"Don't worry, Lord Jin. Where are the people in your custody?"

Ye Yun's face was cold, and Jin Wushuang's heart was cold.

"It must be in the dungeon. I'll take you and let these brothers go!"

Dare not have the slightest neglect, Jin Wushuang hurriedly led the way ahead.


Because it is in the deepest part of the city Lord's residence, it is even more secret than the yard of young master Jin.

Therefore, the jailers were not clear about the changes in the city master's house.

Deep in the dungeon, in a cell, seven men were sighing and groaning.

They are not the seven detained men of the Wang chamber of Commerce.

Sighs and sighs came and went: "this is the third and last day. It seems that we can't get out of this life!"

"Alas, four hundred spars are a huge number. It's impossible to collect them in three days!"

"Yes, in fact, when I was detained, I already knew that I couldn't get out in my life. I prayed Brother Yun and brother Dali not to rush to save us. They can't compete with the city Lord's house."

"To tell the truth, President Wang has treated us well in the Wang chamber of Commerce for so many years. This life is worth dying for the chamber of Commerce!"

"That's right. Why should a man be afraid of death? He just promised before coming. When the escort is over, he can't buy a sword for tiger baby now!"

There was another sigh in the cell.

Several other men know that tiger baby is the son of the man who spoke last. Since childhood, he has longed to be a powerful swordsman who can eliminate the strong and help the weak

Suddenly, the sound of unlocking the lock sounded in small pieces. Looking at it carefully, the seven men were full of grief and anger.

These seven men are no strangers to the middle-aged man who came in with a arrogant smile.

It was the middle-aged man who robbed the carts of their caravan of medicinal materials that should have been transported to the city master's residence. He just caused a series of things later

They won't admit their mistake, because the arrogant laughter of the middle-aged man can't be forgotten by the seven men who are ghosts.

In addition, there are not many people with crooked nose like this middle-aged man!

All along, seven men thought that the crooked nosed middle-aged man who robbed their caravan was a bandit.

But now I see the middle-aged man's jailer clothes, and it's also the jailer's long clothes.

Even these simple and honest men suddenly realized that they had never met bandits!

Instead, the warden of the city Lord's residence made up

The purpose is undoubtedly for Wang Qingyu, the eldest lady of the chamber of Commerce!

"You bastards worse than pigs and dogs!"

A man couldn't help being angry and rushed up to find the crooked nose middle-aged man.

But he was kicked by the middle-aged man and flew far away, vaguely mixed with the brittle sound of broken ribs.

"Brother Bao!"

"Brother leopard!"



Looking at the old man who lived and died together for decades, he was severely beaten by the villain, and the other six men immediately spit fire out with red eyes.

Immediately, they all rushed towards the middle-aged man with a crooked nose.

Bang Bang

Less than a cup of tea, the six men repeated the mistakes of the leopard, one by one lying on the ground and spitting blood.

After all, the cultivation between the two is not a level at all.

"A group of things more humble than mole ants are like resistance? Hehe!"

The middle-aged man with a crooked nose looked arrogant and opened his mouth coldly.

"Anyway, the arrogant boy named 'ye Yun' has been pushed into the death row. It's useless to keep you!"

The crooked nose flashed a cruel color on the middle-aged face.

Just then, a jailer behind him had come up with a flattering face and said with a smile: "warden, I heard that young master Jin just bought a group of hounds. I'm worried about how to train the wild."

The jailer's words brightened the eyes of the middle-aged man with a crooked nose.

"Great. Instead of letting these humble guys waste space in this cell, we'd better pull them out and feed the hounds!"

In fact, when the crooked nosed middle-aged man finished his words, the prison guards behind him began to tie up the seven men.

With a sneer, the party has gone to Mr. Jin's yard.

The middle-aged man with a crooked nose knows that although Mr. Jin doesn't pursue women as perversely as Mr. Jin, he is far from being cruel.

He believed that Prince Jin would be very excited to see the scene of these men fighting with hounds

While Mr. Jin is happy, I'm afraid the reward will not be less. In case he has to promote himself

But that's great!

At this moment, middle-aged people with crooked noses are proud of their intelligence and wisdom.

But I don't think he's actually going on a road of no return!

Prince Jin's yard is also far from the gate of the city master's residence.

For the disturbance at the gate of the city Lord's residence, the eldest son Jin, who only knows how to hide in the yard and raise wild animals, certainly won't know.

Today, Mr. Jin is raising more than a dozen hunting dogs he just got in the yard.

Of course, in order to cultivate the wildness of these hounds, the food prepared by Mr. Jin for the hounds is still some lively horned sheep.

In the field, the fierce barking of wild dogs, the sound of tearing the internal organs of horned sheep, and the harsh hissing of horned sheep

These golden CHILDES sound like the most beautiful music in the world.

Even, some fat young master Jin has been laughing and trembling all over

"Young master Jin is really elegant, but the scene of Hunting Dogs Fighting horned sheep is spectacular, but it doesn't give people enough excitement!"

Just then, a voice sounded.

Looking at it, the speaker was the middle-aged man with a crooked nose.

"Oh? Li Wai, don't sell off any more. If you have any exciting ways to play, just say it!"

Young master Jin inquired with great interest. It was obvious that Li Wai, a middle-aged man with a crooked nose, had not given him less stimulation to think of crooked ideas before.

"Young master Jin, my method is definitely a stimulus you have never experienced before!"

Li Wai's face was full of confidence, and he whistled loudly between his words.

After this whistle, a group of prison guards came in under the pressure of the seven men of the Wang chamber of Commerce.

This has puzzled some monks in law, young master Jin.

"Young master Jin, I think it would be more exciting if the horn sheep in the field were replaced by these dead prisoners?"

In fact, as soon as Li Wai's words ended, Mr. Jin's eyes lit up.