Chen Xinran and Qi Youlan have been despised by so many people since they were looked at with envious eyes. They just fell from the cloud to the bottom of the valley.

This makes so proud Chen Xinran and Qi Youlan how can they bear this tone.

At this time, Qi Youlan felt that the only thing he could win songxiyue was the ticket in his hand.

Og's tickets, from the beginning of sales to the end of sales, only take more than ten seconds, so the tickets in front are very rich and difficult to buy, but now she has spent a lot of money to buy them.

"I'm a ticket for seat 13 of 5 pie in VIP zone 1." At this time, Qi Youlan just wants to win song Xiyue with his ticket position.

"Wow, her family should have a lot of money. She can buy tickets in front of her. I used to buy tickets in front of her for a long time. I only bought tickets in more than a dozen rows. I heard that the first three rows of VIP area 1 can only be obtained by high-level people. It's very harmful for her to buy tickets in front of her."

"Yes, I envy you. I'm so happy to see my brothers so close."

"I wish I could see my brothers so close, but why didn't I have such a good chance."

"Hey... Why is the gap between people so large?"


Qi Youlan immediately attracted the envious eyes of the girls with a ticket, which made Qi Youlan feel that he had won back his face and looked at Song Xiyue with a proud expression again.

For the seat number on the ticket, in fact, song Xiyue has never seen it at all. She only knows that there is a ticket that can let her enter the site. As for where to sit, it doesn't matter to her.

After all, she is the closest person to see og almost every day. Although sometimes they can't see og for several days when they are busy, she is also the one who has eaten their tofu. She is proud of eating tofu!

This should have made song Xiyue blush. I don't know what happened, but it suddenly became something that made her feel proud in Song Xiyue's heart. Maybe this is the vanity of girls in the legend.

Song Xiyue took out her own ticket. In fact, she didn't know if she could beat Qi Youlan in the ticket seat.

However, whether she has compared or not, she will not have any different mentality. After all, these things don't seem to be so important to her.

Before Song Xiyue could see her ticket, she was taken away by Qi Youlan as soon as she took it out.

"What are you doing? Give me back my ticket!" Song Xiyue frowns at Qi Youlan.

At least this guy is also a lady of a family, and he always pretends to be such a lady in school. What's the matter now? Because of a ticket, he doesn't even want the image of a lady. It's really puzzling to song Xiyue.

"How can you be better than me..." Qi Youlan smiled and looked at Song Xiyue's ticket. She was sure that song Xiyue would never sit in front of her. However, unfortunately, this happened. Qi Youlan looked at Song Xiyue's ticket with an unbelievable expression. "It's impossible. This is your ticket. It's impossible!"

"You Lan, what's the matter?" Chen Xinran looks at Qi Youlan curiously. Qi Youlan's expression is very strange, so Chen Xinran decides to see the seat written on the ticket.

Like Qi Youlan, she doesn't believe that song Xiyue's position will be better than her own.

But when she saw the seat number written on songxiyue's ticket, she even thought that it was a misprint or a fake ticket at all.

Because the ticket belonging to songxiyue is printed with 15 seats in a row in VIP area 1.

a row;Row 1!!!

It's the first row!!

How can ordinary people buy such tickets!

"You must be a fake ticket, fool. You must have been cheated." Chen Xinran smiled at Song Xiyue and said.

"You take care of me. I'm glad I was cheated." Song Xiyue snorted to Chen Xinran.

This ticket can't be fake, because it's a ticket given to them by og. If it's fake, they'll lose face. It's impossible.

Song Xiyue grabbed his own ticket from Qi Youlan's hand, and then took aim at the seat number above. It turned out to be a row of 15 seats. No wonder Qi Youlan and Chen Xinran would have this expression.

If she had looked at the seat number before she came, she might have looked like that.

But think again, it was given by those people from og. It's not surprising that it's this seat number.

"You're happy to be cheated. What a fool." Qi Youlan also thinks Chen Xinran is right. Song Xiyue must have been cheated.

Generally, the first three rows are difficult to buy. The first row is a position that many people will not think about, but now it is in the hands of song Xiyue. They won't believe it.

"If you want to take care of it, you'd better take care of yourself. Maybe your own ticket is also a fake ticket, fool." Song Xiyue refused to spare them at all. Who let them slander others first.

However, song Xiyue thought that if the tickets of these two people were fake, it would be really interesting.

Song Xiyue is very evil and really wants to see if they will go crazy on the spot if they are told that their tickets are fake and don't let them two often.

"If it's a fake ticket, you'll know when you get in." Chen Xinran glanced at Song Xiyue with contemptuous eyes. "If you are notified that it is a fake ticket on the spot, see what you will cry like. It will be a real shame at that time!"

Song Xiyue looked at Chen Xinran. On the contrary, she thought Chen Xinran would be more humiliating. However, she didn't want to talk to them at all, and turned around to stay away from these two annoying people.

But Chen Xinran and Qi Youlan seem to be staring at Song Xiyue. No matter where song Xiyue goes, they still follow song Xiyue, because they still believe that song Xiyue's ticket must be false. How can she have the ability to get such a front ticket.

"You are ill." Song Xiyue was really driven crazy by these two people. She didn't expect that she was targeted by two psychopaths like this. And Qi Youlan said she was a lady of the family. Now how can she follow her like a resentful woman.

"You go, what do you care what we do? Or are you actually a fake ticket, so now you want to hide secretly. " Chen Xinran still has a proud look.

"Hide from you. I just don't want to see you two now." Song Xiyue was really driven crazy by these two neuropathy. Finally, she decided to ignore them directly and sat down on the edge of a flower bed.

Anyway, when they enter the field, they are in the first row and they are in the fifth row. There are so many positions in the middle. These two people should not be able to follow themselves again.

From this time until the entrance, as long as song Xiyue sits there, a steady stream of people will come towards her, as if she were a big star. In fact, many fans sent all the things they wanted to give their idols to song Xiyue, and then urged wan wan to send song Xiyue to MI Chengyun, Then there was another burst of thanks to her.

Or some fanatical fans who keep trying to learn from Song Xiyue what hobbies Mi Chengyun usually has, or want to listen to some small revelations about Mi Chengyun. No matter what it is, as long as it is about Mi Chengyun, they all want to listen.

Songxiyue is really bored to death by these people. She can't talk nonsense about Mi Chengyun. If something that their company doesn't want to say comes out, it will bring them great trouble. Therefore, songxiyue has been politely refusing, pretending to be very unfamiliar with MI Chengyun.

But even so, those fans still refused to let loose song Xiyue.

In the end, songxiyue only expects when the concert can start. Let's start quickly! She's really going crazy.

Almost until about 5:30, she can finally enter the site. Songxiyue instantly feels that she can finally be liberated. She enters the site with tickets, letters from fans and some lighter things. Of course, those heavy gifts have been pushed away by songxiyue.

Originally, even song Xiyue said she didn't want to help deliver these small things. At most, she could only help deliver the letter, but the hard work of these fans was too strong, so she had to give in.

Song Xiyue lined up in the VIP waiting area to check in. Behind her are Chen Xinran and Qi Youlan. These two guys are like door gods. They have been around Song Xiyue. It seems that if they don't see the authenticity of song Xiyue's tickets with their own eyes today, they will never be reconciled.

"Di -"

The AGM makes a clear sound. The ticket inspector tears off the ticket stub and makes an invitation gesture to song Xiyue. Through the security gate, song Xiyue has successfully entered the infield.

They were about to turn around and show their proud expression to the two door gods behind them, so that they knew that their tickets were definitely not fake, but they found that no one came up behind them.

Song Xiyue sees that Chen Xinran and Qi Youlan are still at the ticket check-in place. At the moment, they are fighting with the ticket inspector for something.

"What did you just say?! How could it be! " Chen Xinran yelled, obviously not believing what the ticket inspector had just said to himself.

"Your ticket is fake and the machine can't verify it, so please go back this way." The ticket inspector pointed to a passage next to the people in line.

No one lined up here, just to let some spectators with fake tickets leave.

But generally no one will take this channel, and today Chen Xinran is also the first.

"How could it be? Your machine must have broken down. How could my ticket be fake? Youlan spent more than 10000 on it." Chen Xinran looked at the ticket inspector angrily. He didn't believe that his ticket was fake. For a time, he thought there was a problem with the machine.