If they don't approve of it, the monk will be attacked by all the weapons on Wanren mountain. Even the immortal will feel numb and dare not attack him lightly.

This kind of rumor makes Wanren peak shrouded in a layer of mystery. Every year, it attracts many practitioners to try their luck, but few of them have gained anything.

Qin Feng went out of the city and rushed to Wanren peak. On the way, he could see many practitioners, most of them with the same purpose.

However, Qin Feng was a little different, because Duan Tianqiu had been there and said that it was good for Jianxiu, which was the biggest reason why he wanted to go to Wanren peak.

As for those treasures, Qin Feng didn't pay too much attention to them. He already had a lot of them. He even owned all the four ancient treasures of the spirit of heaven. He couldn't be moved too much by ordinary immortal tools.

At the speed of Qin Feng, he set out before noon and arrived at the foot of Wanren mountain at the beginning of night.

There is a small town at the foot of the mountain. There are many hotels in the town to provide rest places for the monks.

It's late at night. Qin Feng is not in a hurry to climb the mountain. He finds a hotel to stay.

Room, he opened the window, you can see Wanren peak.

The mountain peaks are towering. At night, there are many shining lights on the peak, which is the magic weapon released by the magic weapon.

Qin Feng looks at Wanren peak and feels it carefully. He doesn't know where Duan Tianqiu's so-called opportunity is.

Qin Feng whispered to himself: "the treasures on Wanren peak are all weapons made of metal, such as swords, knives, guns, axes, halberds, spears, etc., but there are no other treasures. What attracts them?"

Night wind blowing, it is autumn, bring a trace of cool, but also bring a trace of inspiration.

His eyes slightly coagulate, looking at the flashing light, suddenly found that there is a little bit of gold in it.

"Gold..." Qin Feng picked his eyebrows, and could not help but stir up the power of "gold" in his body. Although it was far away, it seemed to have a magical feeling. The light on the Wanren peak swayed slightly, and the gold was more and more bright.

Qin Feng seems to have realized, can't help murmuring: "is this the chance? Is that the secret of wanrenfeng? "

He couldn't confirm it, but he felt that it was already eight or nine years old. Just wait until tomorrow morning, when he ascended Wanren peak, everything will be known.

In the twinkling of an eye, Qin Feng got up at dawn, quickly left the hotel, walked out of the town and went to Wanren peak.

He was not the only one on the road, and many other practitioners, like him, got up early and went there.

Wanren peak is very high. There are too many magic weapons on the mountain. It takes a lot of time to pass one by one.

A magic weapon will be selected from the cultivation, personality, appearance, gender and other factors of the practitioner, and there is also the fabulous theory of fate.

It's hard for those immortal tools to see one person for hundreds of thousands of years. In general, only a few people can be recognized for Qibao, while there are relatively more common Lingbao. Therefore, those practitioners want to get there as soon as possible and get the recognition of magic weapons before others.

Qin Feng's speed is extremely fast, and none of these practitioners can match him. He is in the forefront. In a short time, he is on the Wanren peak.

Those magic weapons have spirits. They are divided according to their strength. At the foot of the mountain are all low-grade Lingbao.

Qin Feng swept one eye, did not have the slightest stop, quickly steps up to climb.