Not to mention looking at the whole small world, even looking at the imperial dynasty where the great Zhou Dynasty was located, Xiao Dong couldn't count the numbers at all.

But now this xuanlao is one of the three top powers in the whole small world.

When the emperor of the imperial dynasty saw it, he had to lower his head.


As soon as Xiao Dong's name came out, everyone present looked at the old man and became more fiery.

Unexpectedly, today, there are two of the three top powers in Xiaoqian world.

In addition, the devil emperor, who is no less than the top power of the blood world, has opened everyone's eyes.

With the arrival of xuanlao, even the blood world in the ultimate array of blood evil spirit frowned slightly.

In the blood world's view, although this xuanlao has always been indifferent to fame and wealth, and never interfered in anything.

But in case, when he and the demon emperor were both defeated, xuanlao suddenly made a move and staged a sit and reap the benefits, who would he cry for?

"Xuanlao, come and see the excitement!"

Blood heaven and earth greeted xuanlao.

In this regard, old Xuan nodded and said, "although I'm indifferent to fame and wealth in my life, I have a hobby of watching jokes. In addition, you two can rest assured that I'm just watching the excitement today!"

Xuanlao's words are to dispel their concerns.

In his opinion, the blood world and the devil emperor in the blood ghost ultimate array seem to be equal. In addition to being very expected, after watching closely, you may be able to understand a lot of things.

This is definitely a good opportunity that can be met but not obtained!

"What nonsense are you talking about? Are you still fighting?"

The demon emperor urged coldly.

Whether the blood world has greatly increased its strength through the ultimate array of blood demons, or the arrival of a peak expert now, it seems that it has no impact on the demon emperor.

It seems that all this is not under the words of the devil emperor.

The blood world snorted coldly, and the blood gas all over the body became stronger.

Next, these skeleton marks turned into blood scorpion marks.

The powerful and incomparable momentum almost gushed out of the body of the blood world like the river water breaking the dike.

And after gushing out, it didn't spread for the purpose of walking, but just like growing eyes, it completely went in the direction of the demon emperor.

There is no need to estimate that this momentum alone is strong enough.

In this regard, the demon emperor was not in a hurry.

Gently waving his right hand, a more terrible evil spirit was generated.

At that moment, everyone suddenly realized: no wonder the demon emperor has always been so fearless. It turned out that he hasn't used his full strength just now.

The terrible magic Qi completely defeated the momentum of the blood world almost instantly.

Clean and neat, without a trace of muddle.

Even in the blood evil ultimate array?

The devil told the blood world with facts that the timing and location are not as good as the fist!

The blood world also completely changed its face.

Although there was no attack just now, it was just an exchange of momentum.

But he fell into a disadvantage.

Not only the blood world, but also xuanlao, who was originally interested in watching a good play, now looks very dignified.

Xuanlao thinks his cultivation is equal to that of the blood world.

Even, without using the ultimate cards, the blood world is not more powerful than the blood Sha ultimate array.

"The emperor almost missed such a good play!"

Then another voice suddenly sounded.

If the voice of xuanlao just now is still relatively mild.

Then when this voice came, it seemed extremely overbearing.

Almost like a thunderbolt, it rang through everyone's eardrums.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

Soon, an old man in a domineering yellow robe came into sight.

His face was not angry, and he was full of the supremacy of the superior.

Even if there are many people with extraordinary status, they dare not look directly at them.

Then in front of this figure, subconsciously produce a feeling of shame.

After his arrival, the old man in yellow robe was also above the ultimate array of blood evil.

Now, even fools can guess that the arrival must be the iron emperor.

The iron blood emperor is the emperor of the iron blood emperor Dynasty. At the same time, he is also the first of the three top powers in Xiaoqian world.

Even he was startled and came.

At this moment, all the top powers in the whole small world will come together.

A gathering of heroes!

Everyone was very excited.

After all, it's hard to see any of the three top powers at ordinary times.

Now, it's all here.

With the arrival of the iron and blood emperor, the face of the blood world became more and more gloomy.

If the xuanlao came, it just made the blood world a little afraid.

Now, after the arrival of the iron emperor, the blood world has been a little afraid.

The iron blood emperor had to force the blood world to be slightly higher, and he was not as good as xuanlao.

The iron emperor looks like a gentleman, but in fact, he always does anything to achieve some goals.

Blood heaven and earth felt that when they fought with the devil emperor to lose, the iron blood emperor would certainly do it.

"Don't worry, you two. The Emperor just came to see. You can continue to fight as much as you like and treat the emperor as air!"

The iron emperor seemed to see the fear of the blood world and spoke positively.

But for this word, the power of blood heaven and earth should be farting.

It was the devil emperor. His eyes just glanced at the iron and blood emperor, then turned to the blood world and urged: "are you still fighting? If you don't dare to fight with the emperor, then you will decide yourself cleanly!"

The provocative meaning of the words was not concealed.

I'm a man with a little temper. I'm afraid I can't help it.

But blood held back.

"Although the hatred between us is irreconcilable, now is not the time for us to fight to the death, because there are two hungry wolves who are eyeing. It's better for us to make an appointment in another place in private."

After hesitating again and again, the blood world began to communicate to the demon emperor.

But just half of the sound was interrupted by the demon emperor.

"You are a counsellor. You are afraid of them both, but Ben Di is not afraid at all!"

The demon emperor spoke mercilessly.

The words shocked the audience.

Not only in such a public that the blood world is a counsellor, but also scold xuanlao and the iron emperor as garbage?

This made xuanlao and the iron emperor, who had only been watching jokes, look gloomy quickly.