Gu Shen is called to Yi Han's office. Yi Han is wearing sportswear. It seems that he has just finished training. The sweat on his face slides down his resolute facial contour.

Women will be crazy when they see him, but men are ashamed when they see him.

He is also a soldier, but Yi Han's figure is perfect and impeccable.

Gu Shen has always regarded him as an idol. In front of the idol, he can't help being short. "Sir, it's so late. What's the matter?"

Yi Han put on his clothes and sat on the office chair. He could still see that he was as stiff as a pine and cypress. His voice was cool. "I heard that you are not in good training recently, so you are always punished?"

There was a flash of embarrassment on Gu Shen's face. "I'm sorry, sir! I must be in good condition as soon as possible. I've been distracted recently! "

Yi Han's cultivation, even Yi Xiaozhu can see, is more strict than her sister's, but the expectation is higher and the encouragement is more, so Gu Shen's military rank is higher than Yi Xiaozhu's.

Yi Han says so, Gu Shen feels that he has no face to face him.

"The state of mind really needs to be adjusted, but don't worry too much about the things you should not worry about. Those who should come back will come back." Yi Han drank water, the intonation is still so cold, between words, but reassured Gu Shen's heart.

What he is worried about will not happen, and those who should return to the army will certainly come back.

As soon as Gu Shen's eyes brightened, he immediately saluted, "thank you, sir!"

He'll train well and he won't be distracted any more!

He will wait for Yi Xiaozhu!

"I made an exception for you, allowing your family members to visit. They are in the meeting hall now. Go and see them first." Yi Han said.

"Family? Mom and Dad Gu Shen's heart beat with a thump. Since he joined the army for so long, who knew that Gu Qingxi was not only unhappy, but also punched him on the shoulder, his eyes were red, "what's the use of you? What's the usage? Don't think I don't know what you're doing in the army! Isn't it just for the girl of Yi family? You ran after her, but left me and your father at home. Are you my son? Do you know who gave birth to you and raised you and who are your parents? "

"Ma..." Gu Qingxi's voice became sharp, which made Gu Shen very helpless.

He likes Yi Xiaozhu's things. Since he was a child, most of them have not been able to hide his mother's eyes. His mother doesn't know how many times to let him give up and doesn't support him at all. He even feels that he is talking about his dreams. He quickly stops thinking and does something serious to think about how to make his family's business bigger.

But he couldn't give up and didn't want to give up, so he came to the army behind his family's back, but he swore that he never left his parents behind.

He sent letters back to his parents, reported his situation to them, and even inquired about their situation. In the first few years, Gu Qingxi was very angry and ignored him at all. When he finally went back, Gu Qingxi scolded him and drove him out. Later, he heard that Gu Qingxi was ill, but the army discipline was strict and he could not ask for leave. He could only contact him by telephone.

At least, Fu Ting told him that Gu Qingxi was getting better, but he also hoped that Gu Shen would soon retire from the army and go home. It was meaningless to stay in the army.

Gu Shen can't tell his parents how glorious and worthwhile he feels to be a soldier. Fu ting and Gu Qingxi don't understand him. He can only shoulder his guilt and yearning for them and try his best to make himself work harder in the army to do more things beneficial to the country and the people.

As for Gu Qingxi, he came to the army for Yi Xiaozhu

He could not explain this to Gu Qingxi and Fu ting.

It's really his selfishness, but he thinks it's worth it, everything is worth it.

"Ah Shen, you have been in the army for so many years. Do you plan to be a soldier all the time? Although it has a bright future, you are the only child in our family. My father is old and has a lot of things to worry about at home. Your mother also needs to be taken care of. Do you want to go on like this if you don't get married now? Do you just care about yourself and ignore your family? "

"Dad, I always thought that you would understand me..."

Gu Shen reluctantly looks at his father. From childhood to adulthood, he has a good relationship with his father. His father is also facing him for many things. Even when he wanted to pursue Yi Xiaozhu, his father didn't stop him. He asked him to have a try. Even if he failed in the end, he tried hard.

But now

He also said so, which made Gu Shen feel even worse.

Fu Ting saw that his son was suffering, and he almost showed up. He quickly helped Gu Shen up, "forget it, Dad understands you, understands you!"

"Husband!" Gu Qingxi drank coldly with a straight face. Fu Ting's eyes were full of fear, so he choked the words back to his stomach.He stood aside and listened to Gu Qingxi's criticism of Gu Shen. He almost cried, quarreled and hanged with him,