Xiao Yue takes one day out and plans to bring Ning leisurely to the water park. However, Huo Tingchen forbids outsiders to enter.

The pile of fancy bikini that he bought for Ning Youran didn't come in any good use. It was a wet blanket.

Ning leisurely on that pure white face. I don't know whether I was in the sun or was stared at by Xiao Yue. Her blushing cheeks were pink, and she looked down shyly as if she were naughty. "I don't want to wear those things!"

Xiao Yue bought her a swimsuit... She looked back at the hotel bed. There were a lot of colorful things on it. None of them were normal!

Even if it's three-point style, it's still that kind of cloth with only two belts and palm size. How can people wear it!

She was glad that she didn't have to go into the water today, otherwise she didn't know what she was going to do!

But looking at the three members of the family who are enjoying themselves in the water park from a distance, Ning leisurely suddenly has a feeling of admiration. Xiao Yue doesn't like the sunshine. He shows his face and goes into the room. He draws the shade curtain. Only she stops here for a long time.

Mengxi is with Huo Tingchen, and Xiaobao is such a lovely son. How happy!

When can she have a lovely baby like Xiaobao?

Looking back at Xiao Yue's half face under the shade curtain, he suddenly sank down.

She likes the sun, like the breeze blowing under the sun, but she is more afraid, that does not like the sun, in the dark alone taste lonely.

So, she stepped on the cold floor, step by step from the sun, into the dark, came to the man's side, with him to sink.

I don't know if it's a coincidence that Shen Yuxuan is going to take Shen Yining to visit Huo's family in Japan today. After going there, he knows that Huo Tingchen and others are not there. However, when Huo's family says their whereabouts, he brings Shen Yining over for the first time.

Looking at the crowded amusement park, Shen Yuxuan orders the driver to drive in, but he doesn't mean to take Shen Yining out of the car at all.

Shen Yining is so timid that he can't let go of his hand even when he walks.

Only after sleeping, Shen Yuxuan will quietly leave her.

Shen Yining has never been to the amusement park. She can see through the window that the colorful brick walls have built a small castle. There are many people walking everywhere, some in groups, some just one or two people, each with a smile on his face, and also with things in his hands, eating, drinking and playing.

Shen Yining's eyes are full of admiration and yearning.

Her small hand left Shen Yuxuan, lying on the window, staring at every place, everyone, eyes are full of curiosity.

Just when she came, she saw brother Xiaobao, but before Shen Yuxuan could take her out of the car, he was taken away by his parents.

Shen Yining saw two people beside him, father and mother. They were both envious and sad.

She had only her father by her side. She didn't remember anything about her mother and didn't know what it was like to have a mother.

"Mr. Shen, there are too many people ahead to get in."

The driver looked at the crowd in front of him and said helplessly.

Shen Yuxuan always does not like lively, hugs Shen Yining to pat her back, cold voice way: "go back."


Shen Yining heard this sentence, obedient sat to Shen Yuxuan side, Shen Yuxuan did not see her eyes disappointed and sad.