Bai Youcheng has always been a modest, polite and considerate person, so when he cared about Yi Xin, Yi Xiaozhu didn't find anything unusual. Instead, he told him a lot about Yi Xin, including that when she didn't enter the room that day, she saw that Yi Xin was carried out with blood all over her head.

White worry city's face instantly gloomy down, the face is full of haze.

"Brother Youcheng?" Yi Xiaozhu found that he was in an abnormal mood and called him.

"Well, I am." Bai Youcheng adjusted his expression in a second, and put a gentle smile on his face again, but Yi Xiaozhu couldn't see it. He was holding his mobile phone, and the back of his hand was bulging.

"Brother Youcheng, you are studying so hard abroad. I'm really sorry to bother you with the things at home. But today Xin'er was very happy to see that I moved the flowers you gave her to the hospital. She ate more. The doctor said that she was too thin. She was malnourished these days. Now she's in a good mood and willing to eat, so she can have an operation as soon as possible." Yi Xiaozhu's words are full of joy and thanks to Bai you city.

White worry City smile of curved eyes, "can serve for the little princess, I can't ask."

He is such a superior person, but also a business genius. In the eyes of many people, his image is almost perfect. He is so kind to Yi Xiaozhu. In the eyes of adolescent girls like Yi Xiaozhu, he still does not see the look of love.

She was very grateful to him, but in her clear eyes, she looked calm, without any emotion.

This makes baiyoucheng very upset.

Yi Xiaozhu thanks him and hangs up.

Baiyou city is still in the daytime. Every day I study in class, and I don't have time to rest. Even if I don't have to go to school for further study, I have to learn riding and shooting, exercise, and keep my body and brain in an excellent state.

There is no class at school this afternoon. Tutor arranges equestrian lessons for him. Jinling knocks at the door with his servant holding his minimum equipment. "Young master, it's almost time to go to the racecourse. Are you ready?"

"Go to investigate what happened on the evening of the 10th of the 1st residence, and then find the people in the central hospital for me to understand Yi Xin's condition." There was no smile on Bai Youcheng's face. His eyes were as deep as the whole universe.

Jin Ling is puzzled slightly, "young master, what do you want to investigate these things to do? Because of Miss Xiaozhu? Shall I tell Madame? "

If it's Mrs. Bai, the mother of Bai you city, to check, the news may be faster.

Bai Youcheng sits on the chair with his legs folded. His posture is noble and elegant. He looks at Jin Ling and says, "no, use our people to check. I want to test their ability. If this little thing can't be done well, then I don't have to support them."

"Yes, but madam is very close to you. If she finds out..." Jinling hesitates.

Mrs. Bai is the daughter of Bai's parents. She has been in charge of the family business for decades. Her sensitive mind and crisp means are not what they can deal with. Only baiyoucheng can deal with them. She is very strict with baiyoucheng management and almost does not give him any free time.

Now the things that Bai you city wants to investigate have nothing to do with Yi Xiaozhu. They have no words to answer Mrs. Bai.

Bai Youcheng's mouth is slightly curved and seems to have a mild smile. "If my mother asks, you can say that Yi Xin is Yi Xiaozhu's sister who cares most. More about her can win her favor than about Yi Xiaozhu. This is a very important step for me to get close to Yi Xiaozhu. I can't delay it."

Jin Ling can't help but sigh that Bai you city is fierce. He nods, "yes, young master, I'll do it right away! But are you going to the racecourse today? "

He looked at baiyoucheng as if he was not in a good mood.

White worry city looked at the eye door, holding his riding clothes of two people, eyes slightly closed, "go, go."

Bai you city with the worry about Yi Xin, went to the racecourse, in class, he is full of Yi Xin lying in the hospital.

She's only ten years old and she's been through that

He is also a man and knows everything about Yi's family. Bai Youcheng can almost think of what Yi Xin experienced on that rainy night. She must be helpless in the face of Yi Lin's invasion.

She's so young. What can she do?

But Yi Lin is a beast in clothes. He has a lot to do with Yi Xin!

She's only ten years old!

Think of here, white worry City Pinch rein, legs clamp horse belly, horse uncontrollable hiss, crazy run up.

When baiyoucheng came back, he had no time to control the horse and fell off the horse's back in the next moment.Fortunately, the fall was not so serious. His equestrian teacher was very frightened at that time. After he was sent to the hospital, he immediately reported the incident to Mrs. Bai.

In the evening, Bai Youcheng came back from the hospital, just lying on the bed, his mother Bai Yun's video phone called.

Bai Yun's tone is severe. Instead of caring about the injury of Bai you Cheng, he scolds him first, "what's the matter with you? I'm seventeen years old. How could I make such a stupid mistake and fall off my horse? What on earth are you thinking

The corner of Bai Youcheng's mouth is full of sarcasm, and then he simply admits his mistake with Bai Yun, "thinking about dealing with Yi's family, I'm distracted for a moment."

Bai Youcheng knows that his mother attaches great importance to fame and wealth, but she disdains the so-called feelings. She cultivates his son more than loves him. When she is angry and feels that he is disheartened, she can only calm her anger by mentioning what she cares about.

Bai Yun's anger subsides when she hears the word "Yi family". Her bedroom is luxurious and expensive. Every decoration that can appear in her bedroom is worth millions, but it's not as good as her face.

Bai Yun used to be a beautiful woman. Even if she is now in her thirties, she is still much better than a female star in her twenties in terms of face and figure, and she has a stronger aura.

She stroked her newly made nails inlaid with broken diamonds and said to Bai Youcheng, "I heard that you are investigating the little girl of the three Yi families. After all, she is only an adopted daughter. Even if the Yi family attaches importance to her, she will only get Yi Lin's property in the future. The most concerned descendants of the Yi family, except Yi Han, are Yi Xiaozhu. Don't get the wrong direction."

"Mom, I didn't make a mistake. I grew up with Xiaozhu. She still has no feelings for me, so I can only care about her more. What she cares about most is the sister of her third uncle's family. Flattering Yi Xin will help me to become the son-in-law of the Yi family in the future, won't she?" White worry City gentle smile, will benefit cent of very clear.