The speed of the color war beast once again surprised Ye Yun's heart.

As for the attack power of the color war beast, its gorgeous teeth have completely penetrated into the cave wall behind Ye Yungang's position.

And along with the color war beast suddenly turned its head, its two more than one meter long teeth randomly scratched the cave wall with two more than one meter deep scratches.

The wall of this cave, I don't know what kind of stone it is, is extremely hard.

But now under the teeth of color war animals, they are fragile, like tofu.

We can see the attack power of color war animals!

Ow, ow, Ow!

The color war beast roared angrily again. It was very unhappy that it failed to kill Ye Yun just now.

"Ye Yun, what's going on inside? Can I help you?"

Outside the cave, a voice belonging to Caiwei suddenly sounded.

Obviously, Caiwei was worried about ye Yun when she heard the strong fluctuation in the cave.

"A little war beast, I can still deal with it. Just hold the hole, Caiwei. Be careful not to let the little war beast escape!"

Ye Yun spoke loudly with pride on his face.

Between words, ye Yun stabbed the purple sword directly at the body of the colored war beast.

However, the sensitivity of the color war beast was once again beyond Ye Yun's surprise.

Ye Yun even judged that the color war beast was only slightly inferior to the adult color war beast.

Although the color war beast escaped Ye Yun's attack at the critical moment, its body accidentally hit one side of the wall.

This has damaged the image of the color war beast.

The colored war beast pounced on Ye Yun again.

But this time, instead of attacking Ye Yun with its sharp teeth, it used its sharp claws.

This pair of claws, although not as sharp as teeth, have a length of more than one meter, but also a finger.

And its claws are covered with green liquid, which should be a kind of venom.

Judging from the strong smell on it, the toxicity of this venom must be quite severe.

Therefore, there is no need for the sharp claws of color war animals to tear a person's body directly.

Just breaking a person's skin and the green poison entering the person's body is enough to poison the person to death.

At the next moment, ye Yun showed three steps on Nothingness again, and narrowly avoided the attack of colored war beasts.

Ow, ow, Ow!

For the second time, ye Yun hid from his attack, and the anger in the color war beast obviously reached the extreme.

It actually stood up directly and roared at Ye Yun.

The colored war beast stood up like a human.

Then on his chest, ye Yun found dozens of poisonous thorns.

These stingers, like poison needles, are all aimed at Ye Yun's direction.

Ye Yun's heart tightened. If the colored war beast radiated all its poisonous stings at himself, there was nowhere to hide if he wanted to avoid.

At the next moment, ye Yun chooses to start first.

The breath of Kowloon suddenly burst out.

As expected, this deterrent force stunned the angry color war beast.

It's late, it's fast.

Ye Yun's sword came out in an instant.

This time, ye Yun used it directly, which is compatible with water and fire.

The Yellow energy quickly hit the most vulnerable head of the color war beast.


On the colorful war beast's head, all the gorgeous colorful fur burned away.

Its body, also under the attack of this yellow energy, flew out directly.

It didn't stop until he hit the cave wall behind him.

A huge impact seemed to make the whole cave vibrate for a few minutes.

The intense pain and anger made the colored war beast wake up in an instant.

But it's too late.

Ye Yun's next attack is coming.

Still towards the head of the color war beast, there is yellow energy compatible with water and fire roaring in the past.


The next moment, the body of the color war beast just stood up hit the cave wall behind him again.

In particular, the most lethal and fragile head of the color war beast is already a little miserable under the two yellow energy supplies.

Ow, ow, Ow!

The color war beast roared angrily.

However, a careless move will lose the game!

Ye Yun didn't give the colored war beast the chance to react. The continuous attack came.

The strong vibration and the angry roar of the colored war animals kept ringing through the cave.

Ye Yun's attacks continue. These attacks are completely destructive and continuous.

There is no chance for color war animals to breathe.

At the same time, not only the head, but also the whole body of the color war beast was severely injured.

Soon, he was close to the point where the oil ran out and the lamp ran dry.

Seeing that it was about to perish, ye Yun suddenly found that the body of the colored war beast began to expand.

"No, the color war beast looks like it's going to explode!"

Ye Yun had a bad color on his face.

In terms of Ye Yun's constitution, he is not afraid of the self explosion of the colored war beast, but it's better not to be affected.

Besides, the poisonous spikes on the chest of the colored war beast look terrible!

Once on the body, it will inevitably cause some damage to the body.

Therefore, ye Yun quickly fled towards the hole.

Now the color war beast's body has begun to expand, which shows that it is brewing self explosion.

Once the brewing process is started, there is no way to stop.

And if there is no accident, it will explode soon.

Therefore, ye Yun runs towards the hole and opens his mouth to Caiwei to let Caiwei stay away from the hole quickly.

But perhaps it was because of the tight time. When ye Yun was out of the cave, he just saw Caiwei come back to his senses and began to run away.

But now, it's a little late.

The color war beast has chased out and exploded without hesitation.

This self explosion shook the whole Canyon for a few minutes.

After all, this color war beast is equivalent to the two or three levels of cultivation of human holy order. It is normal that the power of self explosion is so great.

Not only the sound of self explosion was extremely loud, but also when the colored war beast was self explosion, the poisonous thorn on its chest shot towards the four sides and eight rooms.

The first to bear the brunt is Caiwei.

Ye Yun is fine. At the critical moment, the Xuanwu soul once again released the power of blue water, which blocked everything for ye Yun.

Since the Xuanwu soul absorbed the purest water power, it has the function of generating this blue water power protective film.