The big commander was too lazy to manage these things. After saying this, he glanced at the two small commanders.

How dare these two little commanders neglect when the rules of the upcoming selection are said.

The so-called rules are just a fight on the selection platform where everyone can do whatever they want. There are no rules and requirements at all. Finally, the remaining ten people have the opportunity to enter the main city.

For this rule, more than 30 people who have jumped onto the selection platform have long known.

"Young master Yun, do I really want to go on stage?"

Up to now, Zhu Wenshan still has some advice in his heart.

After all, the lowest one who came to power was the eighth floor of the imperial rank, and only he reached the fourth floor of the imperial rank.

Such cultivation is like a joke on the selection stage.

In this regard, ye Yun nodded and jumped up first on the selection platform.

Zhu Wenshan suddenly clenched his teeth and went to the challenge stage.

Not surprisingly, with Zhu Wenshan's coming to the stage, the onlookers couldn't help laughing, and several of them with low laughter points directly laughed.

A fourth floor of the imperial rank is still trying to come to power to compete for the top ten places. What are you doing?

After coming to power, the scuffle will start directly.

Moreover, many people have looked at Zhu Wenshan.

After all, in their view, Zhu Wenshan, a man of four levels of cultivation in the imperial rank, went on the selection platform, which was tantamount to lowering the level of all of them, which was tantamount to discrediting all of them.

Besides, this time, there is the great commander.

Seeing that even the people on the fourth floor of the imperial rank dare to compete for ten places on the stage will make him subconsciously look down on the small town.

For a time, more than a dozen people clearly surrounded Zhu Wenshan's position.

"A scum on the fourth floor of the emperor's rank is also trying to get one of the ten places. I think you've been kicked out of your mind by a donkey. It's just wishful thinking!"

One of the middle-class people on the eighth floor of the imperial step spoke coldly, and his words had jumped up. He slapped him hard at Zhu Wenshan's place.

The strong palm wind rose abruptly, almost instantly in front of Zhu Wenshan, which shocked Zhu Wenshan's subconscious.

Are you going to die as soon as you get on stage?

I knew. I didn't pretend to be forced just now!

Zhu Wenshan's depression reached the extreme.

However, the powerful palm wind suddenly stopped when it was infinitely close to Zhu Wenshan.

Click, click!

The powerful palm wind like the essence, like the essence of jade, directly disintegrated and shattered.

Just now, ye Yun gently waved his arm.

Ye Yun's action looks very casual and has no lethality at all.

And ye Yun didn't burst out mysterious Qi from beginning to end. It's reasonable to say that this should have no attack power.

But in fact, ye Yun did it.

The scene is very strange.

"This Zhu Wenshan is my friend. I'll take one for him when he enters the main city today!"

Ye Yun stepped out and opened his mouth in a flat tone.

It seems that this is not asking people's opinions at all, but telling them an iron and indisputable fact.

There are ten places in total. Ye Yun should not only take one place, but also give one to his friend Zhu Wenshan.

It's so straightforward and arrogant!


Below, there was a sensation.

This guy is a little too arrogant.

Once this sentence is said, it is equivalent to making enemies with everyone on the stage!

"Boy, you're too arrogant. Do you think you can break a medium slag attack on the eighth floor of the imperial rank, and you can dominate the selection platform?"

The next moment, there was a voice of abnormal dissatisfaction, which suddenly sounded.

From one of the nine accomplishments that reached the peak of the eighth floor of the imperial level.

The man's opening made Dongwang, who was already ready to take action, stop his action.

In his opinion, maybe he doesn't need to do it himself at all. It's enough for him to reach the peak of the eighth floor of the imperial rank.

"So you are not satisfied?"

Ye Yun's tone is still lukewarm.

In this regard, the man whose cultivation reached the peak of the eighth floor of the imperial rank, of course, nodded repeatedly.

"I also heard some stories about you just now. You are young and new here. You can destroy Tang Kai and defeat the four Dharma protectors with one move. You have a lot of brushes, but don't you think you are too arrogant? Do you think you have one tenth of the prestige of the East King?"

The man whose accomplishments reached the peak of the eighth floor of the imperial rank, while belittling Ye Yun, did not forget to flatter the East King.

After all, in his opinion, it is safe for him to enter the main city. Only after entering the main city, he may need more care from the East King.

When will you stay if you don't flatter now?

Ye Yun couldn't help a cold hum.

Originally, ye Yun thought that this guy could stand up. He still had some courage.

But now it seems that the ultimate goal is just to curry favor with the East King.

He's just a flatterer!

"Don't talk nonsense. Since you don't accept it, I'll fight until you are convinced!"

Ye Yun's face showed disdain.

Between words, I didn't wait for this guy to make a move, so I made a move first.

Ye Yun's body suddenly disappeared on the selection platform.

This scene shocked everyone around.

At the next moment, ye Yun's body appeared and had come to the big man.

Ye Yun's palm gently poked out, just a slow push.

The guy who had just reached the top of the eighth floor of the imperial level with arrogant and unlimited cultivation had already flew backwards.

The blood in his mouth was like a fountain. In the process of flying backwards, it formed a fleeting arc in the air.

Moreover, although this palm Ye Yun only used a trace of strength, he still made this guy fly out of the selection platform directly.

One waved and smashed the attack of a middle man on the eighth floor of the imperial rank.

Now it's another understatement, that is, a person at the top of the eighth floor of the imperial rank directly defeated the selection platform.

Ye Yun's power has risen again.

And everyone else is afraid to come forward.

"Who else disagrees?"

Ye Yun then opened his mouth, and his voice was still very flat.

This time, however, ye Yun's insipid voice sounded like a thunderbolt in everyone's ears.

"It's a little interesting!"

Under the selection platform, the commander's impatient eyes disappeared and a trace of interest appeared on his face.

Ye Yun's accomplishments did not interest Da Tongling.

What he is really interested in is Ye Yungang's speed.

This speed has already made the commander have a little love for talents.