I want to eat two bowls per bowl, and the soup is also good.

This soup is very delicious, with a light salty taste, then the clear fragrance of egg flowers, and the natural mushroom fragrance of mushrooms.

It was so delicious. Yan Huan took another sip. Today, she has been very successful. Although she hasn’t done it for a long time, it seems that her cooking is still online. It's done too lightly, without taste.

Huh, look, she has found a skill that is too strong than the Exterminator.

Many of the first-hand dishes she made were learned by her during the past two years. Sometimes she would cook Lu Qin herself, but Lu Qin didn’t appreciate her face too much, and he didn’t eat it, she ate it herself. Too.

And she believes that Fang Zhu can't make such a delicious fried rice, of course, it can't make such a delicious soup.

She ate up a plate of fried rice, and she didn’t even have a grain of rice left. This stomach was full, and as long as her belly was full, her mood would be exceptionally good, and her mood Well, I will sleep well this night, and tomorrow I will be a hundred times more spiritual.

Um, she decided, eat this tomorrow.

She pulled the quilt down and lay down to sleep, and everything outside had nothing to do with her. Now she just wanted to sleep well.

However, she seems to have dreamed of that strange place again, unable to find the road, but also unable to see clearly. She tried to travel to the right, which was full of pain. She moved to the left, but it was all the way to relax.

And she hesitated a bit, but she chose the left one.

She seemed to be running continuously and forward, not knowing whether it was time, time, or years, or that she surpassed herself...

There was almost a noisy operation bell ringing for a while. She touched her mobile phone and squeezed her eyes to look at the incoming call. It was Lu Qin. Why did she yawn so early in the morning? Tears also squeezed out.

"Yan Huan, I have a character here, you come and try it."

With a stunned expression, she finally put down her mobile phone. She didn't want to compromise, but she always seemed to compromise, and Haosuke would only clean her ears after the compromise. Okay, let's compromise again, when one day , When she can't stand it, let's talk about it.

And early in the morning, she will get up, and then go out to find Lu Qin.