The next day, Qingxin tea house.

Yun jou Chia and Tang Yunzhe came here to ask about Mingzhu.

The owner of the teahouse is in his early 40s, bald and fat, and his face is greasy with businessmen.

The meat on his face piled up layers of thick folds. He said with a bitter smile: "I really didn't see the little girl. I just went out to buy goods the day they came. Even if I was here, people came and went, how many people are there every day, I can't remember."

Tang Yunzhe narrowed his eyes into a seam, "can we have a look at the surveillance?"

"Of course, I'll take you."

There is no difference between the monitoring room and the utility room. Paper boxes are stacked everywhere. Looking up, there are cobwebs on the top of the room.

This long table is placed in the center. The computer is very old and covered with mud.

The boss helped to debug the monitoring, "you see here. Call me if you have anything. I'm going out to greet the guests."

When the computer is turned on, it is a black-and-white picture, and some snowflakes pop up from time to time.

Time back to three days ago.

At 8:30 a.m., a Mercedes Benz stopped at the door of the teahouse. A beautiful woman came in wearing sunglasses, followed by nearly 50 nannies. The girl held by the nanny was the Pearl.

The three of them sat down in the lobby and asked for a pot of tea and some snacks.

At nine o'clock, Fang Juan arrived at the scene. The two women hugged each other excitedly and said something.

Mingzhu had enough snacks and began to run around. The nanny shouted something and followed him up the old stairs.

The whole picture is consistent with the old man's description. About three or four times, the nanny sun Donghong began to gasp at the stairs on the first floor, and the pearl is still up and down.

At about ten o'clock, the figure of the Pearl disappeared from the stairs on the second floor, and did not appear again for ten or twenty minutes.

The picture is still crowded, and the nanny starts running around at 10:30.

At 11:00, Fang Juan and old Guo's daughter appeared in the surveillance camera in a panic. Then the whole teahouse closed, and the floor was about to tilt up. The Pearl was still not found.

From 10 o'clock to 11 o'clock, there is only one hour to take the Pearl out.

Pearl is missing on the third floor. There is only one staircase up and down the whole teahouse.

Yun jou Chia thought of this and began to check the people in this period frame by frame, especially those who left from the third floor.

At about 10:45, Tang Yunzhe behind suddenly shouted, "stop."

The black-and-white picture stopped at the corner of the second floor. His slender fingers pointed to a corner, "this man."

A man in a black windbreaker appears in the upper left corner of the picture. The man is dragging a medium-sized suitcase and is tightly wrapped up. It's really strange to dress up indoors in summer.

"Why didn't I notice such a strange person just now?"

The person next to him warned: "from beginning to end, he only appeared once."

Yun jou Chia was a little suspicious. "Really?"

"You can turn it over."

She watched the surveillance screen again from beginning to end. Her eyes were sore with fatigue.

"Really, there is only one picture of this man from coming in to going out. He knows all the monitoring dead corners. Can we start from the inside of the teahouse? He must have an insider."

Tang Yunzhe shook his head, tapped his finger on the keyboard a few times, and the picture continued to play, "no, the boss just mentioned that the teahouse is going to be renovated. Any decoration company may get the layout of the teahouse, and his monitoring lines are exposed outside. It is clear at a glance that it is likely to be a dead corner from this line."

She answered dejectedly, "all right."

They looked again, saw nothing wrong and gave up.

two o'clock in the afternoon.

Fang Juan, 35, an ordinary local bank clerk, and Guo Siping, old Guo's daughter, are high school classmates.

The woman was very nervous. Her hands kept pinching and her eyes were red like rabbits. "I don't know why this happened. It's all my fault. If I hadn't quarreled to meet Xiaoping, the Pearl wouldn't have been lost."

"No, it's not your fault."

When she was nervous, Fang Juan's tears fell, "it's my fault."

Tang Yunzhe knocked on the table and asked impatiently, "can you get to the point?"

"Hey, you have a better attitude!"

The woman wiped her tears and said calmly, "it's all right. Just ask."

Yun jou Chia had no experience in this field and scratched her head impatiently. "I don't know what to ask. Just tell me the situation that day. Don't miss any details."

"About last week, I received a call from Xiaoping. She said she would come to city A. she came here to see me. I'm very happy. I made an appointment. I happen to be free that day. Xiao Ping came long ago and stayed in city a for two days. On the day of my holiday, I met in this teahouse to talk about the current situation and school. I also have children. I talk most about children.

After talking for a short time, the nanny hurriedly ran over and said that the child was gone, which was a complete panic.

After looking up and down for a long time, she didn't find anything. Xiao Ping quickly fainted and was sent to the hospital. I went back and cried for a long time. Are you the police? "

Tang Yunzhe said calmly, "no, we are private detectives."

Yun jou Chia listened to the whole process. There was nothing suspicious. "Did anything strange happen that day?"

"No, but when you ask, I think everything was strange that day."

He handed over a picture, the blurred picture of the man in black, "do you have an impression?"

"No, the teahouse has a large flow of visitors. The national road is not far in front of it. It's not surprising to see anyone."

"OK, it's okay."

The second one is nanny sun Donghong.

The nanny is even haggard. It is estimated that she hasn't slept for dinner in the past three days. Her whole face is waxy yellow. She is suddenly more than ten years old.

She stammered: "what detective, please help find the Pearl. If the child can't be found, I won't live. After all, the child is lost in my hand. My heart..."

Then there was a low cry.

Tang Yunzhe was even more impatient.

Yun jou Chia looked at it and hurried to speak in front of him, "aunt, don't cry. Crying won't solve the problem. You can tell us everything carefully and maybe you can get the Pearl back."

Aunt wanted this sentence and hurriedly held Yun jou Chia's hand, "girl, this is really please! If you can get the Pearl back, I'll kneel down for you! "

"Time is urgent. Stop talking nonsense."

The cold words directly made the aunt shrink her hand and carefully said, "Oh, I said, I said."