Of course, this has a lot to do with the horn of the great bull beast that ye Yun refined into his body last time

Suddenly smelling a disgusting smell, ye Yun also found that a thick layer of dirt had accumulated on his body, just like a set of thick black armor.

It's time to find a place to wash!

When ye Yun thought of this, he stepped up. Indeed, he was as light as a swallow. With a gentle leap, he was more than ten feet away.

The lightness of this body method is comparable to that of earth level masters!

Speeding in the direction of the fiery sword soul, ye Yun met three large pools along the way.

The clear spring turned into a black smelly ditch less than a cup of tea when ye Yun jumped in!

Finally, in the fourth huge pond, ye Yun cleaned the dirt on his body, found a set of black clothes from the space ring and put them on.

The soul of Huoyan sword is not far ahead. It's time to decorate it

Carefully took out three fist sized colored stones from his pocket, and a fleeting smile flashed around Ye Yun's mouth.

This colored stone is made of several conflicting refining materials, which ye Yun forcibly concentrated together, and coated with a layer of marlstone outside.

In fact, once the marlstone in the outer layer breaks, several conflicting refining materials inside will explode in an instant.

Although the power is not very strong, the sound is terrible enough.

This colored stone is a gadget developed by Ye Yun as a firecracker.

In particular, ye Yun gave them a very happy Name: colored eggs!

Ye Yun even saw three fiery red eyes guarding the flaming sword eagle.

At this time, ye Yun threw his three colored eggs in three directions.

Not surprisingly, at the moment when the three colored eggs landed heavily, the thin layer of dirt and limestone wrapped around it was broken, and several conflicting refining materials inside immediately exploded.

The three huge roars seemed to shake the earth for several kilometers.

The old trees in the sky within 50 meters of the explosion of the three colored eggs were also broken to pieces!

The next thing is basically as ye Yun expected.

The three flaming sword eagles, who are responsible for guarding the soul of the fiery sword, immediately raised their spirit from laziness.

Then two of the flaming sword Eagles hissed and rushed to the two places where the colored eggs fell to the ground and exploded to find out.


Although the third flaming sword Eagle also raised its vigilance and screamed, it did not leave the fiery sword soul for half a step.

If the third flaming sword Eagle doesn't go, it's impossible to approach and obtain the flame sword soul.

Thinking of this, ye Yun decided to give up, even throwing out the only four colored eggs in his pocket.

This time, ye Yun did not try his best, but controlled the place where the four colored eggs fell to the ground and exploded to less than 200 meters away from the third flaming sword eagle.

The fierce roar sounded again.

The body of the flaming sword Eagle standing on the edge of the fiery sword soul almost fell to the ground.

It's really angry!

Like a sharp sword, the third flaming sword Eagle flew to the place where the second batch of four colored eggs exploded.

It seemed to tear the owner of the explosion to pieces.

Waiting for this opportunity, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

In fact, at the moment when the third flaming sword Eagle left, ye Yun also moved.

Two or three quick jumps came to the side of the fiery sword soul.

The soul of the fiery sword is close at hand. It is readily available to Ye Yun!

Ye Yun's hands are infinitely close to the flame sword soul

Just then, a sudden change occurred!

The scream of the flaming sword Eagle suddenly sounded, which directly made Ye Yun fall into a short tinnitus.

Subconsciously, ye Yun looked up and found that the three red huge figures were diving down in a violent attitude

Yes, it was the three flaming sword eagles that had turned back!

One moment I was close to the soul of Huoyan sword, and the next moment I was going to be killed on the spot

In other words, is there anything more tragic in the world?

Facing the three flaming sword Eagles diving down, ye Yun had no chance to escape.

Although he has refined the bone wings belonging to the flame sword Eagle into his body.

After all, apart from being grumpy, the flaming sword eagle is famous for its speed.

At least among the fourth order Xuan beasts, no Xuan beast can escape the pursuit of a flaming sword eagle.

Besides, there are three flaming sword Eagles now.

Only one war!

Ye Yun pulled out the huge black sword on his back.

Although I know that in the face of three flaming sword eagles, I have no chance of winning.

But instead of waiting to die, it's better to fight before death!

Men, even if they have to die, they have to die!

The three flaming sword Eagles swooping down are getting closer and closer to Ye Yun.

Ye Yun has even seen their eyes that are more red than blood, and their sharp claws that are half a meter long

Holding the giant black sword in his hand more and more tightly, ye Yun took the initiative to wave the sword!

Just this split, ye Yun was speechless and found that he split an empty space.

Because the three flaming sword Eagles suddenly made a sharp turn when they were less than ten meters away from ye Yun.

Then he pestled his head to the ground five meters away from ye Yun.

The sound of their bodies colliding with the ground was no less than that caused by Ye Yun's colored eggs.

In particular, the three of them just kept diving down, and the first contact with the ground was the head

So, this collision is really heavy enough!

But why didn't the three flaming sword Eagles jump at themselves, but had to hit the ground?

Ye yunpo is a little confused.

I knew the flaming sword eagle's eyes were bad, but it couldn't be so bad?

Moreover, when they were only ten meters away from themselves, they obviously made a sharp turn.

However, ye Yun has not thought about these too much. After all, it's important to run for his life.

But just as ye Yun took two steps out, the three flaming sword Eagles stood up from the ground.

It can be seen that their physical strength is far beyond Ye Yun's imagination.

But to Ye Yun's surprise, the three flaming sword Eagles did not attack themselves after they got up from the ground, but looked at themselves one by one.

After a cup of tea, one of the flaming sword Eagles suddenly screamed excitedly.