The sound of high-heeled shoes knocking on marble bricks is very clear. If you calm down and listen, it will be a beautiful sound. Simple music can be formed under the condition of coordinated steps.

It's just that people in the conference room don't want to hear it.

Yun Wenwen's face turned pale. She was holding a laser pen in her hand and was explaining a new round of contract with Gu's group. Gu's interests in this project were too much, which made all members complain.

Those greedy guys thought Yun Linjiang could help them talk. Unexpectedly, the vice president asked for leave due to illness at this regular meeting, and someone will attend the meeting instead of him.

Isn't the Vice Minister of marketing Miss Yunda who is said to have gone crazy?

After the meeting, the seats were really empty. A small number of people who preferred yunlinjiang had begun to lose heart. Yun Wenwen on the stage took out the project book and announced the order to everyone.

In the middle of the publicity of the project, the sound of high-heeled shoes sounded like a reminder. Her fingers trembled, her face was pale, and her cold sweat came out layer by layer. She really had no choice. There was a crazy cry in her heart. She knew who was coming! The man is still here!

She looked for help at Hu Lei, who was stiff on the chair.

The Hu brothers looked at each other. Hu Lei stood up trembling. "I'll have a look."

Before she reached the door, the door was suddenly pushed open. Yun joujia, dressed in professional clothes, came on stage. She walked in with a smile, "good morning, colleagues!"

"Yun... Yun jou Chia?!"

"What's the matter? When you become the chairman of the board, you can't even call your sister? "

Hu Lei was stunned for three seconds and suddenly made a strange cry from his throat. He shouted, "aren't you crazy! You should be crazy. You didn't lose it long ago! "

"You are my uncle. It seems a little bad to curse your big niece like this."

The shrill and ugly voice suddenly stopped. Hu Lei noticed his gaffe and was stunned. He stretched his neck as if he had been picked up by someone's throat. His appearance was particularly funny.

Yun Wenwen's performance is the same as before. He is still afraid. His fingers grip the laser pen and shrink to the corner. The aurora controls the ppt on the big screen to flash back.

The beating picture flashes on everyone's face with light, a living human farce.

This is the end she tried to recover!

This is the tragedy she wants to avoid. Everything has returned to the starting point. Nothing has changed!

There was more despair than anger and sadness in her heart. Yun jou Chia sighed and went straight to the center of the conference room, "first, I'm not crazy.

I know you've heard a lot of rumors these days. There are all kinds of statements about me, but I'm fine.

My father's death has had a great impact on me. I'm thinking about life. I'm a toddler. I want to deal with this feeling well and reappear again, so please forgive my disappearance. "

After buffering for two seconds, they smiled and said they should.

The pain of losing her father is completely understandable, not to mention that she is not crazy, which proves that she still controls the three major sales routes, Lvyuan technology and Sheshan minerals.

"Second, there are still many doubts about Dad's car accident. The police said it was an inhuman traffic accident, but I don't believe it. I have started to investigate my father's car accident. From now on, all clues related to this matter can be provided to me, no matter big or small, as long as they are true. "

With a brilliant smile, Yun jou Chia stretched out her palm and shook it at the people, "all reward five million."

Suddenly there was a wave below, and the sound of discussion layer by layer, together with Hu Lei's face, turned green.

Five million!

Although everyone can take out one and two, can we take out three, thirty and three hundred?

It must also be working capital!

Clues will fly to Yun jou Chia like snowflakes. At that time, she will be able to empty out her family just by paying information fees.

Someone also thought of this and asked dryly, "Miss, are you too aggressive to do this? It's not a small amount behind it!"

"You don't have to worry about me. Sheshan mineral has made a little money in the past two years!"

Listen, this relaxed tone is not small money!

The horror on everyone's face turned into envy and jealousy. She found the only rare stone mine in such a big city, which was hit by a big pie!

Yun jou Chia gouged her lips and continued: "my father used to say that the employees of the group are a big family, and the shareholders are relatives of the cloud family. We share weal and woe.

In the past, jou Chia was not sensible and selfish. She thought the mineral resources were her own. Later, when her father died, I wanted to understand a lot. Family is still the most important thing in the world. "

She paused very deliberately and looked at her one by one. She looked at her eagerly, as if she didn't continue to say. This group of people would not move like petrification.

"Therefore, I want to distribute Sheshan mineral resources to you."

The small waves just set off are now stormy waves!

This group of people did not care about polite manners. Yun jou Chia even heard a few exclamatory national curses.

Together with Hu Lei slapped heavily on the table and angrily said, "Yun jou Chia, you're crazy! You took out Sheshan mineral resources and gave them to others. Your head was kicked by a donkey! "

Although this sentence was not polite, it also asked people's doubts.

This is equivalent to walking on the street and someone throwing money into your pocket. You first get a surprise and then a doubt.

Of course, some people will really believe what she said, frown and put on the airs of elders, "Oh, how can you do this! Jou Chia distributed the minerals to everyone, which is also for everyone's good! "

"That's right, jou Chia. He said that about you, so they don't have to."

Hu Lei snorted coldly, and his cold eyes swept his faces, "you are old and confused. You thought Miss Yunda did good deeds, accumulated virtue and gave you money for free! She doesn't know what else to ask! "

His eyes moved to Yun jou Chia again. The happy atmosphere weakened a bit, but his greedy eyes were still very hot.

Yun jou Chia said calmly, "this has something to do with the third thing I want to say.

Dad wrote a will and gave the group to his sister. I'm not convinced, so I want to hurry all the members of the board of directors to convene a shareholders' meeting and re elect the chairman. What do you think? "

For a moment, there was silence in the room.

Yun Wen stepped down quickly, pointed to his nose and asked, "what do you mean?"

She reluctantly spread her hand, "isn't it obvious enough? This position is not yours. I can't hold the things I grabbed. I'll grab it again. "

After that, she looked at the whole conference room, "what supports me is my family, and we can have wealth together!"