That is to say, a person with a spirit swallowing body can kill a practitioner with a special constitution and deprive him of his special constitution for his own use.

However, there are also limitations. If the special constitution of swallowing has element requirements, it must be consistent with itself. Moreover, some special constitutions must have special blood, which can not be swallowed, while those related to soul are difficult to swallow.

For example, a person who has a spirit swallowing body is a fire spiritual cultivation. The special constitution of swallowing must be related to the fire elements, or not related to the elements, such as windwalker, ice spirit and snow body, tongguangxian celestial body, tianshengshuanghun and Haolong battle body. However, such as tianshengshenli, fury mad body and fire forged body can.

It's said that the man's nickname is xuelingzi. Now he's over 50 years old. Xuelonggu has arrested many people with special physique for him. He became a master a few years ago. It's very terrible.

This is just the result of two top forces. In addition, Tianjiao, one of the top forces, is also extremely powerful.

For example, Cai Tianyang of Tianmen has yin-yang spirit body, a Tianjiao of shuramen has Sha spirit body, the young daughter of the leader of Tiange pavilion has holy spirit body, and a Tianjiao of lingyingzong has Mingfeng spirit body.

There are even some scattered practices, such as having a hundred battles fighting body, which has already become the sword master of zhantian.

However, in the end, most of the sanxiu would first join the powerful forces and strive for the qualification to enter the Moxian mountain range, but it was extremely difficult to enter completely by virtue of the status of sanxiu.

Many of them have reached the level of respect. Even if some of them are not respected because they are still young, most of them are high-level lingzong with amazing fighting power.

As for the netherworld sect, it is also powerful. It has become the spirit of the netherworld. It has the spirit of the ghost. It is said that Qin ye, who was famous for the evil spirit some time ago, has the spirit of the evil wood.

The three of them are already very powerful. There are several Tianjiao in the headquarters of Youming clan, who are very terrible.

Qin Feng is shocked by the fact that Qin Ye's spirit has changed from wood to evil wood, which is one of the reasons why his accomplishments have soared recently.

It's too weird to be able to add an evil attribute out of thin air. It's extremely evil, and Qin Feng has to worry about it.

Will want to understand all understand, Qin Feng is directly to the person a happy, let its super.

All the people here are dead, so it's not convenient for GE Xian to go back. Otherwise, he will be severely tortured and easily exposed. Moreover, he went away just to find out the whereabouts of Mingju. Now he knows that he is not in Jiuyou hall, but there is no need to continue to lurk.

Then, Qin Feng asked Ge Xian to follow him for a while, intending to let him return to the blue demon sect and help the blue forest demon Zun expand his power, while he wanted to go to the evil spirit hall and call Luo Ziyou to participate in the fight for the magic immortal mountain.

Qin Feng two people get up to leave, and at this time, Xuelong peak suddenly a tremor, the earth shaking, snow collapse.

With the sudden earthquake, countless snow on the mountain suddenly collapsed, causing a terrible avalanche. As soon as Qin Feng's face changed, he immediately summoned the frost dragon, carrying Qin Feng and Ge Xian to the sky to escape.

"What's the matter?" Qin Feng frowned, looked around, did not find any signs of fighting, how can a sudden earthquake?

Ge Xian's eyes flashed and said, "when I came here, I heard that there was a treasure hidden in the Snow Dragon Peak, and there were two immortal beasts hidden on the top of the mountain, which were frost dragon and ice Phoenix. It is said that they were for this treasure. Can this earthquake be caused by that treasure

"I've heard about it, too. Most likely, I'll go to the top of the mountain." Qin Feng thought a little, and directed his frost dragon to go straight up to the top of the mountain.

This mountain peak is extremely vast, and each mountain peak is extremely towering. It took a lot of time for the frost dragon to fly up all the way, but the more it went up, the greater the wind and snow, the more powerful the ice and cold around, and even the powerful pressure.

Fortunately, the frost dragon is originally ice. It's very suitable here, and it's also a wild animal. It can fly all the way, but it's quite big and very conspicuous.

Before he reached the top of the mountain, he heard a roar. Then he found that two huge figures appeared on the top of the mountain, and a war broke out in the air.

Those two figures are frost dragon and ice Phoenix!

From the aftereffect of the battle, Qin Feng seems to have the power of a medium grade immortal beast. However, a close observation shows that these two spirit beasts are still at the level of a low grade immortal beast. They are the top three immortal beasts. They are more powerful only with the help of the surrounding ice and snow.

Seeing the living immortal beast with his own eyes makes Qin Feng feel excited.

The so-called fight between immortals means that mortals suffer. These two immortals and beasts are really like this for ordinary practitioners. The fighting between the two makes Xuelong peak constantly tremble and avalanche. Even some peaks are collapsing. The spirit beasts that inhabit Xuelong peak run away from here.

Only Qin Feng, a brave man, rode the frost dragon in the air and didn't leave.

"It's a fairy beast. It's terrible!" Ge Xian exclaimed.

Qin Feng nodded, affirming that the aftereffects caused by the two immortals are extremely terrible. After World War I, I'm afraid Xuelong peak will be beyond recognition.

And in such a fierce battle, a white light scattered from the top of the mountain, is filled with a cold incomparable force.

"Is it true that the most precious thing was born?" Seeing this, Qin Feng was excited and looked far away, but he couldn't really see it, and he didn't dare to spread his mental energy to detect it at will, so as not to attract the hostility of the two immortal beasts.




The sounds of dragons and Fengs are constantly ringing, and all kinds of crashing and roaring are heard.

A series of terrible beasts can roar out, and the snow is already flying between heaven and earth. Now it's snowing heavily. The temperature drops sharply, and the cold wind is biting, which makes people shiver.

As the battle continued, the treasure was gradually lifted off. It was not big, but it was extremely dazzling.

Qin Feng looked again, tried his best, and finally saw that it was a piece of jade, a cold jade made of ice and snow.

That piece of cold jade is obviously extraordinary. It is filled with the cold power of freezing lingzun.

At this time, a dark shadow came from the west, and shot at the cold jade.

"Roar! Man, you can't succeed! "

"Damned human, don't take away the treasure!"

Frost dragon and ice Phoenix both roared and attacked the shadow.

Qin Feng looked and found that he was a dignified middle-aged man with shoulder length hair, but half black and half white, very strange and distinctive.

A white robe, spotless, no wrinkles, it is very particular.