More than one person's laughter came from the opposite side. Han Jinli must have publicized her phone call. The dead woman didn't expect to change her face so quickly. At the beginning, she was really blind, and all those things were fed to the dog. When she raised such a villain, she would be ridiculed by her.

Ninglinda angrily hang up the phone, did not expect just hang up the phone, someone called in.

"Hello, Miss Ning!" The voice of the other side is very strange. Linda Ning has never heard of it.

"Who are you?" Asked Linda Ning.

"Who am I? You don't need to know. I just ask if you are very sad now?" This person is not stupid, need not know who she is, then she Ning Lin to reach who.

"Well, what do you care if I'm sad?" Ning Linda sneers. Can this man still sell medicine to cure sadness?

"Miss Ning's face is no longer possible to recover. I think you know better than anyone else." Damn it. I'll poke people's pain as soon as I come up.

"You lied. Who said it was impossible? I just consulted the hospital and they said it was likely to recover."

"Miss Ning, don't deceive yourself. What the doctor said is very likely. It will take time to verify. Maybe five years, maybe ten years, or even a lifetime. By that time, Miss Ning, who is about to go to the earth, is too old to see. Does Miss Ning want to recover to that degree?"

"How dare you curse me?" Ninglinda heard a hint of schadenfreude in each other's voice.

"Ha ha, I just can't bear to see Miss Xu cheated. Is the so-called" beauty hospital "that Miss Xu consulted really reliable? Ah, maybe it's because even if it's broken, Miss Ning won't be worse than the current situation. That's why I have the confidence to guarantee that it will definitely be better than it is now. "

Ning Linda's hand holding the mobile phone is constantly shaking. Yes, she consulted many hospitals, and everyone vowed that the effect would be better than now. However, when she asked if she wanted to restore her original appearance, she began to falter one by one. She is not a fool. Can't she understand the potential meaning? It will be better than now, but don't think about it if you want to get back to the original.

"So what? Is it because I'm out of luck and want to get down? I tell you, no way! Dead bitch Ning said and hung up angrily. It turned out that she was with Han Jinli. She wanted to humiliate herself. A group of people died. When she got better, they had to be good-looking. She was angry and affected the wound on her face. Her face hurt badly, but she didn't dare to touch it. She just touched the mask on her face quietly.

She was walking in the street with a mask, still feeling that people around her seemed to know her secret, constantly whispering. Can't help but speed up the pace, at this time the pleasant mobile phone ring again, Ning Linda looked at the hands of the phone, cold hum, and then directly shut down.

Qi Xiaoyue on the other end of the phone gritted her teeth and stared at the mobile phone. Then she dialed the phone again. A cold voice came from the opposite side, "sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off."

"Damn it Qi Xiaoyue angrily shakes her hand, and the mobile phone has been thrown out. When she reacts to where this is, she runs after the mobile phone. When she picks up the mobile phone, she finds that the screen is broken. Fortunately, she can still make a phone call. Otherwise, it's troublesome for her to get in touch with the outside world.

Qi Xiaoyue wears a cold suit and keeps walking back and forth in the cold storage. What's in her head? She thinks she's who, but she thinks she'll call her and scold herself as a bitch. Finally, she turns off the power. This dead woman!

It's a pity that she wants to give up. She finds a person who has so much resentment against Shen. It's hard to find another one.

Qi Xiaoyue forces herself to call again, listening to the manual reply again and again, persuading herself to be patient. We'll settle with her when we're done with that trash.

"Years old, years old, give me years old!" Ning Yanzhi claps the bed and shouts at Ning Linda.

"Barking, barking, barking. Can't you just be quiet for a while? " Ning Yanzhi woke up soon after he was sent to the hospital, but the sequelae was serious. Not only was he not quick to speak, but he could not stand up. He was lying on the bed, only his upper body could move. After he was hospitalized, no one else took care of Ning Yanzhi. Although Ning Linda's face was injured, it was no problem to serve others, so Ning Linda was taking care of him all the time.

Because Kening Linda strongly hopes to cure her face as soon as possible, she keeps running around in various hospitals. How can she have enough time to take care of Ning Yanzhi? In addition, there is no good news every time. Even when she comes back to the hospital, she is very impatient in the face of Ning Yanzhi who can't move or speak.

Ning Yanzhi doesn't care whether Ning Linda is impatient or not. He only knows that he is dying of thirst.

"Years old!" Ning Yanzhi claps and shouts again."Water, I know. I really don't know that people can't do it anymore. What are you drinking so much water for? Can't you control yourself?" Ning Linda complained and picked up the kettle to pour water, but when she picked up the kettle, she found that it was empty.

"You wait, I have to get the water!" Ning Linda went out with a kettle in her hand. She didn't see Ning Yanzhi want to call her, but because she walked too fast, she didn't have a chance to say it.

"I have nothing to do all day. I have to eat and drink when I lie in bed. What else can you do now besides giving people trouble? Here's water. Drink it Rather Linda handed the water to Ning Yanzhi's mouth, whether it was hot or not, she poured it directly into each other's mouth. I can't help it. Ning Yanzhi can't even hold the water cup now. The only function of his hands is to clap the bed when he wants something, and constantly make a sound to annoy her.

"What's the taste?" Ninlinda suddenly sniffed.

The corners of his mouth are crooked, and it's difficult to drink water. Ning Yanzhi can only lick and drink a large glass of water. In fact, one fifth of what Ning Yanzhi drinks is not spilled, and soon a large area of water is soaked on the quilt. Although the water is still very hot, he can't take care of it now. He has been thirsty for a long time. Ning Linda is a waste of money and refuses to hire a nurse for him. She also refuses to take care of him wholeheartedly. She can drink water this time and doesn't know when it will be next time. Ning Yanzhi of course chooses to supplement water as much as possible first.

All of a sudden, the water cup leaves in front of his eyes. How can Ning Yanzhi not be in a hurry? He has two words in his mouth. Listening carefully, he can tell that Ning Yanzhi is scolding Ning Linda for being unfilial.

No matter what Ning Yanzhi says, Ning Linda sniffs carefully. The smell comes from Ning Yanzhi's bed. Ning Linda comes forward and lifts Ning Yanzhi's quilt.