The structure of the second floor is completely different from that of the third floor.

If the third floor is a prisoner, the second floor is the officer's lounge.

The rooms looked like offices, a bit like laboratories with various instruments.

They pushed one by one, and at the end a door pushed.

Push the door into an office decorated with retro elegance, old wooden desks, retro iron bookshelves, intricate chairs and sofas, and a valuable retro desk lamp is placed on the desk.

The lamp was covered with a green shade. At this time, it emitted a green light to illuminate the whole room.

They walked in carefully and closed the door.

There were countless documents stacked on the table. Yun jou Chia opened her eyes and wrote Dr. Johnson on it!

Oh, it's really fate!

The second page contains an inspection report, which is written clearly from appearance and physical condition to blood type and organ condition. This report is extremely detailed. There are dozens of photos of children alone.

She looked at the delicate little face and said in surprise, "pearl?"

Su Ziang stepped on the chair and looked at the document, "who is the Pearl?"

"The little girl who disappeared and was kidnapped with you is her."

"These are two little girls."

Yun jou Chia was stunned and didn't understand what he meant.

He sat on the table with his hands. Su Ziang crossed his legs and spread out more than a dozen photos one by one on the table. He took out one of them and said, "these should be two."

The photos are all girls in red skirts. They even look a little similar.

Big eyes, long hair, cute and lovely, beautiful are very similar, but you can still detect the difference by careful discrimination.

These are really two different girls.

"Who is this?"

"Zhang silent, is also a little girl."

Yun jou Chia frowned into a pimple. "This file is a pearl. Why is there another girl in it?"

She was confused and suddenly thought of something terrible.

She hurried to open the last few pages of the file. She was more and more frightened. She saw a word heart transplantation!

The girl Zhang silent suffered from congenital heart failure. Last year, she turned to the white lily organ donation center under the white lily private hospital. It was not until this year that she found the girl with successful matching, pearl.

No wonder every child who goes to baibaihe hospital will have a physical examination!

Why do some children give green frog dolls!

Because that represents the success of matching and the child who is about to become the target!

In the dark, Yun jou Chia is getting colder and colder. She is surprised by human greed and fears the dark side of human beings. They can really do anything for their interests!

So are su Ziang and Tuanzi the same?

Yun jou Chia's head was a little stiff and looked at the wall full of files. Are they all?

Goose bumps layer by layer, cool from the bones, seeping into the blood, and then circulating to the whole body, even the hair roots are numb.

This... This is terrible!

She passed each child's name in rows and saw several familiar words in the bottom corner.

These are all recent cases of missing children!

Su Ziang didn't know when to appear behind him. He took a file in his hand and said, "this is mine?"

The front is the data of both transplant sides, and the back is the matching results.

He is a little boy with renal failure. The seller said that the transaction would be implemented by the end of this month and has given an ultimatum.

The last page of this file wrote a few words. It was about time to find a real matchmaker and get Su Ziang at all costs. That's why they tried their best to kidnap Su Ziang.

The boy looked at the file in front of him. "Do they want my kidney?"

Yun jou Chia wanted to comfort her. She suddenly realized something, "the transaction deadline is the end of this month?"

She quickly took the file of Tuanzi. She was a bone marrow transplant. The trading time was last Sunday.

Last Sunday?

That is, the bone marrow transplantation has been completed

So how's Tuanzi now?

I can't even imagine the next result in my mind. I've expected it, but I'm still shouting in my heart, no! Transplanting a little bone marrow won't be life-threatening. You may let the ball go after the operation!

They just want to do business and will never kill!

But tears fell uncontrollably on the file. If the ball has been released, why hasn't there been any news yet?!

Why is it like this?!

"Sister, what's the matter with you?"

"It's all right. I'm just sorry for you."

Again rational, Su Ziang was also a child. He was confused about the current situation and comforted her, "it doesn't matter, sister. My kidney is still there. They haven't taken it away for me."

A word awakened Yun jou Chia in sadness.

She wiped her tears and stuffed the Tuanzi file into her arms, "yes, pearl trading time!"

Run back to the table and lift it to the last few pages, on which a July 5th is written in red pen.

Su Ziang's small head also came together. He picked up the calendar on the table and said, "sister, today is July 5."

A red circle is drawn on the calendar on July 5, that is, today.

Yun jou Chia supported the table with both hands and took a deep breath. "Calm down, calm down. They mainly caught you tonight. Not long after we came back, we damaged the switch, so Mingzhu may not have had surgery. She's still alive."

"Sister, what are you talking about?"

She held Su Ziang's face in her hands. "A little sister is very dangerous now. Shall we go and save her together?"

"OK, I'm willing to save her with my sister."

"Well, Ziang is really brave. Now let's look for a map. Since this office has these files, there must be a layout of the building. There must be. Have you seen a map? "

Su Ziang can even think of the idea of cutting off power. It's natural to find a map.

They searched the room carefully.

They were not afraid that they knew someone had come. Yun jou Chia searched things as if she had torn down the house. There were all scattered documents at the bottom. She put her head under the table and looked at it for a few times. It was empty.

Raised his hand and instinctively pulled the drawer in front of him, but found that it couldn't be pulled and locked.

I pulled it again, but it still didn't work.

As soon as his eyes changed, he covered the cross from his neck, pounded the lock cylinder a few times, clicked and opened the drawer directly.

That is great! It's a gift from God.

There are few things in the drawer, but it can be seen that it is very precious.

Several ancient photos, including men and women, should be Johnson's relatives. Below are several foreign exchange lists. At the bottom is a stack of paper, about dozens of which are clamped up with small clips and placed carefully.

She glanced at it. There were some big words on it, the abbey of the Virgin Mary.